Borderlands 3 Review by Sunnyfish

09 Apr 2024
2 0 0
The story is bad. Tyreen didn't seem to have any character growth or anything. She was just some "I'm always 10 steps ahead of you!" villain. You magically disappearing during every cinema scene was kinda dumb too. I could have saved the people that died.

The gameplay is fun, though.

If I had to complain about something, it would have to be having to sit there and wait for the NPCs to finish talking before you can go on to the next objective. It is especially annoying when you have to stand there and wait so they can hand you an item after they finished talking. I can read way faster than they talk. I understand having this on the first playthrough, but subsequent ones should be skippable in these areas. It is just flat-out annoying after that. It slows the gameplay to a bloody crawl and breaks the immersion. You just stand there and want Lilith to just stop talking already.
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