missiloon's Blog (4 followers)

Update Augustus 2018Permalink
In my last blog post I told that achievement hunting felt like a chore, at least that is the blog in short. It was my own doing because I want a total of 400 completed games on TSA at the end of this year. It's going better with that goal but also the feelings around it. The last few days my goal page says it's enough to beat 0.3 games a day, this gives a lot of air to breath. It means I can play good games and have once in a while a day where I beat the short and mostly stupid games.

I've been thinking about this blog the last few days and decided that I would like to let you know the amazing games I've completed in the time between posts. This is becoming more and more my focus, started also as a curator on steam which links to my blog where I give in-depth reviews about the achievements in games that are worth your time. Here are a few of those games which are definitely worth your time in my opinion. I'll list them ranked from worst to best, but they are all great games!

Human: Fall Flat
I played this during an event of the 100% group on steam, I had so much fun with others and it was nice to finish the game with them. I highly suggest to play this together with somebody else of a group.

Mad Age & This Guy
This is like a puzzle variant of bomberman. I liked the game a lot and had so much fun completing it. Just a tip, complete the levels completely including all the items before moving on. There is no way to see in which levels you missed something.

I played this game mostly on a server and that was a good thing. I had a lot of fun with the other players while fighting pirates. This game started a bit slow, but got so much better. Completed it a few days ago but thinking about it still because the game was so much fun. Not sure if I would like the game so much if it wasn't on a server with other players.

This game is highly praised and with a good reason. I played it together with my best friend and there has been a moment I almost did piss in my pants because of a laugh-attack. Looking forward to play Overcooked 2 together with my best friend.

House Flipper
As a child I enjoyed it to make drawings of houses. I though I would want to be a House Stylist when I grew up, that didn't happen, but this game reminded me of the joy I had as kid with making those drawings. I highly recommend this game to people who don't mind having a to-do list in their game and/or don't mind doing some chores to make the house perfect again.

Serial Cleaner
I was expecting a good game when I started this, but it surpassed those expectations by a lot! Cleaning was a theme in my games this summer it seems :P This time it is cleaning murder Scenes without getting caught by the police. The music was good and the game play even better. Very good thing that when you get caught you are very quickly back into the game to try it again.

I'll still make some list with games I'm currently playing, completed in between blogs and which games I'm looking forward to to play. I want to thank Daruk for that idea. If there are games in my "want to play soon" list that you think are worth my attention, please feel free to comment and who knows if it goes higher on the list in my head.

Games I'm working on or planning to work on soon:
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Games I finished since last update:
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Games I would like to start soon:
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Telltale Games:
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Artifex Mundi Games:
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Posted by missiloon on 19 August 18 at 12:18 | Last edited on 19 August 18 at 12:18

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