Souldiers Review by Sunnyfish



09 Apr 2024
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First off: this game is a blast. I would recommend it any day. The dungeons are fun (if long). The combat is fun. The sorcerer class (only class I've played) is fun. The story is good. The characters are fun.

There are some issues:
1. The scrolling potion thing. It is incredibly frustrating to scroll through it to find the right potion to pop while a boss is trying to rip my head off with 5000 projectiles. A dedicated button for the healing potion or something other than the scrolling inventory thing would have been nice. I have died to boss fights multiple times because I accidentally scrolled past the healing potion and then focused too much on not skipping it the next time that I got hit again and died.
2. The thing to choose your element is super inconsistent. It is a 50/50 shot that I get the element I have the marker over. The fire one likes to choose neutral instead. The water one likes to choose wind instead (the issue is by far the worst here). Super frustrating to have to take time to just try selecting the element over and over and over and over again until it finally gives it to you.
3. The sprint on lava ability is also crazy inconsistent. It is maybe a 40/60 shot that it will work. Lots of the time, I'll do the dash, keep holding dash, even dash along the ground a bit, but get hit by the lava and teleported anyways.
(Speaking of sprint, it would have improved the gameplay a lot if we had got sprint sooner. Maybe upgrade sprint to include the lava-walking ability in the Fire Temple while giving basic sprint early-on. I raced the flying-horse dude multiple times wondering what in the world I was doing wrong before I even considered that the sprint ability existed.)
4. Wall-jumping is not consistent. There are times where I'm on a wall and spamming the jump button only to have my character just ignore it and keep sliding down the wall.

Want a portion of the game where all these issues combine into one crazy-not-fun experience? The rising lava part in the Fire Temple. I died a couple times because it just wouldn't give me the water element when I needed to hit the bubble. I died at least once because the sprint on lava ability just simply didn't work. I eventually got it, but good lord that was infuriating.

As far as boss fights, I think there are two bad ones so far:
1. Babylon in the Pyramid. If you weren't close enough already by pure chance when he did his laser, that attack was unavoidable. Unavoidable attacks are never EVER fun. The ability he did where you had to stand between two lightning bolts was frustrating as he would change directions so quickly you didn't have time to react.
2. Razor guy in the Fire Temple. The attack where he produced all the smoke was immensely cheap. You just had to wait it out while invisible attacks soared at you. You can't dodge invisible attacks. The indicator that he was in a spot was inaccurate. That fight almost made me alt+f4. That fight needs a major overhaul. It is cheap and not at all fun.

Lastly, and I never thought I'd say this about a metroidvania, but the dungeons felt a bit too long. They got a bit repetitive and were a slog before the ending finally came. The dungeons themselves are good, don't get me wrong there, but they suffer from "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing." Oh, and it also made finding the bounties inside the dungeons a major pain in the rear. Maybe some more of a hint than "It's in the ultra-huge dungeon somewhere!" would help.
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