8. Broken Age Speedrun Walkthrough

At this point, the only achievement that you should need is the one for completing the game in under an hour (and the one for unlocking all of the others, of course). For this one, you will need to start a brand new save and complete Act 1, Act 2 and the Finale in less than 60 minutes. Here are a few tips to bear in mind before you start your run.

1) The 60 minutes only includes the time while you are playing the game. Loading times and paused gameplay don't count. If you're stuck on a puzzle or can't remember where you need to go next, pause the game to read the walkthrough because you won't be penalised for this.

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2) Make frequent manual saves, particularly before puzzles that require skill and timing to get them right. If you make a mistake and take too much time on a puzzle, such as the crane game, reload the save file and try again. You can reload saves and replay sections as many times as you like to get a good run before you move on.

3) Don't click on any items that are not mentioned in the steps below. These just add unnecessary time and interactions to your playthrough. Similarly, don't select any unnecessary conversation options for the same reason. While the 60-minute run is definitely possible, the time limit isn't generous enough to allow for a lot of extra steps.

4) Skip dialogue and cutscenes. If you listen and watch everything that goes on, there's no way that your save will clock in at under 60 minutes. There are some cutscenes and conversations that can't be skipped -- I'll mention these as we go on.

5) When travelling from location to location, be sure to double click on the transition arrows. This means that you don't have to watch the characters walking/running across the screen and it saves a lot of time.

As a guideline, these are the ideal times for getting through each section. Create a manual save at the start of each section and turn off autosaves so that if you ever exceed the time limits for any of these sections, this will allow you to replay them without losing any of your progress in earlier sections.

Act 1 Shay: 8-12 minutes

Act 1 Vella: 9-13 minutes

Act 2 Shay: 9-13 minutes

Act 2 Vella: 12-15 minutes

Finale: 4-5 minutes

TOTAL: 42-58 minutes

The guide below is a simple itemised list of the actions that you need to complete to get through the game. I won't be using too much detail as this should be your second playthrough. If this is your first playthrough, I really recommend that you first use the walkthrough that starts on page three.


  • Click on the orb with Shay's Dad in it. When Shay's Mom has appeared, click on Shay's blanket to trigger a cutscene.
  • Accept the Choco Rockets (bottom conversation option).
  • Pick up the Spoon and use it on the cereal bowl to see another cutscene.
  • Choose the "Better suit up and investigate that foreign body" conversation option.
  • Walk over to the right side of the screen to see the foreign object. Click on the Plant to receive a Parcel.
  • Shay will return to the Bridge where he must pick another mission. Choose "We have to defend the Friendship Circle!"
  • Click on the Creature to see another cutscene.
  • Once back on the Bridge, choose "Let's catch that runaway train!"
  • Click on the Sleeping Bridge Man to create a bridge across the canyon. Once the Knitted Creature has let go of the track and the train is rolling down the mountain, quickly click on the Sleeping Bridge Man again to withdraw the bridge. During the following cutscene, Shay will receive the Screwdriver.
  • Click on the blanket. While in Shay's Room, pick up the Tank of Compressed Air and unwrap the Parcel to receive Grabbin' Gary. Unscrew the Vent and take out the Inflatable Doll that is inside.
  • Combine the Compressed Air and Inflatable Doll. Place the Inflated Doll on Shay's Bed and then exit through the Vent. In the following cutscene, you'll receive a Star Chart.
  • Go through the Vent into the Space Weaver's Room. Give the Star Chart to the Space Weaver. As soon as you regain control of Shay, whilst the Space Weaver is preparing to transport the ship, return through the vent into Marek's Hub. You don't need to watch the Space Weaver transport the ship and this saves valuable seconds.
  • Talk to Marek and carry out the first rescue mission. In the following cutscene, Shay will receive a second Star Chart.
  • Go through the vent into the Space Weaver's Room and give the new Star Chart to the Space Weaver. Again, as soon as you regain control of Shay whilst the Space Weaver is preparing to transport the ship, return through the vent into Marek's Hub.
  • Complete the second rescue mission.
  • Leave Shay's Room through the Vent and talk to Marek. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "How are we going to get control of the ship's cargo boom arms?"
    • "How are we going to take down the shields?" (you'll receive the Omicron Inhibitor).
    • "The distress call was from Prima Doom? How do we get there?" (you'll receive another Star Chart).
    • End the conversation by choosing "I'd better get back to the mission."
  • Go through Marek's Hideout into the Trophy Room. Grab the Hazard Suit Helmet.
  • Take the Red Teleporter up to the Teleporter Hub. Go through the Fake Control Room and take the door into the Left Corridor.
  • Enter the Kitchen. Grab the Knife in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • Return to the Fake Control Room and pass through the right door into the Right Corridor.
  • Go through the door with the Icecream Mountain on it. Grab the Whipped Cream Gun in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Go through the door with the smiling face. Talk to the knitted creature:
    • "Hey, maybe I can fix your back" (you'll receive the Crochet Hook).
    • Back out of the conversation.
  • Return to the Corridor and exit right into the Hallway.
  • Go through the door on the right with the Moon on it. Pass through the room and exit through the Airlock.
  • Use the Compressed Air, Whipped Cream Gun and Knife on Shay. Move upwards to trigger a short cutscene.
  • Head over the antenna before moving to the left of the screen to the Hatch. Use the Knife and Grabbin' Gary on the Hatch.
  • Return to the Hallway. Take the Blue Teleporter up to the Teleporter Hub. Take the Yellow Teleporter down and head through the door on the left into the Core Control Room.
  • Put on the Hazard Suit Helmet and head through the blue shield into the Core Room. Place the Omicron Inhibitor onto the Fusion Orb.
  • Return to the Teleporter Hub, exit to the Fake Control Room pass through the door into the Space Weaver's Room. Give the Prima Doom Space Chart to the Space Weaver.
  • Choose Cozy Cluster. As the Space Weaver initiates his protocols, climb down the ladder and use the Crochet Hook on the Tapestry.

Shay Act 1

  • Return through the vent into Marek's Hub. Talk to Marek to begin the third rescue mission and get the final set of cutscenes for Shay's part.


  • Click on Vella to wake her up. Click on Rocky to get a cutscene. Once the cutscene is over, click on Vella's House.
  • Click anywhere in the darkness to trigger the next cutscene. Pick up the Towel. Then pick up a Cupcake from the plate underneath the Towel.
  • Give the Cupcake to Grandpa Beastender. He asks if you want to share the cake so ask "Split it with you?"
  • Pick up the Knife that Grandpa Beastender has just thrown onto the counter. Give the Knife to Mom to trigger another cutscene.
  • Talk to the girl in the green Delish dress to get a cutscene.
  • Talk to the girl in the yellow Fun Size dress. Choose "Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK! Bye!".
  • Talk to the girl in the purple Drink Me dress. Choose "Well, good luck!"
  • Talk to the girl in the red Hot Stuff dress. You'll then get another cutscene.
  • Talk to the girl in the purple Drink Me dress again. Choose "Hey, can I have a drink of that water?" During the cutscene, Vella will receive the Corset.
  • Talk to the girl in the purple Drink Me dress for a third time. Choose "Can I borrow that bottle one more time?" You'll receive the Water.
  • Give the Water to the girl in the yellow Fun Size dress. Then give her the Towel.
  • When the bird re-appears, use the Corset on it. Then use the Knife on Vella's dress to get the next cutscene.
  • Climb down the ladder to the Maidens Feast Area and talk to Twyla. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "I really like your outfit"
    • "Did you say something about shoes?" (you'll receive the Cloud Shoes).
    • Choose "Well, I'll leave you alone." to end the conversation.
  • Use the Cloud Shoes on Vella. Climb back up the ladder to the Central Area of Meriloft then take the path to the Nesting Grounds.
  • Talk to M'ggie. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "What are you doing, exactly?"
    • "How do you get to the eggs in the high nests?"
    • "Hey, can I borrow your ladder?" (you'll receive the Ladder).
    • Back out of the conversation.
  • Walk past M'ggie and use the Ladder on the high nest to the right. Grab the Knife that is sitting in the nest.
  • Head back to the Central Area. Talk to C'rol. Choose "Well, I'll let you get back to your work..."
  • Give the Knife to C'rol. She'll give Vella a pair of Large Cloud Shoes. Use the Large Cloud Shoes on the Ladder.
  • Go through the Nesting Grounds to the Rear Nesting Grounds. Use the Ladder on the nest with the gold egg. Once Vella has scared away the bird, pick up the Gold Egg.
  • Return to the Central Area. Use the Ladder on Jessie's Nest and then head over to the Giant Fruit Tree.
  • Fall through the hole in the cloud that is above the path to the right of the tree. You'll get another cutscene.
  • Shake the tree branch, then fall through the cloud by the tree trunk. Walk along the left branch and pick up the Peach.
  • Walk along the right branch and pick up Jessie's Egg.
  • Enter the hole in the tree's trunk and climb back up to the cloud. Head back to the Central Area.
  • Give Jessie's Egg back to Jessie. Pick up the Gold Egg that Jessie has now cast aside.
  • Walk over to the Offering Area. Place a Gold Egg into one of the offering baskets before climbing up the ladder. Talk to Brother Lightbeard and choose the following conversation options:
    • "Hi!"
    • "Can you help me kill Mog Chothra?"
    • "Hey, are you done with that golden egg?"
    • "Who are you?"
    • "Thanks for the help! See you later!"
  • Pick up the Gold Egg that Brother Lightbeard dropped. Place the two Gold Eggs into the remaining two offering baskets and then climb up the ladder to get a cutscene.
  • In Curtis' House, inspect the stained glass window and catch the Stained Glass that falls out of it.
  • Walk down the stairs. Take the Axe from the wall by the door. Inspect the Art above the fireplace and then talk to Curtis. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "What's the matter with you?"
    • "Hey, about this art."
    • "What is it?"
    • "Where'd you get it?"
    • "I like how it matches your decor."
    • "Catch ya later, Curtis."
  • Take the Art off the wall. Exit the house through the door on the right and walk through the Woods to Shellmound.
  • Pick up the Driftwood from the beach. Talk to the Mayor and choose the following conversation options:
    • "Because you look like a Mayor!"
    • "Hey, about your bucket hat..."
    • "It looks great on you! Very fancy!" (you'll receive the Bucket)
    • "Better let you get back to the Feast!"
  • Return to Curtis' House and give the Driftwood to Curtis. He'll create a Stool out of the wood, which he will then gift to Vella. Exit his house and go back through the Woods to the Talking Tree.
  • Use the Axe on the Talking Tree. Back out of the conversation. Hang the Bucket on the branch that is supposed to be his nose. Then show the Stool to the tree. This gives Vella a Bucket of Sap.
  • Head back into Shellmound. Give the Bucket of Sap to the Mayor.
  • Walk to the right past the Maidens, head up the steps and talk to the Dead Eye God's Bodyguards. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "Hey, can I get you guys something?"
    • "Some more holy tear gas?" (you'll get the Tear Gas Gun).
    • "Can I go inside?"
    • "Because you guys are guarding it. So it must be cool."
    • Back out of the conversation.
  • Show the Peach to the Bodyguards. Enter the cave.
  • Use the Art on the art-shaped hole to the right of the cave. After the cutscene, back out of the conversation.
  • Look at the multi-coloured amplifying quartz so that it smashes on the floor. Grab the Laser Coil and put it into the other slot. Put the Stained Glass into the now empty slot. During the cutscene, Vella will get the Detonator for the Death Ray and head back into Shellmound.
  • Fill the Tear Gas Gun with Chum and spray the maidens with it. Grab the Perfume bottle and use it on Vella.
  • Talk to the Mayor again and tell him "I need to enter the Maidens Feast!" You'll get a cutscene.
  • Use the Detonator on Mog Chothra to burn them off three of his four legs.
  • Use the Ladder on his mouth to force it open. When he drops Vella, use the Detonator again and aim at his mouth.
  • You'll get a couple of cutscenes immediately following the battle with Mog Chothra that can be skipped. However, the cutscene that begins when Vella wakes up on the beach is *NOT SKIPPABLE*, so you'll have to watch this one. You'll regain control when you are asked to pick a character again. Pick Shay.
  • If you are creating a manual save for the start of each part of the act, do not make a save file until after you have spoken to Shay's Dad. Otherwise you will have to watch the last cutscene again and it will add 2 minutes to your time.


  • Once you have control of Shay, click twice on Shay's Dad to skip the cutscene. Over the next four conversation prompts, pick any of the conversation options to get a cutscene. Head left to leave the crash site.
  • In Shellmound, pick up the Broken Hexipal. Walk up the steps and enter Alex's Ship.
  • After the cutscene, exhaust all of the conversation options with Alex. You'll get the Hypercam Schematic.
  • Walk back through Shellmound and across the bridge. Walk past the Talking Tree to reach the Woods outside Curtis' House.
  • Go all the way to the left of the screen to be attacked by the snake. *DO NOT SKIP THE CUTSCENE*. Once the Snake has exhausted itself, pick it up.
  • Click on the mailbox that is outside Curtis' House. You'll take a Flyer out of the mailbox.
  • Head into Curtis' House. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "Space"
    • "What are you making there?"
    • "What are you forging?"
    • "What is it?"
    • Back out of the conversation.
  • Go up the ladder to the Offering Area. Talk to F'ther to get a cutscene.
  • Climb the ladder up to Lightbeard's cloud. While on the ladder, talk to F'ther again. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "Can you untie that bow on Harm'ny's cloud?"
    • "Because it's in the way of us saving him!" *DO NOT SKIP THIS CONVERSATION OPTION* F'ther will describe the knot and you need to make a note of the knot's image. As soon as you see the knot's image, you can skip the rest of the conversation option.
    • "Hm, sounds bad. I'd better go find a knot expert for advice."
  • Go past F'ther into the Central Area and head out to the Nesting Grounds. Talk to Rocky and M'ggie. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "I want a cupcake!"
    • "How about a trade? I could give you something."
    • "Well, bye! Good luck with the bake sale!"
  • Walk out to the Rear Nesting Grounds and talk to Grandpa Beastender and Ch't. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "Do you guys know any place here to get some money?" (you'll get the Coin).
    • Back out of the conversation.
  • Return to the Nesting Grounds and give the Coin to Rocky and M'ggie to pay for a Cupcake.
  • Return to the Central Area. Use the Cupcake on Vella's Dad and Walt'r. Walt'r will lick off the frosting.
  • Go back to the Rear Nesting Grounds. Use the Cupcake on Grandpa Beastender, who will frost it before giving Shay his Cane for refilling.
  • Return to the Central Area and head out to the Giant Fruit Tree. Fall down the Tree's trunk. Walk along the left branch and pick up a Peach.
  • Talk to Gus. Choose the following conversation options:
    • "What's that thing you're sticking in the fruit?"
    • "Hey, can I borrow that little fruit tapper?"
    • "I'll let you get back to your juice."
  • Climb back up the tree trunk. Talk to the Dead Eye God's Bodyguards and choose the following conversation options:
    • "If you give me back those robes, I promise Alex won't press charges."
    • "I'll fight you for those robes, no problem. I need them to help my mom."
    • "I'll be back."
  • Use the Cane on the Dead Eye God's Bodyguards. Pick up the Robes that they have dropped and leave this area.
  • Return to Jessie's nest. Use the Fruit Tapper on Jessie's Egg. Pick up the Eggshells from the bottom of Jessie's nest.
  • Climb down the ladder to the Maidens Feast Area. Talk to Twyla and Vella's Mom and choose the following conversation options:
    • "What were you guys talking about when I walked up?"
    • "Maybe he tried to get you, but something came up."
    • "Swinging!"
    • "Well, at least your costume is cool."
    • "Do you think you could make me a costume?"
  • Give the Robes and the Baby Radiation Suit to Twyla. She'll give you the Radiation Suit.
  • Return to Shellmound. Talk to C'rol and choose the following conversation options:
    • "You seem good with your hands. Know anything about KNOTS?"
    • You now need to choose which of the four replies looks most like your knot. The knot images are here
  • Use the Snake on the Mayor, who will cough up a Flute. Give the Schematic to him and tell him that "I think sand is the perfect material for making spaceship parts!" He will give Shay the Hypercam Sand Model.
  • Talk to Shay's Dad. Choose "What's cookin'?" before backing out of the conversation.
  • Use the Spoon on the Chum to find out its pH reading. *DO NOT SKIP THE CUTSCENE UNTIL YOU KNOW THE PH LEVEL OF THE CHUM* Add the Eggshell and the Peach to the Chum as many times as necessary to change the Chum's pH reading to 7.
  • Use the Spoon on the Chum again to check that its pH reading is 7. During the following cutscene, you'll be taken back to Alex's Ship.
  • Give Alex the Radiation Suit. Talk to him and choose these conversation options:
    • "Can I borrow your space pencil?" (you'll receive the Pencil)
    • "Okay, see you later!"
  • Return to Shellmound. Give the Pencil to C'rol. She will draw a Knot Diagram for you.
  • Head back to the Talking Tree. Put the Hypercam Sand Model on the barf spot in front of the tree. Show the Flyer to the tree. He will barf over the Hypercam Sand Model so that you are left with the Hypercam Mold.
  • Go to Curtis' House and give the Hypercam Mold to Curtis, who will create a Superconductive Gyroscopic Hypercam.
  • Return to the Offering Area. Climb the ladder to Lightbeard's cloud. While on the ladder, talk to F'ther again:
    • "Let's give that knot another try, okay?"
    • You will then see your Knot Diagram with three pictures. You need to describe these pictures in order to untie the knot. The knot images are here
  • During the following cutscene, F'ther helps you to deliver the Hypergravity Thruster back to Alex's Ship. Give him the Superconductive Gyroscopic Hypercam too.
  • Return to the Talking Tree. Choose these options:
    • "Don't worry. I've seen much weirder stuff than talking trees where I'm from."
    • "I understand why you're so mad."
    • "That fish up there in your branches... can I have it?"
    • "Oh come on. You don't need that fish."
    • "Hey, want to hear a joke?"
    • You then need to tell the tree one of three jokes.
  • Pick up the Talking Fish and return to Shellmound.
  • Give the Talking Fish and the Crochet Hook to C'rol. Choose "But please promise to leave SOME fish in the ocean for future generations." and you will receive the Wire.
  • Combine the Wire with the Broken Hexipal. Head back to Alex's Ship.
  • *MAKE A MANUAL SAVE*. Wire up the Hexipal and put it into the Charging Dock so that you can see what symbol is represented by each terminal.
  • Reload your save file. Rewire the Hexipal so that it matches the wiring in Shay's family photograph and then place it into the Charging Dock. If you get it wrong, reload the save again.

Shay Act 2

  • Give the Hexipal to Alex.
  • Press I and switch to Vella.


  • Click anywhere around Vella to wake her up. Talk to the Knife and exhaust all conversation options. After this, the Knife will be added to Vella's inventory.
  • Exit to the right. Grab the Helmet from the fissure in the wall. Use the Knife on the pipe that is dangling from the top doorway to get a short piece of Hose. Use the Hose to connect two of the steaming pipes so that the middle hexagonal section of the wall is extended.
  • Climb up the dangling pipe and use the Knife at the top of the pipe. Vella will now be left with a longer section of Hose. Use this new section of Hose to connect one of the pipes on the left to one of the pipes on the right to get a cutscene.
  • Use the Helmet to lure the Grabbing Hand towards Vella. Use the Grabbing Hand to grab the Boot that is floating to Vella's right. Use the Hand + Boot to attract Vella towards the robotic hand. Once she is attached to the hand, push off towards the open airlock.
  • Walk left through the Escape Corridor, through the Hallway and through the Right Corridor until you reach an obstacle. Move the obstacle out of the way.
  • Continue along the corridor into the Fake Control Room. Walk around the fake controls and into the Left Corridor. Enter Shay's Room and go through the Vent into Marek's Hub. Choose these conversation options:
    • "Can we stop this ship?"
    • "Can you open any of the locked doors on the ship?"
    • Back out of the conversation.
  • Head left through Marek's Hideout and through the vent into the Trophy Room. Enter the Teleporter on the left and travel to the Teleporter Room.
  • Head left out of the Teleporter Room into the Fake Control Room. Return to the Hallway and take the blue teleporter back to the Teleporter Room. Head left to enter the Fake Control Room again and make your way back to the Left Corridor.
  • Click on the door to the real Control Room to talk to Shay's Mom. Exhaust all of the conversation options until you get to:
    • "It's me. Shay."
    • "Mister..."
    • "Huggy."
    • "Please, can we not do this?" This conversation option is *NOT SKIPPABLE*
    • "Purple."
    • "Size 4..."
    • "Polka-dot."
  • In the following cutscene, you'll enter the Control Room and talk to Shay's Mom again. Exhaust all of the conversation options.
  • Pick up the Fork from the salad. Use the Central Control Sphere.
  • Scroll into Shay's Room. Click on the arm to remove the debris from the bed and move inflatable Shay into the Kitchen.
  • Scroll into the Left Corridor. Unlock the Kitchen door.
  • Scroll into the Fake Control Room. Unlock the door to the Space Weaver's Room.
  • Scroll into the Right Corridor. Unlock the door into the Avalanche Mission Room.
  • Scroll into the Hallway. Unlock the door to the Runaway Train Mission Room. Now lure the Hexigal back to the Control Room door.
  • After the Hexigal suffers its accident, scroll into the Kitchen. Click on the sad face until the display reads Taco Pill Tuesday. Click on the arm icon to pluck the Hexigal back into the Kitchen.
  • Click on the lightning symbol by Vella's face to lure the Hexipal into the corridor again. Click on the display until it reads Good Morning! Use the arm icon to lower the arm and get a cutscene. Click on the arm to lower it again and pause it at its lowest point.
  • Scroll back into the Left Corridor. Lure the Hexipal over to the Control Room door to get several cutscenes.
  • Leave the Central Control Sphere and enter the Kitchen. Pick up Inflatable Shay.
  • Go through the Fake Control Room and into the Right Corridor. Enter the Avalanche Room.
  • Use the Cloud Shoes on Vella, then use the Helmet on the Icecream Dump Truck to get the Bowl of Icecream. Fill Inflatable Shay using the Whipped Cream Gun.
  • Go back into the Right Corridor. After you pass it by, move the Obstacle so that it is blocking the Corridor again.
  • Enter the Hallway and then the Runaway Train Room. Show Inflatable Shay to the Knitted Creatures. Once you have rescued the Knitted Creatures, let them perform the Wave. You will be left with a pile of Yarn. Combine the Yarn with the Fork to make a Spool.
  • Take the Blue Teleporter to the Teleporter Hub. Take the Yellow Teleporter and walk through to the Core Room. Use the Bowl of Icecream on the Fusion Orb to create the Bomb.
  • Return to the Kitchen through the Teleporter Hub, Fake Control Room and Left Corridor. Rattle the box of cereal that is hanging from the Robotic Arm to get a cutscene.
  • Follow the Hexipal into the Fake Control Room, but then head into the Teleporter Room. Take the Blue Teleporter.
  • Quickly use the Trash Chute to stop the Hexipal from closing it. It will throw a box of Cereal at you. Put the Bomb into the Trash Chute.
  • Take the Blue Teleporter again. Take the Red Teleporter down to the Trophy Room. Go through the vent into Marek's Hideout. Inspect the Electrical Panel to the right of the door. You can now talk to the Maidens through the door:
    • "I'm going to get you out of there!"
    • "Hey, I've got some cereal here. Do you want some?"
  • Give some of the Cereal to the maidens. As they are trying to hook the cereal under the door, grab the Hook from them. Click on the panel at the side of the door again to set off an alarm.
  • Go back to Shay's Room via the Trophy Room, Teleporter Hub, Fake Control Room and Left Corridor. Crawl through the vent into Marek's Hub. Use Marek's Terminal so that the door is locked. Pick up the Star Chart.
  • Return to the Fake Control Room and enter the Space Weaver's Room. Give the Spool and the Star Chart to the Space Weaver.
  • As the Space Weaver prepares to transport the Ship, climb down the ladder so that you can see the Tapestry. Use the Hook to alter the Tapestry so that it shows the pattern indicated by the Return command. If you do this quickly enough, you can leave the room before the Space Weaver has finished initiating the sequence.

Vella Act 2

  • Return to the Control Room to get a series of cutscenes.


  • Click on the ship on the right to take control of Vella first. Leave the Control Room and head along the Left Corridor. Pick up the Hexipal that is underneath the debris that was blocking the hole.
  • Enter the Fake Control Room. Use the Detonator on the other ship that you can see through the window.
  • Enter Shay's Room and go down the Vent into Marek's Hub. Pick up the piece of Wire that is sitting on Marek's computer. This will trigger a conversation with the Boss.
    • "He hasn't landed yet?"
    • Back out of the conversation.
  • Combine the Wire and the Hexipal. Make a note of the burn pattern on the back but, instead, wire it up to match the harp playing pattern.


  • Go back through Shay's Room, Left Corridor, the Fake Control Room and into the Star Weaver's Room.
  • Climb down the ladder. Use the Hexipal with the tapestry.
  • Return to the Fake Control Room. Press I and switch to Shay.
  • Go through the door behind Alex and climb down the ladder. Go into the Music Room. Pick up the Broken Radio.
  • Climb back up the ladder to the Control Room. Show the Broken Radio to the Hexipal, who will fix the radio and accompany Shay. Give the Radio to Alex.
  • Go back through the door behind Alex and climb down the ladder. This time, try to go through the door on the left for a cutscene.
  • Head through the door again. Show the Hexipal to the group of Hexipals.
  • Head back into the Music Room and walk up to the harp. Wire the Hexipal to the harp playing pattern and use it on the harp.
  • Go through the left door into the Power Room again. Inspect the switch on the wall and pick up an old Mallet.
  • Follow the path past the switch and around to the other side to turn the real power switch back on.
  • Go into the Music Room. Combine the Hexipal and the Mallet. Rewire the Hexipal to the burnt wire pattern. Use the Hexipal with the drum for a cutscene.
  • Leave the room and climb back up to the Control Room. Use the Grabbin Gary Remote. Press I and switch back to Vella.
  • Use the Detonator for the final series of cutscenes.

If you have managed to complete the story within 60 minutes, you'll get the following achievement:

Of course, if you also grabbed all of the achievements that we listed in the story walkthrough, you'll also get this:

  • 3.3

    Unlock all Broken Age Achievements

    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Collectable - These achievements are obtained by exploring the game environment to find a set of unique objects.Missable - These achievements can be missed.

Congratulations on finishing the adventures of Shay and Vella and getting your latest completion!

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