daysocks' Blog (3 followers)

Update 21/11/16Permalink
Decided to take a new tack with my blog post this week. The 'Games To Be Played More' section was taking a lot of time to update, so I've scrapped it for now! I can always change it back if I change my mind laugh

Quiet week this week, but I did play the wonderful Razortron 2000, an 80s-inspired Spy Hunter-esque endless runner. It's lovely, and it's less than £1/$1 so get it get it get it!

Overall Progress
Goal 1: 25% by 21 December 2018 - Current: 23.5% (-0.02%) - Time: 22.51% (+0.82%)
Goal 2: Beat oldschooler85's score - Current: 65,593/90,950 - 57.1% (--)
Goal 3: 717 Games Played by 31 December 2018 - Current: 479 (+3) - Time: 4.7% (+0.99%)

38 day Achievement Streak (--)
620 Achievement Streak (--)
4,451 Achievements Won (+16)
65,593 TrueSteamAchievement Score (+189)
23.5% Completion Percentage (-0.02%)
1.4747 Ratio (--) Highest 1.5821
79 Completed Games (--)
17 Completed DLCs (--)
473 Played Games (+3)
1030 Unplayed Games (+3) (2 played but not picked up by scanners)

Completed Games/DLC

Games Worked On
Best in Show Solitaire 20% 6/30
Razortron 2000 67% 6/9
Regency Solitaire 47% 8/17
Virtual Rogue 2% 1/41

Completed Previously
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No More Progress Available Due to Unobtainable Achievements
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Posted by daysocks on 21 November 16 at 01:41

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