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A Vault-like Mind

Open a portable safe.

A Vault-like Mind0
Locked 03 Feb 2019 17 Feb 2019
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Portable Safes need to be examined once picked up, and after you hit the space key you'll get the chance to attempt unlocking it. Each button on the safe needs to be hit so that the lights above activate in an anti clockwise order. Its hard to explain but really easy once you see what I'm talking about. It is essentially trial and error until you manage to open the safe.

EDIT - It seems there is no consistency for the solutions, so there seems to be no way to look up a solution online, you'll have to figure it out for yourself.
fishsticksThe order that the buttons need to be pressed in seem to be completely random, I wrote down the order for both Portable Safes in the game, and they were completely different on the next playthrough.
Posted by fishsticks on 15 Feb 19 at 04:31
fletchthesaintI haven't played the game twice as of yet.
Posted by fletchthesaint on 17 Feb 19 at 22:12
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