agsmith's Blog - Apr to Jun 24 (2 followers)

[RGWA] X-COM: UFO DefensePermalink
Note: This review was written before I standardized the categories (Story, Controls, Graphics, Soundscape) and rating system (0-10 for each category, 0-10 overall) I currently use in reviews. The review was originally written November 25, 2016. This review will be rewritten and expanded at a later date. The rating I would give this game in 2024 is 9/10.
Ah, X-COM. There's a reason many of my family members say they've "lost a spouse to X-COM," or refer to themselves as "X-COM widows."

This is the very first PC game my father ever bought for me, way back in 1994. I had an old IBM PS/2. I was pumped about a real strategy game... and then my uncle took over the computer and played the game for nearly 16 hours a day. He has continued to do so for over 20 years. Thank goodness he moved out before I turned 18, because I rarely got to play until then. I sat for hours on end as a kid, just watching him blast away at aliens, build bases, swear because he'd lost his colonel and do it all over again with the next month. My father insisted that my computer stay with us, even though I had a much newer computer running XP, simply so I could play the game that I'd wanted to play for years.

Okay, enough about my childhood. The turn-based strategy game never had a better realization in the 90s; this was the god among games. I spent years trying to find a way to play this until I learned about Steam; I actually signed up for my Steam account for the sole purpose of buying this game. The price point of $4.99 is actually worth it, and I got lucky by picking up the entire series for a couple of bucks less.

Planning bases, managing research or manufacturing and hunting aliens defines the X-COM experience, and it's done in such a way that I forget that this game has been around since I started kindergarten. This game is a classic for a reason.
Posted by agsmith on 16 May 24 at 01:47 | Last edited on 16 May 24 at 01:55 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
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