4. Broken Age Story walkthrough - Act 1: Vella

Click on Vella to wake her up and begin her half of Act 1. Click on the little girl, Rocky, Vella's younger sister, to get a cutscene. Once the cutscene is over, click on the nearest building, Vella's House, to continue.

Vella Act 1

Vella's House

Click anywhere in the darkness to move and trigger the next cutscene. We need to find that ceremonial knife. Pick up the Towel. Then pick up a Cupcake from the plate underneath the Towel. After this, talk to Levina. You need to pick these conversation options:

  • "Any idea where Mom's knife is?"
  • "Can I ask you about the Maiden's Feast?"
  • "How many of these feasts have you organized?"
  • "What IS Mog Chothra?"
  • "Where do creatures like Mog Chothra come from?"
  • "I want to go beyond the Plague Dam someday!"
  • "How much do we know about these Grand Mogs?"
  • "Why was I chosen?"
  • "Mog Chothra attacks other towns?"
  • "So, why don't we just FIGHT Mog Chothra?"
  • "My Grandpa doesn't look too happy about this feast."

Now talk to Grandpa Beastender.

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  • "Do you know where Mom's knife is?"
  • "Yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about this Maidens Feast either."
  • "Why do you hate the Maidens Feast, Grandpa?"
  • "Why'd we stop being warriors?"
  • "Hey, Gramps. Want a cupcake?" / "I'd better go find that knife."

Vella Act 1
You will now have learned everything that there is to know about Sugar Bunting.

Give the Cupcake to Grandpa Beastender. He asks if you want to share the cake so ask "Split it with you?" Pick up the Knife that Grandpa Beastender has just thrown onto the counter. Give the Knife to Mom to trigger another cutscene.

Maidens Feast
Talk to the girl in the green Delish dress. After the cutscene, talk to the girl in the yellow Fun Size dress. Choose "Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK! Bye!". Talk to the girl in the purple Drink Me dress. Choose "Well, good luck!" Finally, talk to the girl in the red Hot Stuff dress. You'll then get another cutscene and Vella decides to escape from the Feast.

Talk to the girl in the purple Drink Me dress again. Choose "Hey, can I have a drink of that water?" During the cutscene, Vella will receive the Corset. Talk to her for a third time. Choose "Can I borrow that bottle one more time?" You'll receive the Water.

Give the Water to the girl in the yellow Fun Size dress. Then give her the Towel. When the bird re-appears, use the Corset on it. Then use the Knife on Vella's dress so that she can cut herself free.

During the cutscene, you'll fly to another town.

After Vella has fallen out of Jessie's nest, click the bottom of the screen to move forward. The camera will pan out and show the Central Area of Meriloft. Mog Chothra has already visited Meriloft, so Vella needs to find a way to leave this town. Climb down the ladder at the bottom of the screen.

Meriloft Maidens Feast Area
Talk to Twyla, the despondent girl swinging underneath a blue bird piñata. Choose "I really like your outfit". Although Twyla liked her outfit, her shoes were too tight, so Vella wants to say "Did you say something about shoes?" She will then give Vella a pair of Cloud Shoes. Pick "Well, I'll leave you alone." to end the conversation. Put the Cloud Shoes on Vella. Climb back up the ladder to the Central Area of Meriloft. Take the path that leads off to the right, but be careful to walk around the hole in the cloud.

Nesting Grounds
Talk to M'ggie, the girl on the right that is sweeping a bird's nest. Choose "What are you doing, exactly?". Then choose "How do you get to the eggs in the high nests?" Ask "Hey, can I borrow your ladder?" and M'ggie will give Vella her Ladder. Back out of the conversation.

Walk past M'ggie and use the Ladder on the high nest to the right. Grab the Knife that is sitting in the nest. Climb back down the ladder, walk all the way to the left of the screen to exit the area.

Vella Act 1

Central Area
Head over to the Cloud Shoes platform and talk to C'rol, who will drop her knife. Tell her "Well, I'll let you get back to your work..." Give the Knife to C'rol. She'll give Vella a pair of Large Cloud Shoes. Walk back down the steps and out along the path to the Nesting Grounds. Move the cursor near to the largest floating cloud and you should see an up arrow. Click it to move down the central path that leads into the Rear Nesting Grounds.
Vella Act 1

Rear Nesting Grounds
You should see a Gold Egg sitting in a nest in front of Vella. Open your inventory and use the Large Cloud Shoes on the Ladder. Then use the Ladder on that nest. Once Vella has scared away the bird, pick up the Gold Egg.
Vella Act 1
Climb back down the ladder and return to the Central Area. Walk over and use the Ladder on Jessie's Nest. Once Vella is standing next to Jessie, follow the path behind the nest that leads off the screen to the left.

Giant Fruit Tree
Walk across to the left, taking care not to fall through the holes in the cloud. Walk around the tree's trunk and grab hold of the leftmost branch. Vella will shake it until a Peach falls from the branch and through the cloud.
Vella Act 1
Click on the tree's trunk to fall through the gap there. Walk out along the left branch and pick up the Peach from the nest. Use the Peach on Vella as she is one of two people needed for the Produce Distributor achievement.

Walk out along the branch on the right to find Gus hanging from a tree branch by his underwear. Choose these conversation options:

  • "You're in big trouble, young man."
  • "Why don't you just let go?"
  • "What are you really doing down here?"
  • "Why would Jessie's egg need cleaning anyway?"
  • "Well, you hang in there, Kid."

Walk back to the tree's trunk and enter the hole to climb back up to the cloud. Once up on the path, walk back around to the leftmost branch and shake it again. Then walk to the right side of the screen and fall through the hole in the cloud that is at the top of the screen.

Vella Act 1
After the cutscene, click on the tree's trunk to fall through the cloud again. Walk along the left branch and pick up the second Peach. Then walk back out along the right branch and pick up Jessie's Egg. Enter the hole in the tree's trunk and climb back up to the cloud. Walk along the path to the right and leave the area.

Central Area
Give Jessie's Egg back to Jessie.

Pick up the Gold Egg that Jessie has now cast aside. Climb down the ladder and walk along the path on the left that leads away from the area.

Offering Area
Place a Gold Egg into one of the offering baskets before climbing up the ladder. Say "Hi!" to Brother Lightbeard. Exhaust all of the conversation options. Once the conversation has ended, Vella will climb back down the ladder.

Pick up the Gold Egg that Brother Lightbeard dropped. Place the two Gold Eggs into the remaining two offering baskets. Finally, climb up the ladder again to go crashing out of Meriloft.

Curtis' House
Inspect the stained glass window and catch the Stained Glass that falls out of it. Walk down the stairs. Take the Axe from the wall by the door. Inspect the Art above the fireplace and then talk to Curtis so that we can steal his art.
Vella Act 1
Ask "What's the matter with you?" Then ask "Hey, about this art." Pick any two conversation options before you will see "I like how it matches your decor." End the conversation with "Catch ya later, Curtis." Then take the Art off the wall. Finally, give a Peach to Curtis.

Climb back up the stairs and exit through the door on the left. Vella will climb the ladder back to Meriloft. Head out to the Giant Fruit Tree. Walk back around to the leftmost branch and shake it again. Fall back down the tree's trunk, grab the Peach from the nest on the left branch and then travel back through Meriloft to Curtis' House. Exit the house through the door on the right.

Follow the path. As the camera pans out, walk Vella towards you. When she's clear of the vegetation, walk to the left of the screen until you see a horn. Inspect the horn and a snake will jump on you. Let the snake squeeze Vella until she blacks out.

Vella will wake up back in Curtis' House. Return to the Woods and walk Vella back towards you again. This time, instead of heading left, head right to the next area of the woods. Walk right past the Talking Tree and exit the woods.

Cross the bridge and head to the right. Now that we're in Shellmound, the only way that Vella is going to encounter Mog Chothra is if she can enter their Maidens Feast, so we need to talk to the Mayor. He'll ask how Vella knew that he was a Mayor. "Because you look like a Mayor!". Then say "Hey, about your bucket hat..." and compliment him with "It looks great on you! Very fancy!". As the Mayor doesn't want to look fancy, he'll give Vella his Bucket. End the conversation by choosing "Better let you get back to the Feast!" We need to find something that will stop the sand castles being demolished by the waves. Pick up the Driftwood from the beach.

Vella Act 1
Leave Shellmound and return to Curtis' House.

Curtis' House
Give the Driftwood to Curtis. He'll be very impressed and will create a Stool out of the wood, which he will then gift to Vella. Exit his house and go back through the Woods. It is finally time to talk to the Talking Tree.

Talking Tree
Use the Axe on the Talking Tree. Back out of the conversation as we don't need to talk to the tree at this point. Hang the Bucket on the branch that is supposed to be his nose. Then show the Stool to the tree. Along with Vella's graphic description of tree mutilation, this causes the tree to barf into the bucket and gives Vella a Bucket of Sap. We're now done with the woods so we need to head back into Shellmound.

Give the Bucket of Sap to the Mayor. Now that there is going to be a Maidens Feast, Vella needs to look (and smell) the part. Walk to the right past the Maidens and try to ignore the absolutely shocking singing. Head up the steps and talk to the Dead Eye God's Bodyguards. Ask "Hey, can I get you guys something?", i.e. "Some more holy tear gas?" As the Bodyguards are fresh out of tear gas, they'll toss Vella the Tear Gas Gun so that she can refill it. Now ask "Can I go inside?". When they ask why, answer "Because you guys are guarding it. So it must be cool." After learning that you need to solve a riddle, back out of the conversation. Show the Peach to the Bodyguards to solve their riddle. They'll now let you go into the cave.

Dead Eye God's Cave
Use the Art on the art-shaped hole to the right of the cave.
Vella Act 1
It turns out that this isn't a cave; it's a ship that belongs to Alex. Back out of the conversation. Look at the multi-coloured amplifying quartz that is currently sitting in slot #2 in the screenshot below. It will fall out and smash on the floor, so Vella will need to replace it. Grab the Laser Coil from slot #1. Put the Laser Coil into slot #2. Then put the Stained Glass in slot #1. You've just created a Death Ray.
Vella Act 1

After the cutscene, Alex will give Vella the Detonator for the Death Ray and she'll walk back down the steps.

Fill the Tear Gas Gun using the foul-smelling Chum in the pan at the bottom of the screen.
Vella Act 1

Spray the Maidens with the Tear Gas Gun. During the birds' feeding frenzy, grab the Perfume bottle. Use the Perfume bottle on Vella so she'll have the correct scent to be able to enter the Maidens Feast. Talk to the Mayor again and tell him "I need to enter the Maidens Feast!"

It's show time. Watch as Mog Chothra claims both Maidens, leaving Vella to fight him alone. Use the Detonator on Mog Chothra. When the targeting reticule appears, aim it at three of Mog Chothra's four legs to burn them off. Then let Mog Chothra pick Vella up. Use the Ladder on his mouth to force it open. When he drops Vella, use the Detonator again and aim at his mouth.

You have just defeated Mog Chothra.

If you've been following the guide and completed both Vella and Shay's parts of Act 1, you'll also get the following achievement after the cutscene.

It's time to move on to Act 2.

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