1. Beat Saber Walkthrough overview

Hello, and welcome to the walkthrough for Beat Saber. This game is quite popular in VR, and is actually quite fun. This game is also known for people downloading modded maps / levels from the internet. Fortunately, you do not have to do this to complete the game.

This walkthrough is meant to be a roadmap for what you should do to complete the game in the most efficient way. I will also provide tips on how to get better and accomplish this faster!

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This game looks incredibly hard to play if you've seen the videos, but it's actually not that difficult. You should get the grips with it quickly after starting the game.

The achievement list is relatively simple to complete, with one really hard achievement and one long repetitive portion at the end where you play the same level over and over many times. With enough practice and patience, most people should be able to complete this game.

Here is the order we're going to go through the game in order to get all the achievements.

  1. Story Playthrough
  2. Free Play Levels
  3. Journey to 100,000,000 score / 24-hour playtime.
  1. Story Playthrough: This is where the majority of the achievements come from. You don't need to know anything going into this besides how to play as there's nothing missable and all of the achievements will more than likely come from natural play going through the story. If they don't, you will get them guaranteed in the Free Play section. The story levels that make you use one hand are really hard sometimes. I will do my best to explain the pattern but that's really just something that you just have to get used to.
  2. Free Play Levels: You will play through 15 levels on both Hard and Expert. (total of 30) These levels you need to get a full combo on (no mistakes) which will most likely give you an S rank. If it doesn't, I'll explain the scoring system on the next page. You will also have to SS rank an expert level, which is the hardest achievement in the game by far. I'll explain that once we get there.
  3. Journey to 100,000,000 score / 24 hour playtime: The playtime is calculated through time spent in the levels. It will not count the time you spend in the menu. This will come up once the play time in your stat page reaches 24 hours. 100,000,000 score can be obtained the fastest by playing one level over and over, but will still probably take many hours at the end of the game.

I'll tell you more about all of this later.

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