Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons Review by vizthex

22 Feb 2022
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A short but sweet narrative about two brothers trying to get some magic tree goo to heal their father of a mystery disease.

There's not much gameplay-wise, but the environments are noice, and the story is quite good.

The devs could go back and update the character models, but other than that this is solid. You can also get every achievement in a single playthrough, if you're into that.

I would say out of all the narrative games I've played, this is up there simply because it has a chapter select (helps with achievements) and it's fairly short.

Although it's good, the $15 price is a bit high imo, so I would say wait 'til it goes on sale for $10 or so. If the devs went back and updated the character models (maybe environments too - but those already look pretty good like I said), I think it would make the $15 fairly fair.

Definitely recommend if you're into narrative games, and even if you aren't - there's no real dialogue, so it requires less focus to get through.

The only real drawback is that you're required to use a controller to play.
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