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Golden Razor

Obtain 99 pennies. Then spend every single one of them.

Golden Razor0
3 guides
Locked 09 May 2021 09 May 2021
0 0 1
quite luck based as you need to somehow get that much money and then still have enough ways to get rid of it. if you're lucky, you can play a slot machine until it blows up and gives you the Dollar Bill, which is an immediate 99 coins. the inverted Hermit card won from the Red Redemption challenge "sells" all items in the room by converting them into coins based on the price they'd sell for in a shop. Ace of Diamonds can turn all pickups and enemies in a room into coins, so you could use that in a large room full of enemies.

Whatever way you get the money, now you have to get it back down to zero. The earlier in the run, the better, since you'll have more shops and such to hit up on the way down. You can spend it on anything, shops, donation machines, beggars, slot machines. personally i went to an arcade and played the shell beggar and slot machine until i got down to 15 cents, then spent the last of it on an item in the shop.

as soon as you hit 0, achievement unlocked
Azrael1211I got it by getting 99 coins and buying restock, after that i just bought everything in the shop until i had 0 coins
Posted by Azrael1211 on 07 Mar 22 at 11:49
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