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The long arm of Justice

Kill a target at a distance of over 100m.

The long arm of Justice0
Poison IvyPoison Ivy37,109
Locked 12 Feb 2024
0 0 1
A small tip with this achievement, if you're having trouble.

When you ping an enemy it shows you the distance you are from it. You can sneak up to an enemy, ping and then backtrack until it says 100m. (I used the support-sniper rifle for the kill).

Not sure if other weapons besides the Sniper will count for the achievement.
Noisy NeighbourI got this when I threw down a turret and died, one of my team mates respawned me at the same time that the turret started killing enemies. I assume you could also drop a turret, die and have a team mate respawn you at a 100m distance so you didn't have to time it with the turret deployment.
Posted by Noisy Neighbour on 24 Feb at 19:47
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