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The Great AdVenture!

Unlock the 626th Achievement on Earth

The Great AdVenture!0
2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.
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As of 16 June, 2015 the developers added more content to the game, making the total achievements available in the game increase from 501 to 626.

As of 24 July 2015 the Developer changed this achievement to unlock after unlocking all 626 achievements and added an achievement at the original endgame of the game.

The V3.1* Update released 2nd March 2016 still hasn't fixed the game and most players have completely given up hope of earth ever being possible to complete.

To this day the Maths for Earth is still so broken that it is impossible to earn this as you cannot legitimately progress progress past 4700 Newspapers Without waiting hundreds of thousands of years just to get to 5000 Newspapers for
AdVenture CapitalistTriumph!The Triumph! achievement in AdVenture Capitalist worth 20 pointsUnlock the “Achievement” Everything unlock on Earth (5000) - This is probably quite stupendous.
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To actually complete all achievements on earth you would need to play the game for 1e+17 years (That's 100 million years more than the universe has existed for) or use third party cheats,

This also means you also cannot currently obtain
AdVenture CapitalistAccurate DescriptionThe Accurate Description achievement in AdVenture Capitalist worth 21 pointsPurchase the “Forever And Ever” Earth upgrade - Many Angels died to bring us this acceleration...
Within your lifetime either.

The developers are aware that earth is broken and have acknowledged they will 'eventually' re-balance the game.
ugliThe latest patch addressed this issue.
Posted by ugli on 27 Apr 16 at 21:20
PrettzLActually this issue has still not been resolved.
Posted by PrettzL on 16 May 16 at 18:08
mrbellekI just unlocked this yesterday after the recent update. There's 633 unlocks by now but it still unlocks after you complete the 626th one I think.

Earth, and thereby the game, can now be completed with copious timewarping. Megabucks obtained from the special events help but aren't really required.
Posted by mrbellek on 15 Aug 16 at 09:59
SkayeslayerPatches seem to have fixed this, along with the inclusion of daily bonuses and all the slot rewards.

I was making no progress real progress for a long time, but now It seems to be fine.
I'm not sure when the correction came into effect, but it certainly seems easier now
Posted by Skayeslayer on 19 Mar 17 at 14:16
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