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El Dorado Campaign Completed

Orellana and his loyal followers faced more than their own fears and superstitions on their navigation of the Amazon. To overcome the adversity that stood in their way, they had to work as a unit and not as individuals. Remember those principles of unity and selflessness on your future campaigns.

El Dorado Campaign Completed0
Ellinas WarriorEllinas Warrior188,560
Locked 03 Oct 2019 05 Oct 2019
0 0 0
There are 4 scenarios in the El Dorado campaign:
1. Tales of La Canela
2. The Split
3. The Amazones
4. The Cannibals

Win every scenario of the campaign using the cheat code “i r winner”. Then, to trigger the achievement, win any scenario of any campaign without using cheat codes. The quickest scenario is the 1st scenario of the William Wallace Learning Campaign: Marching and Fighting.
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