Just Cause 3 Review by Kinglink

28 Feb 2018
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Just Cause 3 is probably one of my favorite games I played this year, I've had an amazing time playing it and I'm almost done with the story, and yet still will go finish off capturing the world.

I recommend this game with a huge caveat. IF YOU CAN PLAY IT, you're going to have an absolutely brilliant time.

With that being said, I have an Alienware Alpha and put in 16 gigs of ram, and had no problems. I did have 1 crash, and it lost my save game once (A HUGE problem mind you, as I lost about 12 hours of progress, but got it back in maybe half the time). It has a number of decent size bugs clearly.

However when it works? It works! There's a base, I soften it up with a few strafing runs with a military jet I stole, til my plane gets shot down by SAM attacks. I eject over the base, and parachute in, as my plane "lands" in a huge explosion taking out one of the many critical targets. I continue to work my way through the base, killing soldiers and blowing up stuff, while an attack helicopter arrives to kill me. Sadly I haven't hacked a SAM to be friendly, and the bastard is shooting me often enough that I don't have the time to at the moment. I go to the tried and true method. I use my grappling hook to tie him to the ground and have the ground reel him in. Pulling him out of the air, making him unstable and down he goes, directly into me.

The entire time I'm laughing and having a blast, it's so much fun to just rain hell down on an unsuspecting enemy. The tether gun is a thing of pure magic, you can take any two objects and fling them at each other with a ton of force, this can be two structures, a building and a guard, A guard's head and another guard's butt. Just that one weapon would have made an extremely fun game.

Some of my favorite moments are when I'm reloading, and I'm getting shot up, it's taking too long so I find the shooter and now have two choices, either zipline and kick him in the face, or tether him to the nearest object (bonus points if it's explodable) and send him face first to his death. Waiting for a reload is no longer necessary.

Then there's the wingsuit. I started hating the device, thinking it was impossible to use effectively. Within two hours I was flinging myself across kilometers of land without a second thought. Grapple the ground, pull up, reel into the ground and slingshotting between points faster than almost any other object in the game. The speed, the excitement, the rush. The wingsuit is to movement, what the tether gun is to combat, a redefinition of an idea that every game thinks they mastered.

There are so many moments, and there's a HUGE world to conquer in this game. However, there are a few caveats.

The missions are a mix. Some are absolutely amazing (There's a few where the player is doing stunts worthy of James Bond, or better) And some are "defending a location" missions which are frustrating or dull. The story alongside pretty much every mission isn't just weak. It's bad. I mean half the time I don't know exactly what people are talking about and the other half I just don't care. The third Island has about three to four times the first two area's landmass (Note all islands are accessible at any time, so you can truly free roam from the first moment) But about the same amount of content, so there's just more open area.

However, none of that matters when you're ripping a base to shred with some wire, some guns, and an RPG, grenade launcher or any other weapon of destruction you can find, as enemies flail helplessly against you.

Overall I'd say if you can run it, it's a fantastic game. You're going to have a good time destroying and toppling an enemy regime. But "If you can run it" is sadly a bigger question than it should be. If you have a computer that can handle it though, no question, hands down, this is a great game.
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