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Closer Analysis

Find all the hidden intel.

Closer Analysis0
Locked 23 Nov 2023
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1. After escaping the bar from the game's start you will soon be at a point that requires you to rappel down on the enemy. Continue on your objective until you make your way to the first set of stairs, make your way up and the Intel is located in the building between the generator and RPG.

2. After taking out the terrorist and his supposed hostage you will soon make your way into a building that is suffering from some scattered fires. Once inside make your way through the first door straight ahead and to your right. The Intel is located on a desk in this room beside the bed.

3. After rappel-running down the hill you will make your way into your first hangar with a plane inside. The Intel is atop the steps to the left of the plane. This is just before the section where you must sprint across an open-field, while crossing your fingers.


1. After escaping with Reznov and Sergei, you enter a building and are to use the slingshot on the roof. Before proceeding to the top, be sure to follow Reznov to the second floor, as the Intel is located to the right of him.

2. As the enemy closes the shutter on you, Sergei steps into to lend his helping hands for you to briefly slide through unscathed. After you've pressed the switch to let Reznov and comrades in, head out, and past the stairs, and you will find the Intel in a darkened room back here on a table.

3. Whilst Reznov blows the dust off his newly found motorcycle, ensure you keep him waiting for just a moment, as the Intel is located just behind on a lower shelf against the left wall. Then by all means afterward proceed to go all T2 Schwarzenegger on the enemy.


1. Whilst impersonating the enemy you will make your way to a building for your first proper attack. The Intel is located on the third floor and is in the center right of the room as you make your way up stairs.

2. You will come to a point where you must plant and detonate C4 on the wall. You have a few moments here to pick up the Intel before having to act on a launched missile – you can also step back inside after taking care of the missile first. Your comrades will tinker away on the computer for a moment, this gives you enough time to enter your newly made door, and straight ahead in the left corner of the room you will find the Intel.

3. You will be at a point where you are in a large looking control room. The way forwards leads to a narrow corridor, the Intel is located on the first door to your right after entering this corridor. This area looks like a smaller command center, and after entering you will spot a portrait of a bald man on the far left wall. The Intel can be tricky to spot, it's in the center front area of the room, which is immediately to your left as you enter.


1. After working your way to the top of the hill you will find a large hammock to the back. The Intel is located in the centre front of the hammock on a crate. It may be a good idea to first take out the tanks before having a quick look. This is just before you follow Woods dropping down into the hole.

2. Shortly after following Woods, after collecting the last Intel, you will see him talking with a soldier behind cover before he moves down to engage the enemy. Follow Woods and Hudson down, taking cover in the centre with them. The Intel is located in a bunker to your left. If you make your way downhill slowly, Woods and Hudson will move down and get into cover for a second time. The bunker is located just below their location to the left. The Intel is located in the second window opening to your right.

3. Whilst pressing forward you will come to an abrupt scene where you must save Woods. Follow him in to the tunnel and you will find the Intel to the far right, just before entering the lightened room with the American flag. After leaving this area you will get on an armed jeep to take out enemies, and more importantly tanks.


1. You will breach a room and be attacked by the enemy. Reznov makes an appearance to save and warn you. After your little meeting head through the door behind Reznov, then make an immediate right into the next small room to pick up the Intel. You'll then make your way outside and across the street to regroup with your comrades.

2. Take the radio off the soldier to call in air support. Clear the path for your Support tank to proceed forward. Follow the tank down providing air support where needed, then as your tank is safe to make its first right turn, instead of following proceed into the building ahead and you will find the Intel on a table in a small room to your right.

3. After planting C4 on the ceiling to blow the floor beneath the enemy, continue on and follow Woods while the chopper picks up the wounded. Whilst defending this area, from Woods' location up stairs make your way back down and to your left. There's a hole blown in the brick wall behind the white car, you will find the Intel in this room on a table. Don't waste time as you will soon have to evac to a boat during a countdown.


1. During the beginning you will be interrogating Dr. Clarke and making some use of nearby windows. As soon as your are able to move, turn around and head to your left behind the fence and you will find the Intel on the desk. After collecting quickly then follow Weaver and Dr. Clarke up the ladder before you inhale Nova 6.

2. Whilst running across the rooftops you will soon come to a moment where you slide down a roof in slow motion. After killing the enemies simply proceed forward as you land and into the shelter ahead of you. The Intel is located behind you and to your left as you enter.

3. After leaping across the rooftop and witnessing Dr. Clarke's demise, proceed to follow the roof around and the Intel will be located behind you as you drop down on to the other side – this is before going down the slide just ahead.


1. Follow the objective into the first building as indicated. Make your way up the stairs and you will find the Intel in the second room on the right wall and on the table just below the map on the wall. You will know if you've missed it or not as when you leave the building after killing all enemies, you will then be notified that you can mark locations for Mortar strikes with your smoke grenades.

2. You'll follow your objective indicator into the barracks where there's a rocket parked. The Intel is located on a table in a room behind the rocket.

3. Whilst on board the ship you will be locked up, and a convenient explosion will set you free. Set the timer on the bomb and shoot the indicated support beam to make your way up top. Once outside push forward and to the far right, do not head up the left stairs yet as the Intel is just below the steps and to the right.


1. After going for a quick swim and planting C4 you will emerge to slice and dice enemies with Woods in the nearby hut. Make your way into the next room, after having killed the sleeping enemies, ignore the third enemy for a moment in the next room, as the Intel is located on the far wall right behind him and yourself.

2. After heading back outside you will be prompted to detonate the C4. Continue on the path straight ahead and all the way down. This is before turning right to your objective to pick-up the Grim Reaper weapon, instead continue forward and into the hut. The Intel is on the floor in the far left corner.

3. After dropping down into the darkened rat tunnel you will soon find Reznov. Continue on your path until you and Reznov have to move crates that are blocking your path. Reznov will then follow you after he takes out an enemy. It's from here then that an enemy will jump out to your left, after a pistol shot or two take this left from where the enemy surprised you from and follow it around, whilst paying close attention to the right side of the path. The Intel is located on the floor to the right as you work your way around. If you come to a wooden door and have not found the Intel, don't open the door, you should collect the Intel before going through this wooden door.


1. As the level starts you will see a chopper straight ahead of you and a glowing flare on the ground. Continue forward towards the dock, though keep your eyes peeled to the left of the dock, as you'll want to pick up the Intel that is located on a crate before stepping foot onto the dock or in in the boat.

2. Once you get off the boat the Intel is located in front. Do not stray too far ahead, it's just 10 feet or so in front as Woods talks to the troops before they push forward. It's just to the right of your path and is quite visible.

3. You will come to a point where you reach a downed plane. Continue up the wing as indicated, following your objective marker, and as soon as you drop down from the wing you should spot the Intel on the ground beside you.


1. You'll be guiding the men from the sky, once you order them into the barracks you will then switch back down to the action on the ground. As you enter the barracks and come down the first steps, the Intel is immediately to your left on a desk.

2. You will have to shoot hinges off the door to proceed onwards. Head up the stairs and after you kick the door open follow the balcony along and head left. The Intel is on a table in through the opened door, there's some conveniently placed stairs just as you make your way back out the room which lead down.

3. After making your way indoors to a facility, you will quickly hear that the place is rigged to blow. Ignore the objective marker momentarily and do not enter the command room where your men are waiting for you. The Intel can be found on the center table - in front of the currently closed hangar doors.


1. After playing a a brief game of Russian roulette, you must chase the Russian. Though we're of course more interested in the Intel. Continue following your objective marker and it will lead you to a large open area where there's a waterfall to the left. The Intel is in this area, but is instead on the right side as you enter, and is on some shelving units against the right wall.

2. You'll make your way outside and down the hill towards the HIND (helicopter). Do not approach the chopper yet, as the Intel is located to the far right of it on a table.

3. After freeing Reznov push forward and follow. Your main target is up ahead behind some bulletproof glass up the stairs. Just in front and to the far left of this building is the Intel item on a crate.


1. At the level's start you will be able to kill a nearby enemy with his own Hatchet. The Intel location is a few feet to your left in the corner as you approach the unsuspecting enemy with the Hatchet.

2. After sliding down the cable to enter the facility, you will gain access through the elevator's roof. Continue following your objective until you reach a larger room that has a small centered and glassed off section. The Intel is in here on the monkey cages in the center.

3. Before making your way through the toxic filled streets in your Hazmat gear, you will soon come upon a building where its upper floor explodes. Your objective marker will point you ahead and inside, as soon as you are nearby the explosion will trigger, simply turn right and head into this other house. The Intel is located near the back right as you enter.


1. While in your dazed, groggy and confused state continue forward through the double doors, and you will spot the number 4 on the wall to your left. Take the left and the Intel is found on top of the cigarette machine down this hallway.

2. You'll come to more numbers with 132 3 on the wall. Take a right once you reach these numbers, head down the darkened hallway and you will find the Intel in the bin against the left wall.

3. There's a number 2 on the wall to the right. The only path available is left, go through the doors and turn left noticing all the small portable televisions. The Intel is next to the typewriter on the desk, just beside the televisions.


1. After escaping your destroyed chopper and leaping aboard the ship, head down to the right side and the Intel is tucked away outside the front left corner of the open storage container (just before you pick the Valkyrie Rockets up to dispose of the two choppers).

2. Once you've made your way inside, work your way down to the lower deck. You will enter a lengthy room. The Intel is behind and under the table that's in front of you just as you enter this room (with red floors).

3. As you work your way through the flooding structure, you should come to a room where you notice a large digital looking map on the wall. Proceed onward from here to your objective, which is up the stairs and through a narrow room. In this narrow room though is the Intel, which is once again tucked away under a table, this is to your right as you enter.
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