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Give Peace a Chance

Playing as India on a Huge map, receive +35 Faith in one turn from the Satyagraha ability

Give Peace a Chance0
Locked 03 Feb 2017 03 Feb 2017
5 0 1
Requires some set up, but generally easy to achieve.

Single player game
Huge map, Pangaea
Online speed
Ancient start
Reasonable difficulty - settler will slow the AI and you want them to get religions decently fast, but I wouldn't go above standard
No barbarians

Pick India.
And then pick India.
And then pick India a whole bunch more. wink

The trick to this achievement is to set every single AI civ to India. This way everyone prioritizes religions and you're fairly guaranteed to never be at war. Just don't antagonize anyone.

The general strategy is to rush for your own religion in the opening (fast holy site, +faith civics), and then build a whole bunch of scouts to find all the other civs. With no barbs, you won't need an army, and playing on a pangaea means you don't have to wait for ocean crossing to find everyone. With all the India AIs, the rest of the religions will be scooped up fairly quick. Assuming you've avoided war (which is easy), the achievement will pop.
Jenova_20I had better luck using the small continents map. It gives the AI opponents less time to generate friction and start wars early in the game (Since they don't have the technology to leave their islands for a long time).
Posted by Jenova_20 on 02 Feb at 11:19
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