Tormentum - Dark Sorrow Review by Atarun

03 Mar 2017
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Tormentum is a dark point-and-click adventure game taking place in a hellish world inspired by the paintings of H.R. Giger and Zdzislaw Beksinski as well as the atmosphere of Dark Souls and Dark Seed franchises. Every level looks like a painting and the game is peppered not only with the usual puzzles but also with moral choices that will slightly influence the world around the protagonist and be reflected in the ending.


+ Nightmares have never looked so good
+ Interesting moral choices
+ Logical puzzles requiring little back-and-forth
+ Impressive and oppressive atmosphere
+ In-game hints to alleviate some of the puzzles
+ Pixel hunting alleviated by pickable objects shimmering
+ Good varitey of puzzles, none of which last long enough to outstay their welcome


- Replay value hindered by the inability to load back to a previous state
- Very gorey, though gore is artistically rendered
- Bleak from start to finish


Look at the screenshots and if the art style appeals to you in any way, you owe it to yourself to play Tormentum.

If the art style leaves you indifferent, but you really enjoy brain-teasers that are tricky enough to make you feel smart when you solve them, but straightforward enough not to require random tries, try the demo, chances are you will like this game.

You should only stay away from this game if you despise the art style or the bleak atmosphere.
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