American Truck Simulator

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Travel across the United States as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances! With dozens of cities to explore, from San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Portland and many more, your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. If you’ve got what it takes to be part of an elite trucking force, get behind the wheel and prove it!

I want this guide to be perfect and very detailed. Be prepared for walls of text and crazy amounts of images.

ENJOY & Happy Trucking!

After about 100+ hours in game I've decided to share some wisdom. Stuff that I've found out through experimentation to enhance the ATS experience. This guide is focused more at new-ish players, but hopefully even folks that have been playing for a while will get something out of it.

Controls and Configuration (Gamepad)

I use an Xbox One controller and these settings help out a lot. Set your triggers to acceleration and braking. Set your right stick to look. Increase your up/down look deadzone significantly. This allows you to slap your look stick left and right to scan intersections quickly without accidentally ending up staring at the floor or roof of your cab. Increase your steering sensitivity. Matter of taste, but the default steering is just too slow for cornering at speed. If you find yourself braking mid turn to wait for your steering to catch up, this is a must.

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Cruise control - Use it. I played about 10 hours without it and I can't even guess how many speeding violations I got or how many times out of fear of getting them I travelled under the speed limit costing me time. Building on that, set your cruise tolerance to zero, turn on auto retarder.

Watch the speed limit signs though, especially in areas where speed cameras are common. Running with cruise control it's easy to get in the zone and miss a speed limit sign.

Sleep efficiency - There is no such thing as a partial rest. Every time you rest it's going to burn 8 hours, even if you're not that tired yet. Start looking for a place to park after the first yawn, no sooner. You'll be fine.

Hit F6 to see exactly how much longer you have before you get sleepy
Most jobs will allot you enough time to sleep once, especially after you put a few points in the long distance skill, which you'll want to do early on. For the really long jobs you'll have time to sleep 2 or 3 times and have time to spare for checking out new towns along your route.

Never travel empty - When you go to job selection, click on the dot on the map for the city you're in. This will list ONLY jobs originating in that city. If there are no high paying jobs, just grab a short distance job to a nearby city and try again there. And remember, $ per km is what you're after, don't just grab the highest total payout.

One additional tip on efficiency: On long trips you can and probably should edit your route. Open your world map once you've picked up a job and drop pins (waypoints) in towns right near your route that you haven't explored yet to unlock the truck dealerships and recruiters there. The little time it takes won't make you run late on the long jobs.

Your Rig

Your first truck- Get a Peterbilt or one of the other trucks that starts with good baseline HP. Trust me, it's worth saving up the little bit of extra money when you're not crawling up hills, or when you're driving stop-and-go in the cities. Once you get the later engine upgrades it's incredibly satisfying passing the trucks that are struggling up Hills.

Necessary upgrades - Money early game is tight. Upgrade your engine as they become available, also your tires. Grab a transmission with retarder equipped for the cruise tip above. That's all you really need. Allison 6 speed trannies are garbage, don't waste your time.

Unnecessary but helpful upgrades - Put a light bar on the roof with a couple aux lights, but bear in mind they only work when your high beams are on.

You'll have to open the light menu (default F4) and check the blocks for aux/roof lights to enable them.
Also get side skirts and a bull bar. These will dramatically reduce your damage when you inevitably cut a corner too sharp, get sideswiped in a roundabout, whatever. They pay for themselves quickly.

Starting your Business

Unless you've played before, wherever you chose to put your home garage chances are you're going to end up hating the location. Don't bother upgrading it. By the time you can afford your first garage, you're going to want to move.

San Francisco is a great first location. Low fuel prices and lots of close-by cities to trade with.

Buy a garage in a good hub city and move there. Once you've moved, sell your starting garage. Buy your second (and third, if you can afford it) trucks and put them there. Buy Peterbilts for your fleet trucks, at least at first. There is NO benefit to buying better trucks for your hired drivers. None. It makes no difference at all. Tip here, if money is super tight you can change the paintjob to a cheaper color to save about $500 per truck. Strip off optional accessories like the sun shield and front mirror to save even more valuable cash.

Once you pay your first truck off, take the loan. Not the little loan. The 400k loan. It has the lowest interest rate. More on that in a minute.

Then hire and assign your drivers - Try to start with drivers that have at least one point in long distance and one point in ADR. If none are available, no worries. Grab whoever and assign them to trucks. Manage them and set them to focus on ADR or long distance until they have a point or two in each. Then put a point into each of their skills (Except Eco, don't sweat Eco yet) to maximize their job opportunities. Don't want them returning bobtail either.

Back to the loan - The 12% interest on the 400k loan works out to .. Well math, but it's less than 2k per day.

If you have 2 drivers they'll make about that right from the get-go, so the loan to start your business basically pays for itself.
And within a few days their skills will increase and they'll be making more than that, so you're already profiting. If you wait "I don't need no BANK to pay my way" you'll be losing out on a ton of potential profit. Don't worry about paying the loan off early, just use your revenue to keep expanding.

Assorted Tips

If you have a music folder on your computer, you can create a shortcut to it and drop it in the documents\ATS\Music folder to access your music in game.

Then hit R to bring up your radio. You may want to turn down the music volume to where you can still hear the truck though.
Never skip skilled parking your trailer - It gets easy after a while and the experience boost is worth learning to do it. Matter of fact, just go into the gameplay options and set it to skilled only. Pop-ups ruin the immersion.

Like a boss "Successfully park a trailer at a hard delivery point"

When you reach your destination, choose the first parking option, park there and you get this achievement:

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Not a problem "Successfully park a trailer at a delivery point"

Easy one, just choose the park option when you reach you destination. Either normal or hard, both work.

Gas guzzler "Use a gas station"

To be awarded with this achievement you must tank your truck on one of the gas stations. They are marked with an icon. Use YOUR OWN truck!

Rig master "Buy your own truck"

Just buy a truck. The cheapest truck available is the Peterbilt 579 Duty Cabin at 118.560$ Just visit a Peterbilt truck dealer and buy one. You can take a loan to do it faster if you can't wait to gather the money.

Pimp my truck "Buy and apply a custom paintjob"

To gain this achievement you must go the car repair shop, then select the paint shop category and select a "custom color metallic paint" and set it as you want.

What's your BMI? "Use a weigh station"

This one is a bit random when it will happen, but eventually it will come. The only way to make it faster is by using the highways that have many weigh stations. Then the possibility will be higher. The concept is that a message pop up in your gps and demands you to pull over to the next weigh station.

Cha-ching "Earn 100K dollars delivering cargos"

You will get this just by completing more and more deliveries. Choose to take missions with the highest price per distance possible. Also, when you take cargos with your own truck and not with quick job, the payment is bigger. You need to earn 100K in total, not in hand, so taking any fines won't affect the counter.

Company collector "Perform deliveries for at least 15 different companies"

To gain this achievement you must perform jobs for at least 15 different companies in the game. It can be "quick order" or "consignment". You can damage the cargo or be fined. It is allowed to take deliveries to the same city from which you have taken it. Companies available in the game are:

  • 42Print
  • Bitumen
  • Bushnell Farms
  • Charged
  • Chems
  • Coastline Mining
  • Darchelle Uzau
  • Gallon
  • HMS
  • Oakland Shippers
  • Port of SF
  • Plaster & Sons
  • Rail Export
  • Sell Goods
  • S Crops
  • Tidbit
  • Voltison Motors
  • Wallbert

I think i like it "Finish 50 deliveries"

Another progress achievement. You can do this fast by choosing quick jobs for small distances or even within the same city.

High five "Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fines, in-time) for a job that is at least 600 miles"

Maybe the hardest achievement. You need to be really careful!! Never hit the cargo (the truck doesn't count, it can be hit). Never get a fine, that means never pass with red light, never crash another car, never get caught by the police for speeding, have your lights on at night, never drive on the opposite side and make sure you sleep as much as you need! Best way to avoid the speeding is just by sticking at the limit speed and lock on it with the autopilot. Beware though, the speed limit change between different types of roads. And finally don't get late.

It's 600 miles - 965.6 kilometers - so it needs patience and frequent saves.

  • High Five

    Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fines, in-time) for a job that is at least 600 miles

    High Five

Final makeover "Fully upgrade one of your garages"

Upgrade one garage to the 3rd level, the one that can fit five trucks. You can do that by choosing the "my garages" tab, select the one you want to upgrade and click on the top left image to upgrade it.

Warming Up "Drive 10.000 miles during deliveries"

This is a progress achievement that you will eventually do it just by completing a few deliveries.

California dreamin' "Discover every city in California"

You just have to visit every city in California. Make sure to see the "city discovered" message pop up. If you are on a highway passing through a city, it won't be discovered, you need to pass through the city streets.

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Sea dog "Deliver cargo to a port in Oakland and a port in San Francisco"

This may be tricky since only one of the companies is obvious as a port, the Oakland Shippers.
The other one is called Port of SF but their logo doesn't say any of this.
The 2 ports are located here:

  • Sea Dog

    Deliver cargo to a port in Oakland and a port in San Francisco

    Sea Dog
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Cheers! "Deliver cargo from all 3 Vineyards in California"

Apparently, the jobs must be completed only inside the state of California in order to count.
The Vineyards are the companies under the name "Darchelle Uzau" and they have a glass of wine on their logo.
The 3 Vineyards are:

You can do it if you have explored the city just by choosing the city in the quick job panel.
Once you complete all three deliveries you will get the achievement.

In <strong>Eureka</strong><span>, just outside the city on the north-east.In Eureka, just outside the city on the north-east.
In <strong>San Rafael</strong><span>, out of the city again on the north.In San Rafael, out of the city again on the north.
In <strong>Carlsbad</strong><span>, on the north-east of the city.In Carlsbad, on the north-east of the city.
  • Cheers!

    Deliver cargo from all 4 vineyards in California

    2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.

Silver state "Discover every city in Nevada"

You just have to visit every city in Nevada. Make sure to see the "city discovered" message pop up. If you are on a highway passing through a city, it won't be discovered, you need to pass through the city streets.

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Gold fever "Deliver cargo to both quarries in Nevada"

You have to deliver any cargo to the quarries (not from them!).
The 2 quarries are located in Carson City and in Elko as seen in the pics below, owned by the Coastline Mining company:

  • Gold Fever

    Deliver cargo to both quarries in Nevada

    Gold Fever
    2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Copper state "Discover every city in Arizona"

You just have to visit every city in Arizona. Make sure to see the "city discovered" message pop up. If you are on a highway passing through a city, it won't be discovered, you need to pass through the city streets.

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Start your engine! "Get on the start of the Truck Racing circuit"

You will get the achievement when you get at the start of the circuit.

Sky Harbor "Deliver cargo to the Phoenix Airport"

You simply need to deliver any cargo to the company "Phoenix Freight", which is the airport.

Powell's trail "Visit Colorado river sights"

There are six places you need to visit in order to get this achievement.
Four of them are highway bridges and two are just nice observation points to Grand Canyon.

The first is the highway bridge north of <strong>Yuma</strong><span>.The first is the highway bridge north of Yuma.
The second is the highway bridge west of <strong>Ehrenberg</strong><span>.</span>The second is the highway bridge west of Ehrenberg.
The third is the highway bridge south-west of <strong>Kingman</strong><span> (where the number 40 of the highway is).</span>The third is the highway bridge south-west of Kingman (where the number 40 of the highway is).
The fourth is the highway bridge in front of the Hoover dam, east of <strong>Last Vegas</strong><span> on highway 93.</span>The fourth is the highway bridge in front of the Hoover dam, east of Last Vegas on highway 93.
The fifth place is an obsernation dirt parking on the north <strong>Grand Canyon Village</strong><span>.</span>The fifth place is an obsernation dirt parking on the north Grand Canyon Village.
The sixth and last is a big parking space west of Page. This place is not in the gps. To go there you have to turn left on the first intersection you will meet coming from the south (89).The sixth and last is a big parking space west of Page. This place is not in the gps. To go there you have to turn left on the first intersection you will meet coming from the south (89).

The Land of Enchantment "Discover every city in New Mexico"

There are 14 cities in New Mexico that you need to visit in order to get this achievement and for each city you discover, a message will pop up showing you your progress so far

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Truck Stop Tour "Visit all large truck stops and rest stops in New Mexico"

Simply drive into each of the following truck stops in New Mexico. You are not required to rest in them, just simply visiting them will unlock the achievement. There are 22 in total.

NOTE: It is possible to 'discover' a rest stop but it not trigger as visited for the achievement so it would appear yellow on the map. You need to make sure you are properly driving over each of the rest stops to ensure you definitely trigger the achievement notifications.

Forest Shortcut "Discover shortcut through the forest"

To get this achievement you simply need to drive along the unmarked road that cuts through the forest as seen in the image below.

1881 "Drive by Billy The Kid Museum"

To get this achievement you need to simply drive past the Billy The Kid Museum which is located West of Clovis as seen in the images below.

  • 1881

    Drive by the Billy The Kid Museum (requires New Mexico DLC)


Sky Delivery "Deliver cargo to An-124 depot"

If you want to quickly get this achievement, I suggest that you directly go to ALBUQUERQUE and you stand near the GAS STATION.
Now you access to EXTERNAL CONTRACTS and you look for a contracts whose final destination is the ABQ Cargo Centre.

If you are looking at the jobs selection screen try sorting them by recipient then clicking on a couple of the ABQ Cargo Centre ones and you will see the red flag move so slightly south, that is the one you want to take cargo to.If you are looking at the jobs selection screen try sorting them by recipient then clicking on a couple of the ABQ Cargo Centre ones and you will see the red flag move so slightly south, that is the one you want to take cargo to.
If you can't find any contract (they're quite rare) make your time pass standing at the GAS STATION and then repeat the process mentioned above.

The Beaver State "Discover every city in Oregon"

You just have to visit every city (14) in Oregon. Make sure to see the "city discovered" message pop up.

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Uplifting "Travel across the New Youngs Bay Bridge"

The bridge can be found on Route 101 right before the Astoria text on the map.

Travel Oregon "Discover following landmarks of Oregon: Crater Lake, Crooked River Gorge, Thor's Well and Yaquina Head Lighthouse"

Thor's Well

Can be found on Route 101 between Coos Bay and Newport.Can be found on Route 101 between Coos Bay and Newport.
Yaquina Head Lighthouse
Can also be found while travelling the Route 101, this time right after Newport, to the north of the city. You have to drive off the Route 101 onto a small road to get to it.Can also be found while travelling the Route 101, this time right after Newport, to the north of the city. You have to drive off the Route 101 onto a small road to get to it.
Crater Lake
To get to this landmark you have to take Route 97 from Bend to Klamath Falls and drive off into a street leading to a toll gate.To get to this landmark you have to take Route 97 from Bend to Klamath Falls and drive off into a street leading to a toll gate.
Crooked River Gorge
<span>Can also be found by traveling the Route 97 but this time north of Bend on the way to The Dalles</span>.Can also be found by traveling the Route 97 but this time north of Bend on the way to The Dalles.

  • Travel Oregon

    Discover following landmarks of Oregon: Crater Lake, Crooked River Gorge, Thor's Well and Yaquina Head Lighthouse (requires Oregon DLC)

    Travel Oregon

Cabbage to Cabbage "Complete a delivery of vegetables over Cabbage Hill"

This achievement can be unlocked while driving on the Route 84 at a specific spot between Pendleton and Ontario. However, as already said in the achievement description you need to deliver vegetables while taking this route to get it unlocked. Now there are vegetables and frozen vegetables in the game.

The achievement unlocks once you enter the passage from either direction on the following screenshot, so you don't have to finish the delivery (contrary to what the achievement description says).

Lumberjack "Deliver cargo from all timber harvest sites in Oregon"

This achievement requires you to transport a commodity from each of the 5 timber harvest sites in Oregon. On the map, the harvest sites are always marked by what appears to be a half of a sawblade as symbol. Since there are more than 5 areas with this symbol in Oregon you have to look at what the area looks like. If there are no buildings (black squares) marked inside the area, it is a harvest site.

Here are the locations of all the harvest sites:

T<span>he first one can be found to the east of </span><strong>Newport</strong>The first one can be found to the east of Newport
<span>The second one can be found in </span><strong>Astoria</strong>The second one can be found in Astoria
<span>The third one can be found to the east of </span><strong>Salem</strong>The third one can be found to the east of Salem
<span>The fourth one can be found to the south-west of </span><strong>Medford</strong>The fourth one can be found to the south-west of Medford
<span>The fifth one can be found to the south of </span><strong>Bend</strong>The fifth one can be found to the south of Bend

  • Lumberjack

    Deliver cargo from all timber harvest sites in Oregon (requires Oregon DLC)


Time for Big Hauling "Deliver first Heavy Cargo Pack job"

To receive this achievement you need to deliver your first Heavy Cargo trailer. There are 9 new cargo types in the Heavy Cargo Pack.

  • Crawler Tractor
  • Bulldozer
  • Lift Truck Chassis
  • Lift Truck
  • Cable Reel
  • Milling Machine
  • All Terrain Crane
  • Scraper
  • Transformer

How Heavy Am I?! "Use truck scale or weigh station with gross vehicle weight of at least 170,000 lbs"

What you need to do for this achievement is use a weigh station while your truck and cargo weigh a total of 170,000 lbs or more. In order to achieve this, you need to be driving with a Sleeper Cab and Long Chassis with a 300 Gallon Fuel Tank, you also need to have a full fuel tank and your cargo must be the heaviest of them all, the Transformer. [quote]Note: If you use a Truck Mod from the workshop or elsewhere it is possible that they are much heavier than the official in game trucks making this achievement much easier to achieve.

  • How Heavy Am I?!

    Use truck scale or weigh station with gross vehicle weight of at least 175,000 lbs (requires Heavy Cargo Pack DLC)

    How Heavy Am I?!

Heavy, but Not Bull in a China Shop! "Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fine, in-time) of a cargo from the Heavy Cargo Pack which is at least 1,000 miles long"

Simply take a Heavy Cargo job that is over 1000 miles in distance and deliver with no fines, no damage and within time. At this point in the game it should be a breeze as you would need to have progressed far enough into the game to have bought a decent enough truck to pull Heavy Cargos anyway so you will have had plenty of practise.

Best advice is to try to stick as close to the 1,000-mile distance jobs as possible and as straight a route as possible while sticking to the motorways instead of curvy small country roads. Remember to save often!

I Thought This Should Be Heavy?! "Complete a delivery of all heavy cargoes in American Truck Simulator". As mentioned at the start of this section, there are 9 different types of Heavy Cargo to take jobs for. You only need to complete one of each type of cargo to get this achievement. There is no way to track which ones you have done already so you will need to make sure you either write down the ones you have done or follow this list in order if the jobs are available for that specific cargo.

  • Crawler Tractor
  • Bulldozer
  • Lift Truck Chassis
  • Lift Truck
  • Cable Reel
  • Milling Machine
  • All Terrain Crane
  • Scraper
  • Transformer

Bigger Cargo, Bigger Profit "Earn $100,000 on 5 consecutive Heavy Cargo Pack deliveries"

This achievement requires you to earn $100,000 or more while taking ONLY Heavy Cargo jobs 5 times in a row. If your first Heavy Cargo job earns you more than $100,000 then you could do the rest for free (devcam teleport) but you do need to take 5 Heavy Cargo jobs one after the other and the total you need to earn across the 5 jobs is $100,000 it is NOT $100,000 per job.

Size Matters "Successfully deliver a Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time"

This achievement is pretty simple. Just select any special transport cargo and deliver it without any damage and on time.

  • Size Matters

    Successfully deliver a Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time (requires Special Transport DLC)

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    Size Matters
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Home Sweet Home "Successfully deliver a Turnkey House Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time"

For this achievement, you have to select the Turnkey House cargo and deliver it without damage and on time, the description is simple, but the process not so much! SAVE OFTEN!

  • Home Sweet Home

    Successfully deliver a Turnkey House Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time (requires Special Transport DLC)

    Home Sweet Home
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Get (to) the Chopper! "Successfully deliver a Helicopter Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time"

You have to search for this cargo and to the same thing as said above, deliver it without damage and on time.

  • Get (to) the Chopper!

    Successfully deliver a Helicopter Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time (requires Special Transport DLC)

    Get (to) the Chopper!
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

One. Ttwo, Three - Breathe! "Successfully deliver an Air Condition Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time"

You have to search for this cargo and to the same thing as said above, deliver it without damage and on time.

  • One, Two, Three - Breathe!

    Successfully deliver an Air Conditioning Complex Special Transport DLC mission with no damage and on time (requires Special Transport DLC)

    One, Two, Three - Breathe!
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Your Dumper Has Arrived! "Deliver all three parts of a disassembled dumper: Haul Truck Hull, Huge Tyres, Haul Truck Chassis"

Another simple achievement. You have to deliver these 3 cargos. You do not necessarily have to deliver to the same place.

  • Your Dumper Has Arrived!

    Deliver all three parts of a disassembled dumper: Haul Truck Hull, Huge Tyres, Haul Truck Chassis (requires Special Transport DLC)

    Your Dumper Has Arrived!
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Big in America! "Deliver all Special Transport DLC cargoes"

Below you can see the list of all 11 Special Transport cargoes:

  • Huge Construction
  • Massive Tech Part
  • Giant Silo
  • Large Reservoir Tank
  • Air Conditioner
  • Turnkey House Construction
  • Transport Helicopter
  • Service Boat
  • Haul Truck Chassis
  • Huge Tyres
  • Haul Truck Hull

Go Big or Go Home "Complete deliveries on all oversize routes in current map"

Check your email (special transports)

  • Go Big or Go Home

    Complete deliveries on all oversize routes in current map (requires Special Transport DLC)

    Go Big or Go Home
    2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

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