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Gone in 360 seconds!

Complete a full Extreme difficulty Blitz mission and extract in under 6 minutes.

Gone in 360 seconds!-1.0
Locked 06 Mar 2024 06 Mar 2024
0 0 0
- play against bugs on 6 - extreme
- look for a symbol that looks like a claw in crosshairs, it has "Blitz:" in the title
- pick a spawn near the exit
- take regular grenades. I recommend light armor and personal shield for mobility
- split up in two groups / optionally leave one player near the exit area
- search in different directions from the spawn
- only fight if you have to, ignore as much bugs as you can without dying, keep moving
- try to find a big bug nest (~8 holes)
- once you hit the target number (10 - 12 holes) the player nearest the exit immediately calls the drop ship
- everyone rushes to the exit area
- successfully extract

This strongly depends on the map and conditions. It is very hard to do when you can't see the nests on the map, or when stratagem call in time is doubled. We had to finish the mission and look for new "Blitz:" missions a bunch of times until we got a good map with big nest near the exit. We finished in 4 minutes and 39 seconds.

Careful! The achievement only triggers for people that manage to extract! Dead players do not get it.
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