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We Are The Champions

Win a regular game with a Religious victory with your dominant religion being Zoroastrianism and at the time of victory you are the Suzerain of Zanzibar

We Are The Champions0
Locked 22 Aug 2019
1 0 0
- Create a Hot Seat game
- Set map size to huge Pangea, start era to Medieval, and max city states
- Set players as yourself and one Human Opponent and start game.
- As player one you want to settle one city and build a holy site. Select the wildcard policy to +2 Great Prophet points.
- As player two you want to settle one city and build a 8-10 scouts; send them out to search for Zanzibar
- (You can also scout for Zanzibar with player one)
- When Zanzibar is found, make player one suzerain by sending 6 envoys.
- When great prophet is created, found the Zoroastrianism religion.
- Create a missionary and send them to player two's city.
- Use the missionary a few times to convert the city population.
- Achievement unlocked!
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