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Have all buffs from meal and drinks active on you at once.

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Locked 15 Jul 2022 15 Jul 2022
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The 1.0 update added five new recipes that give your character various buffs. Those recipes are NOT the usual ones found in the loot crates: instead, you need to buy them at the various trading outposts on the islands, which is easier anyway. Those outposts only spawn on non-story islands, so you need to look for green dots on the receiver map.

Once at one of these trading outposts, you will need to buy the five needed cooking recipes: four are available right away (Catfish Deluxe, Salmon Salad, Redbeet Shot, Spicy Pineberry) provided you have enough Scrap Cubes to trade for them, and the last one (Hearty Stew) can only be bought once you unlock the second tier at the vending machine, which nets you another achievement.

When you have collected the five recipes, you need to cook the dishes using the ingredients mentioned on each one. You just need to pay attention to the ones requiring a juicer instead of the usual cooking pot. Just don't eat or drink anything yet! Since the buffs have a duration, you might have to start all over again if one expires before you have time to cook all the dishes.

As soon as you have all five in your inventory, just use them all: you will have five buffs active at once, unlocking this achievement.
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