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Occult Carver

Craft 10 Bonecharms

Occult Carver0
Locked 14 Nov 2016
0 0 0
To get this achievement you first have to unlock the Craft Bonecharms skill for 1 Rune. After this you have to sacrifice some existing bonecharms to unlock their powers and get raw whalebone. You can then create custom ones with new combinations of the powers.

A new bonecharm requires a minimum of two powers and 3 bones, so you need a bit of a collection before you can really start to create any. However, the achievement is cumulative so you save, create as many as you can, the reload and repeat until you reach 10, when the achievement will unlock. If you make your save prior to buying the power you don't have to waste a rune on this if you don't want to, although with some upgrades you can create some powerful charms to match your play style.
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