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Dead Heat

Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 control point captures.

Dead Heat0
Locked 19 May 2018
0 1 0
Requires a Dummy Account(s) or Bot(s)

Open the command console: ESC > Gear Icon > Under the keyboard tab select Advanced > Check off Enable Developer Console

Press the ` button to open the console and type:

map cp_foundry; hostname "boost"; sv_lan 0; sv_cheats 0;

Put yourself On the Red Team. Use any of the following Commands as needed. They must be used as shown. Don't input the []:

sv_gravity [Enter number here, 800 is default]; - Changes the gravity
mp_idlemaxtime 0; - Turns off Idle players idle time limit
mp_idledealmethod 0; - Stops players from being kicked from game
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0; - This Lets you stack one team
sv_cheats 1; noclip; sv_cheats 0; - Allows you to go through walls and kill bots in their spawn
sv_cheats 1; nav_gen; sv_cheats 0; - Generates Bot movements. Must kick bots and add
them if you run this command for it to take affect.
tf_bot_force_class [Enter Class here] - Will force the next bot to spawn as that class
tf_bot_add [Enter number of bots] [Enter Team Red\Blue]
tf_bot_melee_only [Enter 1 to turn on, 0 to turn off]

tf_bot_kick [Enter bot name in "" or all to boot all of them]

This is a Foundry Pack Achievement

Add a bot or dummy account to the blue team. Basically just let the blue team cap a point and take it back and repeat until a total of 15 captures have been made in the round. Do not under any circumstances capture the final points until this pops.
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