Game action
Broken Armor

Broken Armor Achievements

Here is the full list of all 22 Broken Armor achievements.

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  • Tis but a flesh wound.

    You have defeated the giant black knight in the deepest recesses of the Earth.

  • World Runner

    You have braved the gauntlet and found the holy grail.

  • 10K Points

    You scored 10,000 points in a single game.

  • 100K Points

    You scored 100,000 points in a single game.

  • 250K Points

    You scored 250,000 points in a single game.

  • 100 Coins

    You were carrying at least 100 coins.

  • 500 Coins

    You were carrying at least 500 coins.

  • 1000 Coins

    You were carrying at least 1000 coins.

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