Lornarghh's Blog (2 followers)

Update #2Permalink
You might see a theme for the games I completed in March. I was in a big Pixel Puzzles mood and I decided to play through all the ones I had in my library.

cn_downright Girls Like Robots – 9/9 – A cute and charming puzzle game where girls like robots, nerds like robots and girls, girls hate nerds but are ok with nerds if seated next to pie.

This is an easy game to 100% and the only achievement that takes a little time to unlock is Nerd Dropped as it’s a mini game with very unresponsive controls. The best way to unlock it is by going afk and leaving it to auto level for a few hours.

cn_downright Pixel Puzzles: Japan – 26/26 – A simple jigsaw puzzle game with nice relaxing music.

cn_downright Pixel Puzzles 2: Space – 55/55 – Another jigsaw puzzle game but this one had a mini game where you had to build and launch a spaceship every level.

cn_downright Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ – 32/34 [94%] – Another jigsaw puzzle game but this one isn’t fun or pretty unless you like zombies. Thankfully it also has a no zombie mode so you can focus on the jigsaw without worrying about zombie hordes.

Sadly the only thing stopping me from getting 100% is another mini game where you have to kill 5000 zombies for 1hr 40mins without any pauses or breaks while constantly spamming grenades… I attempted it but my hand started to cramp after 30 minutes and I lost concentration and died.

cn_downright Pixel Puzzles 2: RADical ROACH – 26/26 – Another jigsaw puzzle game but this one is the worst I’ve played. The backgrounds are dark, the puzzles are ugly shades of brown and this made it more difficult than it needed to be. The only thing I liked was the music.

cn_downright Tokyo Hosto – N/A – I’m so embarrassed to have this in my library let alone admit I spent 25 minutes playing it. It’s a terrible visual novel with no achievements and I would never recommend it to anyone. It’s super cringy with terrible jokes and I felt really uncomfortable playing it.

cn_downright OIK 2 – 365/365 – I actually found this easier than the first. The puzzles are simple enough with only one or two requiring a bit of thought.
Posted by Lornarghh on 04 April 17 at 13:59

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