Game action
Steel Echoes

Steel Echoes Achievements

Here is the full list of all 6 Steel Echoes achievements.

  • Out of gas...

    Running on Empty: Achieve the extraordinary feat of stalling out your trusty vehicle due to a complete lack of fuel. In a world filled with gas stations, you've managed to find the one stretch of road where none exist. Embrace the tranquility of roadside contemplation as you bask in the glory of a fuel gauge hitting rock bottom.

  • Kindness Current

    Kindness Current: Become a beacon of support by unlocking the 'Kindness Current' achievement. You've not only handed over batteries but sparked a flame of resilience in a child's life. By providing the energy they need to power through, you've shown that kindness can be a supercharged force, bringing light to the darkest moments. Your act of generosity is a testament to the profound impact a simple gesture can have on a young soul.

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  • My genius is frightening

    My Genius is Frightening: Master the art of electrical wizardry and earn the 'My genius is frightening' achievement. By fearlessly conquering an intricate electrical breaker puzzle, you've demonstrated a mind so sharp it could cut through live wires. Your prowess in unraveling the intricacies of circuits and switches leaves others in awe – a true sorcerer of sparks and switches, with a genius that's nothing short of electrifying.

  • Déjà Vu

    Déjà Vu: Become the master of the loop and unlock the 'Déjà Vu' achievement. Running through the same corridor multiple times might seem like a glitch, but for you, it's a deliberate act of skill. Whether it's navigating a maze or just enjoying the scenery, your ability to loop seamlessly through familiar paths sets you apart. Embrace the déjà vu and turn repetition into a remarkable achievement as you leave your mark on the corridor of echoes.

  • Got places to be

    Got Places to Be: Zoom through the game with the precision of a seasoned navigator and earn the 'Got places to be' achievement. Clocking in at under 2 minutes, your speedy traversal showcases an unmatched urgency and efficiency. You're not just playing the game; you're on a lightning-fast expedition, leaving others in awe of your accelerated journey through challenges and triumphs. Got places to be? You've already been there and back in record time!

  • Déjà Vu 100

    Have I been here before?

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