Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

Welcome to the walkthrough for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. An enhanced re-release of the original game back in 2007, this version comes with some well-needed fixes, better graphics, and more achievements than the only version of the original that actually had achievements (on the XBox 360). The multiplayer has also been revamped, but fortunately for most, none of the game's 50 achievements are tied to multiplayer in any way.

Since none of the achievements revolve around multiplayer, you'll be focusing instead on the campaign. To finish the game, you'll need to beat every single mission on Veteran difficulty and get a handful of miscellaneous tasks done as you do so. The two most elaborate achievements are for collecting all 30 pieces of intel and using every single weapon in the campaign to get at least one kill. Weapons and how to get to them will be listed at the start of every mission and the Weapons List page, and the intel locations can be found in the missions' descriptions.

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If you prefer to see videos of specific things, a video is likely included for it in the walkthrough, found in links at the tops of pages if not in the page itself.

Being the general shooter, there aren't really too many tips one can give. You should be able to use a controller if you like, but as you're likely already aware, a mouse is far better at being accurate than a controller is.

When going for intel and the individual weapon kills, keep in mind that doing these tasks does not have to be done on Veteran. A good method of tackling the game would be to play a mission on Veteran to learn the layout and so forth, then clean up the intel, new weapons, and any other miscellaneous achievements on Recruit. That way you're used to the level at the highest difficulty setting and can breeze through the secondary runs with ease.

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Those familiar with the game or Call of Duty in general shouldn't have much issue with completing the game, but even those new to the game will find that the achievement list will very quickly dwindle down faster than anticipated. The story pages are written with the assumption that you're playing on Veteran; feel free to not pay attention to Intel or new weapons (which you need to keep track of yourself) until you replay the level at a lower difficulty.

The prologue to the campaign is fairly short and consists of only one real mission, being Crew Expendable. There are some important story details here, however, so be sure to pay attention. You officially start playing on Veteran at the end of F.N.G., where you get to choose the difficulty you'll be playing on. You can always replay a mission at any difficulty from the the main menu as well.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | Veteran Campaign

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USP .45The pistol you get after finishing up the firing range.
MP5Placed at the start of the obstacle course, next to some flashbangs.
G36CThe first weapon you pick up from the armory.

The level's intro consists of a soldier named Gaz giving Captain John Price a debrief on the current situation in regards to Russia's recent antics. After going over that, he tells Price the local news; a recruit named Soap has just arrived, and it's time for him to go through the introductory course.

This starting mission serves as a tutorial for the controls of the game. Follow the simple directions Gaz gives you, and then head outside to get to the next compound. Captain Price will mock your codename and tell you to climb the ladder to get to the obstacle course. Run through the course once to familiarize yourself with the layout and follow Price's directions. When you finish, you'll notice that your time is reduced partially based on your accuracy. This is going to be very important in attempting one of the hardest achievements in the game, where you need to finish with a time under 15.1 seconds. When attempting for the achievement, reload your weapon before climbing back up the ladder. This will allow the checkpoint that occurs to always have your gun loaded, which will save you actual time when reloading the checkpoint to retry the speedrun.

Finishing in such a low time is very difficult and requires a lot of practice to get down. It personally took me about an hour to get it down, so don't expect this to be a quick achievement. Since the course is very short, attempts will be very fast, and therefore you can get several attempts (failed or successful) in under the course of a minute. If you mess things up, simply reload the checkpoint and try again.

  • Best of the Best

    Beat IW best time on the Ship Training course in 'F.N.G.' (15.1 sec).

    Best of the Best
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Time/Date - These achievements require you to play the game or perform actions at certain times, within a time limit, or on specific dates.

After you're satisfied with the course, or have decided to come back to this later, run on over to Captain Price for a briefing on your first mission, which will be atop a ship around the Bering Strait.

Crew Expendable

Desert EagleDropped by a specific enemy in the large room past the pipe hallway. See the Desert Storm achievement.
USP .45Starting weapon.
AK-74uDropped by many enemies.
Mini-UziDropped in the room where you have to shoot enemies on a catwalk on the other side of the room.
MP5SDStarting weapon.
AK-47Dropped by many enemies.
GrenadeStarting equipment.

The goal here is to grab a package aboard the Russian freighter you're approaching. When you drop down with Price and a randomly named SAS member, the three of you will first have to kill all the enemies in the room you land next to. After this, the door to the room will open and you'll be able to head downstairs. A very drunk enemy will walk into the hall; if you don't kill him, one of your allies will. There's a room on the right side with a bunk bed and two enemies, and this room is particularly important because it's got the first (1/2) Intel of the mission near the doorway on a small table.

When you've cleared the crew's quarters, you'll head to the back end of the ship with Gaz and another SAS member, who will drop down from the chopper. Two enemies will be patrolling a platform in the middle of it, but they're easy to dispose of. Your allies should take care of them if you don't. When you get to the back, a mass of enemies will ambush you by firing at you through the windows above. Hide from them or try to take them on; either way, the chopper should come by and wipe them all out after enough time passes. Enter the lower decks of the ship with the SAS and you'll soon find yourself in a firefight in a hallway filled with pipes. Dispose of them and make your way into the next room.

After passing through the hallway surrounded by pipes, your allies will pile up near the next doorway before entering the next room. When you enter, run to the right side as fast as you can and head north towards the next room. You should come across a hidden enemy with the Desert Eagle you're looking for; kill him and take it for yourself, then kill at least five enemies with it for an achievement. Don't leave this room without grabbing the (2/2) Intel on the ground just near the bottom of the staircase you used to reach the room.

  • Desert Storm

    Find the Desert Eagle in 'Crew Expendable' and kill 5 enemies with it.

    Desert Storm
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Collectable - These achievements are obtained by exploring the game environment to find a set of unique objects.

Follow your team to the end of the room after the coast has been cleared, and then let everyone into the next room before you follow suit. There are lots of enemies on the catwalk on the other side of the room as well as on the ground, so you'll want them to provide as much firepower as they can so you don't have to do as much. When this room is eventually cleared, you'll get to the last room in the mission. Like you've been doing, allow everyone else to enter the room first before you do, and then work with your team to kill everyone in the room.

When the room is cleared, Gaz will pick up the package that you came here for inside a container. The "package" is actually a rather large nuclear missile, but there won't be enough time for the chopper to secure it. Price will tell Soap to grab the manifest on top of it and you'll all rush out of the ship before MiGs arrive. It seems they'll have attacked the freighter before you can make it out, so you're going to have to rush out before the ship sinks. Jump to the chopper to finish the mission.

  • The Package

    Complete 'Crew Expendable' on Veteran difficulty.

    The Package
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.

The Coup

This mission is a cutscene in the eyes of President Al-Fulani as he becomes the victim of a coup d'etat, led by Khaled Al-Asad. You won't have to do anything for this one.

Act 1 starts to mix the SAS squad's narrative with that of a U.S. Marine squad that are loosely tied together. There are eight missions total, making this one the longest act in the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | Veteran Campaign

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M9Held by barely any enemies on the slope leading to the power station.
MP5Held by enemies in the outposts.
SkorpionHeld by the first enemies in the mission.
G3Held by enemies after you rappel from the power station.
M4A1 SOPMODStarting weapon.
DragunovHeld by enemies on the slope leading to the power station.
M21 SuppressedStarting weapon.
RPG-7Held by enemies on the slope leading to the power station.
C4Starting equipment.
ClaymoreStarting equipment.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.

After seeing Al-Fulani executed on live television, the SAS will be sent to Russia to rescue Nikolai, the informant that tipped them off about the package on the freighter. You'll be equipped with a standard weapon and a sniper rifle to stealthily get to your Russian allies, who are in turn tasked with helping you get to Nikolai. Silently take out the enemies in the first outpost up ahead (a few are in the building here alongside the first (1/2) Intel pickup) and move on ahead to the next few outposts further upstream. After they've all been taken care of, look for a house to the north with an open door, which your team will use to get to a large field to meet Sgt. Kamarov.

As Kamarov sends his men to attack the small town in the valley ahead, use your sniper rifle to take out the enemies in the first building that the allies are trying to storm. A helicopter will soar overhead, and Kamarov will join you in the direction of the power station up ahead, along with Captain Price. After passing through a burning house, you'll find yourself at the base of a slope. Lots of enemies will run down towards you from the power station, so if you're still using the M4A1, take your grenade launcher out and start chucking shells at them. If you're the type of guy to take cover instead of go guns blazing, there's a building at the bottom of the hill that should be protective enough for you and has a window so you can fire back at enemies.

Clear the enemies out, snipe some more enemies from the ledge to the right, and finally follow Kamarov to the power station, where Gaz will lose his patience and demand he tell him where Nikolai is. Once he spills the beans, rappel down the wall using the rope conveniently placed on the side of it to get to ground level. From here, all you have to do now is push through a few more buildings directly in front of you to get to the house Nikolai is being held in. Some enemies may appear from open windows on the sides of the building, so pay close attention and don't forget that your allies can take the lead if you're feeling a bit unsure about what's up ahead.

Once you get to the house, don your night vision goggles and wait for Gaz to turn off the lights. When you enter the house with Price, keep an eye out for enemies and make your way upstairs to Nikolai's room. A soldier there will be behind the door and will be firing at you as he uses it as cover; this door is, of course, terrible cover, because if you recall from your training, you can shoot straight through the door to kill him. Before you walk over to Nikolai, however, look around for a bathroom on the same floor and pick up the (2/2) Intel placed in front of the toilet.

  • The Rescue

    Complete 'Blackout' on Veteran difficulty.

    The Rescue
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.

Charlie Don't Surf

Note: For this mission, there's an achievement for busting every single TV monitor displaying Al-Asad's speech. Most of these are in a single room, but others are in weird locations. It doesn't take much effort to destroy all of them on Veteran, so you may as well do everything in one run. Only televisions playing the speech matter, but if you're feeling superstitious, feel free to shoot all of them that you come across.

M9Starting weapon.
USP .45Found in the wooden table room by the first Intel pickup.
AK-47uNext to the first two Intel pickups.
AK-47Held by many enemies. Also next to second Intel pickup.
AK-47 GrenadierFound in the wooden table room by the first Intel pickup.
M4A1Starting weapon.
W1200Next to the first two Intel pickups.
M249 SAWDropped by barely any enemies.
DragunovNext to the first two Intel pickups and on the second floor of the TV station.
RPG-7Next to the first two Intel pickups and held by some enemies.
ClaymoreStarting loadout.
GP-25 Grenade LauncherConnected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
GrenadeStarting loadout.

Now that Al-Asad's location has been realized thanks to his televised speech, the United States military has been sent in to take him down. You'll be playing as Sgt. Paul Jackson instead of Soap now, and will be accompanied by Lt. Vasquez. Follow one of your allies towards the first building you'll be breaching and head inside after them. You'll be commanded to be the first one down the stairs; be careful and wipe out all enemies in the room with a long wooden table, then head into the room to the west once it's clear for some (1/3) Intel and one Television. Another Television is in the room you were just in, but it was probably shot as you confronted the enemies. Check the northern wall for it just in case. Continue clearing the building and head outside with your allies.

Enemies will come in from the east and south as you regroup with 1st Squad. Once they're all taken care of, follow them into the next area, which will consist of several metal sheets acting as walls in an open space. Stick to the entrance you came in from and wait for some enemies to appear in front of you as your allies take care of the rest, then help clean things up when it's less dangerous. More allies will spawn in if they were killed once you start to leave this area; stick to the southern exit down a hallway to get to another important destination. At the end of the hallway, look north and take care of some soldiers on the roof, then head into the small building to the southeast. There will be some enemies upstairs, so remain cautious and wait for an opening before you kill them. Up here, you'll find the next set of (2/3) Intel and another lone Television to shoot.

Move up the street to the east with your squad and focus on a car with several enemies around it until it explodes. If you kill two people in its explosion, you'll earn the below achievement. If not, then you'll have a chance to later in the level.

  • Roadkill

    Kill 2 enemies by blowing up a car in the single player campaign.

    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Kill everyone in sight, then look for a blue car to the left of a yellow-and-green sign on a building. Walk up the stairs just in front of the car and you'll find the third piece of (3/3) Intel and another Television. Keep going east to get to a metal barricade with a path near the end going north; storm this and kill everyone attacking you here, then connect with everyone at the TV station.

In the first room of the TV station, look for a Television on both the western wall and the northern wall. Another Television is in the break room up ahead, which is connected to a room with a lot more of them. Be sure to check this room once or twice, as it won't take long to do anyways. Up next is the terribly infamous TV room, which is loaded with monitors and Televisions. Your first priority, of course, is to wipe any enemy presence from this building before you scour every nook and cranny for Al-Asad's face. Since many TVs will naturally be destroyed in the firefight, your job will be a little easier.

You'll want to walk far enough into the room so that the enemies spawn in, but close enough to the doorway so you can sprint back into the server room. Pray that your allies can take care of a lot of things for you, then poke out when you feel like taking the enemy on yourself. Feel free to stay inside the server room the entire time and have allies continuously spawn in from behind to take the hits for you. The squad will radio in that the room is clear when you're free to shoot more screens. Be sure to check every square inch of the small rooms to the west and look towards the ceilings as well. Although most Televisions will be in the large panels of them around the large room, check every desk for screens as well. When you think you've cleared the place out entirely, find your squad in the northwest corner of the room and head upstairs with them.

The first room you enter upon reaching the second floor has a Television in it. Ignore the fighting going on to the west outside unless you didn't previously get the Roadkill achievement and follow the path to a set of doors. If you're aiming for the achievement, pick up the RPG-7 in this room and shoot at an already weakened car to make it explode. You can alternatively just fire at a car from here without using the RPG-7. From this point on, there won't be any more enemies for you to deal with. Wait for an ally to breach the door they think Al-Asad is in to find... more Televisions. Quickly shoot the one in front of you to the right, then head into the booth past it and shoot the two Televisions in there. Two more are along the southern wall, and another is on its own stand. You'll have to do this quickly, or else one of the Marines will shut the entire broadcast off.

  • The Search

    Complete 'Charlie Don't Surf' on Veteran difficulty.

    The Search
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.

The Bog

M9Starting weapon.
AK-47Held by many enemies.
G3Held by some enemies.
M4A1Held by allies.
M4A1 GrenadierStarting weapon.
W1200Held by allies.
M249 SAWHeld by a small amount of enemies by the tank overpass.
RPDHeld by a few enemies near War Pig.
DragunovSitting at the machine gun in the first building you enter. Held by enemies by the tank overpass.
FGM-148 JavelinRequired to be used in the mission.
RPG-7Held by many enemies.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 Grenadier.

After having failed to locate Al-Asad, Vasquez and his men will be ordered to reach a tank stuck in the ground. Reach Vasquez further down the street instead of focusing on trying to kill the enemies, as they'll keep spawning until you leave. Switch your night vision goggles on when you approach the ruins of a building and push through the masses as you follow the western wall to get to a staircase. Follow a soldier named Pvt. Roycewicz up the stairs and kill the man who attacks him before Roycewicz is killed for an achievement.

Take out the enemies along the second floor and wipe everyone out of the area so you can get to their machine gun. Use it to get rid of the soldiers across the broken chunk of the building to completely remove the enemy presence, then return to the hallway you came in from and follow two allies to a door they kick down to reach the first (1/2) Intel pickup in this level. Walk downstairs with them to reunite with Vasquez and Griggs, then take off your night vision goggles and help them suppress the enemy until they stop spawning before hopping out and continuing towards War Pig. You'll want to sprint to the right behind cover as soon as possible to prevent being hit from the enemies that appear on the bridge in the distance. When the coast is clear, pick up the Javelin on the left side and run up to the second floor of the building to your left so you can hit the tanks on the bridge. Three will come from the right side and the last will come from the left; you only need to hit three of them to continue, but if you manage to hit all four, you'll get another achievement.

  • Feel the Heat

    Kill all 4 tanks on the overpass with the Javelin missile in 'The Bog'.

    Feel the Heat
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

It'll be a short walk to War Pig, which is completely intact, but under heavy attack. After crawling through a hole in a fence made by a fellow Marine, stick to the left and look behind a pallet with a set of fruit boxes on it for the other (2/2) Intel laptop just sitting on the ground. When you approach War Pig, stay in cover and work with your team to kill every approaching soldier. On harder difficulties, you'll really want to target the enemies holding RPG-7's because they'll inflict heavy damage onto the tank and might cause a game over if War Pig is destroyed. Push into enemy territory if necessary and try to wipe everyone out until Vasquez and War Pig call in for air support. Unfortunately, they can't send choppers in due to an enemy anti-air unit in the area. Vasquez will send you and two others to disarm the AA gun, but you should first consider completely wiping out all opposition to the south. Three soldiers will spawn on the southern roof when you walk past the opening in the metal fence, so watch out and take cover.

Approach the ZPU by heading through the buildings along the southern wall, then take out the soldiers surrounding it and blow it up. Now that the AA gun is destroyed, Vasquez will order you to plant a beacon so air support can identify your squad's location. A dumpster will likely have tons of bullet holes in it; hide behind this and look northwest of it for a glowing beam of light. Crawl to it and place the beacon down, then stay put or return to the dumpster until air support clears up the rest of Al-Asad's men. Regroup at the tank to finish the mission.


M1911 .45Starting weapon.
M9Held by a few enemies.
Mini-UziHeld by barely any enemies.
MP5Held by many enemies.
AK-47Held by some enemies.
G36CAmong the ruins of the helicopter crash and held by enemies near the barn at the start of the level.
M4A1Among the ruins of the helicopter crash.
M1014Held by enemies near the barn at the start of the level.
FIM-92 StingerRequired to be used in the mission.

The narrative returns to the SAS squad with Captain Price, Soap, Gaz, and Nikolai. As they take Nikolai to Germany, the helicopter is shot down. Move through the area with everyone and you'll soon reach a farm where you can see a farmer being harassed by some soldiers. If you can kill them before they kill the farmer, you'll get an achievement. Once these guys are down, pick up one of their M1014's or something else since you only have the pistol thus far. The M1014 will be a new weapon up to this point in the campaign, so you may as well at least take that to make sure you kill someone with it for the Weapon Master achievement.

Jump over the fence to the west when you're geared up. When a helicopter passes by, go prone on the ground and wait for Price's direction to continue. Enemies in the distance will soon start firing at you; get behind cover and focus on the helicopter once again. Enemies will rappel down from two lines, and you'll want to shoot at least three of them off of the same line for another achievement.

When your squad gets the basement door open, rush in and help them leave the building. More soldiers and their dogs will storm from the west after a short while, and you'll want to kill everyone in your way. One of your allies should hide in a house with a flaming barrel just by the doorway; you'll be able to find one of the two (1/2) Intel pickups in there on a table. You should get a checkpoint when it's clear to move up. If you're attacked by a dog here, knife them with the button prompt when told to. You'll earn an achievement for this as well.

When you get another checkpoint after clearing out more enemies, another attack dog may appear to jump you afterwards. Try to find a good position to kill it with a melee knife attack to contribute to another achievement. Knife swipes are different than what you just did for the above achievement, since being attacked by a dog calls for you to snap its neck. You can restart the checkpoint to get 20 knife kills on dogs to get this one out of the way now.

Move with the other SAS to a field and wait patiently for all your allies to move as far as they can into the distance. Don't bother trying to sneak up on anyone in the field, because it just won't work. When everyone is inevitably compromised, run towards the shattered greenhouse to the east and hide there as you take on foes from the north. Keep moving through buildings and soldiers until you reach a point where the enemy helicopter hides behind a building every once in a while. You'll want to use these moments to continue moving ahead until you enter the barn to the southwest. In there is a FIM-92 Stinger that you'll want to use twice to finally destroy that chopper. Once it's down, it'll be just a short walk before you finish the mission, but you'll want to return north before following everyone else. You'll be looking for a metal awning above some wooden tables, because the other (2/2) Intel laptop will be sitting on one of those tables. Continue up to the second floor of the barn when you're ready to finish things up.

Death From Above

For this mission, you'll be playing in the perspective of the AC-130 gunner that's come in for air support. This is a very simple mission and since you're in the AC-130 the entire time, there are no Intel laptops to pick up. The 105mm shot obliterates enemies in a wide area, but has a long reloading time, whereas the 25mm is the complete opposite and the 40mm is somewhere in-between. Use these three weapon types at your own discretion to attack the puny little soldiers on the ground below you. The 40mm is a pretty good standard type to use.

Soap, Price, and the rest of the squad will appear as little white silhouettes with a strobe effect (flickering) and enemies will simply not have the strobe. If you switch to the other visual mode shown to you at the start of the mission, everyone will appear as black silhouettes. Simply follow the directions given to you and you should have no problems giving proper support to the squad.

You'll want to use the 105mm to kill at least five enemies at once for an achievement. This is a lot easier than it sounds.

  • Straight Flush

    Kill 5 enemies with one shot while in the AC-130 gunship.

    Straight Flush
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

  • The Escape

    Complete 'Hunted' and 'Death From Above' on Veteran difficulty.

    The Escape
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.

War Pig

M1911 .45Held by few enemies.
M9Starting weapon. Held by some enemies.
AK-74uHeld by few enemies.
AK-47Held by some enemies.
AK-47 GrenadierHeld by very few enemies.
G3Held by some enemies.
M16A4Occasionally held by allies.
M4A1Occasionally held by allies.
M4A1 GrenadierStarting weapon.
M249 SAWNear your starting point.
RPDHeld by some enemies.
DragunovRight in front of you when the level starts, and in good sniping spots.
RPG-7Behind the bus and storage container further into the first field. Held by few enemies.
GP-25 Grenade LauncherConnected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 Grenadier.

With the SAS squad safely headed towards their destination, it's time to turn back to the Middle East and take control of Jackson once more. The fully repaired War Pig requires an escort back to the main stage of action. Fight everyone in the battlefield you were in at the end of The Bog and wipe everyone out up ahead so that War Pig can continue. When you get close to the bus in the distance at the start, two helicopters will fly in to drop more enemy soldiers down. If it's safe to do so, run to the back of the bus and pick up an RPG-7 so you can shoot one of them down for an achievement. If you can't make it, you can always replay the level on Recruit difficulty if you want to, but there'll be another chance to get this later on in the campaign anyway.

  • Bird on the Ground

    Shoot down an enemy helicopter with an RPG in the single player campaign.

    Bird on the Ground
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

More soldiers will attack you from further up the road, and you'll want to be very careful not to take cover behind a car for too long lest it explode with you behind it. War Pig will eventually blast the first floor corner of a building off, which you can find easily by looking for a busted wall just to the left of it. Enter the building through this hole and climb upstairs, then wipe out any stragglers hiding up there so you can safely pick up the (1/3) Intel on a dresser in the corner of one of these rooms. Another (2/3) Intel laptop is just across the street on the second floor of the building with a red phone booth in front of it. It'll be on a bed to the north.

It'll be the same routine all the way up this road. Despite initial impressions, no place on the road spawns enemies infinitely; they just spawn a lot of them. Focus on the enemy at nearly all times and only rush towards them if you think you're getting close to clearing out a spot they're appearing in. You'll eventually be fired upon by two machine guns on the second floor of a building in the distance, and once things have been cleaned up a bit, you and others will bust in to the second floor. The third (3/3) Intel pickup is on the second floor here as well.

Shortly afterwards, War Pig will confront an enemy tank. After this, there won't be many enemies left between you and the extraction point. It seems that Al-Asad's location has really been found out this time.

  • The Bog

    Complete 'The Bog' and 'War Pig' on Veteran difficulty.

    The Bog
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.

Shock and Awe

M1911 .45Starting weapon.
M9Held by barely any enemies.
AK-47Held by barely any enemies.
G3Held by most enemies.
M4A1 GrenadierStarting weapon.
RPDHeld by only a few enemies.
DragunovHeld by barely any enemies, only those in sniper positions.
RPG-7Held by some enemies.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Attached to the M4A1 Grenadier.

Now that Al-Asad has finally been pinpointed, a massive set of Marines have been sent in to the capital to take care of him. You'll start out in a chopper manning a rather heavy weapon, the Mark 19 grenade launcher; fire at the enemy below to make the ground assault go by more smoothly, and make sure you watch the meter on the right side of your screen to prevent overheating. Keep an eye out for tanks as well as heavy fortifications among the rooftops. On Veteran, you'll notice that this section is very trial-and-error, and you'll only know what you're missing when you die. Once you land, you may have killed 20 or more enemies, granting you this next achievement. If not, you can always come back to this level on Recruit later.

The target is a group of allies located at some green smoke. Fight your way over to them from where you landed and head up to them on the second floor, where you'll coincidentally find an (1/2) Intel pickup in the corner. When you're ready to fight new enemies, make sure you drop ONLY to the metal container just below; soldiers spawn when you make it just that far, and from the container you can return to the second floor to have a much better vantage point. Take note of the building to your right. Once fire has ceased, drop down to the ground so a few more enemies spawn in the back. Once everything's been silenced again, go up the stairs of the building on your right and shoot out a few more guys on the second floor so you can get the other (2/2) Intel laptop in the closet.

With this place cleared out, Jackson will be ordered to return to the Mark 19 on the helicopter as the Marines are sent to investigate Al-Asad's potential nuclear device. Shortly after, however, your fellow chopper will be shot down, and your crew will be given permission to rescue the pilot of said chopper. As soon as you land, you'll have 90 seconds (regardless of difficulty) to reach the pilot. Just make a mad dash for her and only stop to shoot people directly in front of you. She proves to be a great bullet vest once she's on your back, so you shouldn't have too much trouble returning to the chopper with her. The choppers will take off once she's aboard.



Act 2 delves into the SAS's attempts to find those responsible for the events of Act 1. Some of these missions have very difficult spots that have hopefully been explained to be easier with this walkthrough.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | Veteran Campaign

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M9Held by barely any enemies.
Mini-UziHeld by several enemies.
MP5Held by a few enemies.
AK-47Held by some enemies.
AK-47 GrenadierHeld by barely any enemies.
G3Held by some enemies.
G36CHeld by a few enemies.
M4A1 SOPMODStarting weapon.
M1014Starting weapon.
RPDHeld by barely any enemies.
DragunovHeld by snipers, which there are few of.
RPG-7Held by a few enemies.
C4Starting equipment.
GP-25 Grenade LauncherConnected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.

Nikolai fails to believe that Al-Asad would kill himself like that and thinks that he might be in a safehouse somewhere. He'll give Price the coordinates of one he knows the location of, and the team is sent to Azerbaijan. Ultranationalists in the village ahead are killing all the villagers; fend off enemy soldiers and stay put until you can call in air support. Do so, then head into the building and look for some (1/2) Intel on the second floor.

You're given at most two target buildings to call airstrikes on at a time. Whenever you're able to call in another strike, find the building and call it in until all the buildings have been cleared out, as well as a tank. The tank will be patrolling a road with one of the target buildings near the top of it, which also has a flooded basement. The other piece of (2/2) Intel is in there. Feel free to call multiple strikes on the same building. You'll know a building is cleared out when you get a checkpoint and the target on that building disappears.

After clearing the entire village, you'll finally be checking a barn up the hill. Call an airstrike in and deal with everyone attacking you from the outside so Price can open the front door. He'll toss a flashbang in and take down Al-Asad's two henchmen before tackling the dictator and interrogating him. As he fails to tell you where he got the nuke, his cell phone will ring and Price will get his answer. When he hears who's on the other end, he'll take care of business and identify the voice as Imran Zakhaev, a one-armed Russian.

All Ghillied Up

USP .45Starting weapon.
P90-SDHeld by the enemy MacMillan takes out after saying "Oi, Suzy!", and by others nearby.
AK-47Held by some enemies.
G3Held by some enemies.
G36CHeld by some enemies, and at the third Intel position.
RPDHeld by some enemies.
DragunovHeld by the sniper at the end of the level.
M21 SuppressedStarting weapon.
FIM-92 StingerIn the church early into the level and at the third Intel position for some reason.

This mission is a throwback to Captain Price's past to explain who Imran Zakhaev is. Apparently, once the Chernobyl Incident occurred, there was lots of material for the taking, and he wanted as much of it as he could. Lt. Price and Captain MacMillan were sent in to assassinate him before he gets his way. For your first time through, you'll want to get to the end without ever being detected for an achievement. This is easier than it sounds thanks to generous checkpoints, so just play on Veteran since not being detected means no combat anyway. Whenever you're spotted, just reset the most recent checkpoint.

Shoot one of the two soldiers walking away from each other when they get far enough away, then follow MacMillan and shoot another by a car. There's a soldier in the church looking out above a single patrolman next to a car. Shoot him out and then go for the guy by the car, then continue following your captain. A helicopter will eventually pass by; go prone on the ground and wait for it to pass.

On an easier playthrough, you'll want to head up to where that soldier was looking out in the church by using the ladder inside. There, you'll find not only one of the (1/3) Intel laptops for this level, but you'll also find a FIM-92 Stinger. This is important because you'll want to actually shoot down the helicopter that appears early into the level for an achievement. You may as well just grab the three intel laptops on this same run instead of going for them on your no-detection/Veteran run.

Grab the Stinger up there or one of the few on the ground floor, then run to the short wall you usually hide behind and point your Stinger above the church. Have it lock on to the chopper once it appears and rush back inside for a second Stinger; the chopper's flares have prevented it from damage this one time. With your second Stinger, peek out the front door (the one you used to enter the church the first time) and hit the chopper again for the achievement.

Just past this is a wide field which will soon be populated by tanks and soldiers. Go prone once more and stay behind MacMillan's feet to easily remain undetected. Up ahead are two pairs of soldiers, one in the distance and one by a truck. Shoot the one in the far back when he's in front of the red storage container, then go for his buddy. You and MacMillan will work together to take out the two by the truck before moving on. Past this are a few more metal containers that MacMillan will help you get through by himself; the first enemy, who he tricks by saying "Oi, Suzy!" will drop a notable new weapon, the P90-SD. You'll want to kill someone with it on a later playthrough. The second (2/3) Intel laptop also calls for another playthrough, because to get to it you'll have to shoot out about four guys surrounding some barrels with the Intel on top of them, inciting detection. When replaying the level, you may as well use the P90-SD to kill the guys around the Intel.

After this is a heavily populated enemy area with lots of trucks and soldiers. Just follow MacMillan's every move to get through without a hitch. After this, make a break for it when you're directed to and you'll eventually shoot a sniper. Climb up to his position instead of following MacMillan to get to the last (3/3) Intel location and find some more weapons. Then just walk past a dog and get through an entire empty building to reach an abandoned hotel. From here, you'll be able to get a good shot at Zakhaev.

One Shot, One Kill

M9Held by barely any enemies.
USP .45Starting weapon.
MP5Held by some enemies.
AK-47Held by some enemies.
G3Held by some enemies.
W1200Held by barely any enemies.
RPDHeld by barely any enemies.
Barrett .50calThe weapon used to shoot Zakhaev, despite the game calling it an M21.
DragunovHeld by some enemies.
M21Starting weapon.
C4Starting equipment.
ClaymoreStarting equipment.
GrenadeStarting equipment.

Several days later, the meeting between Zakhaev and his buddies will take place. Look down the scope of the Barrett .50cal (the game will call it an M21, but it isn't) and identify Zakhaev standing out in the open. He'll be the only bald one in the group of Russians that show up in cars. Take note of the driver sitting in the car on the far left when everyone gets out; this is Vladimir Makarov from later into the series, and killing him here would prevent so many problems in Modern Warfare 2 & Modern Warfare 3. Wait for Price to tell you that "It's now or never. Take the shot!" to shoot Zakhaev, then quickly pan over to Makarov to shoot him as well.

Zakhaev will not die from Price's shot, but will instead only be disarmed. A helicopter will appear in front of you very shortly afterwards, and you'll want to snipe the pilot before making a mad dash out of the hotel with Captain MacMillan. Rappel down to the ground and wait for MacMillan to call in your compromised status to get a 20-minute timer to get to the extraction point. Try to kill just enough people to allow you and MacMillan to head north into the building up there. Remember, you're working on a timer now.

Follow MacMillan into the building and place a claymore by the doorway ahead to take an enemy or two down, then kill everyone out in the field outside. After they're all dead, another helicopter will appear in the distance. Shoot it in a proper spot to take it down, then run southwest to the end of the grass. The helicopter will come crashing down, and unfortunately MacMillan's leg will become incapacitated at the last second. Pick him up and carry him further down the grass a little ahead of a pole covered in vines. He'll be able to shoot at enemies with you from here, and this is the best place to put him. When the coast is clear yet again, pick up MacMillan and walk south with him, placing him on the ground just past the corner of the building.

Kill everyone here as well (MacMillan will probably take care of them all by himself) and move west immediately to avoid more soldiers coming in. If you're lucky, you can make it to the objective marker without being attacked. Head upstairs with him and put him down when you see a dog. You'll have to clear this floor out by yourself. There's a mix of soldiers and dogs here (two each) so you'll want to bring out your secondary weapon to get the job done.

Once you carry MacMillan out of the building, put him down and look west for a ladder leading upwards. Climb it all the way to the top to get one of the two (1/2) Intel cases, but be quick about it. Carry MacMillan closer to the extraction point through an indoor pool building with some dogs eating something in the pool. Once you drop down, the timer will disappear, and you'll want to put MacMillan down so the two of you can shoot the pair of soldiers between you and the Ferris wheel. Continue towards the wheel and place MacMillan down, then put the rest of your claymores in positions that you think enemies will come at you from the south. Do NOT use your C4 just yet. After this, bring MacMillan at the glowing yellow spot behind it to the north so he can provide sniper support as the extraction helicopter arrives. That way, the claymores will be saved into the checkpoint and you won't have to run around again every time you die.

This is going to be a long and tedious test of survival when on Veteran difficulty. Not only do dogs easily kill you if you fail the quicktime event, but there will be loads of enemies coming from the south and southwest. A good spot for you to be in may be on the wooden base of the Ferris wheel. The second (2/2) Intel pickup is behind some closed doors that only open when soldiers spawn from them, and you should really only go for it on Recruit to minimize frustration. To get soldiers to open the door that it's behind, you'll generally want to sit just to the left of where you left the pool so you're far enough away for them to appear. Then push your way through to the Intel.

You can check how far away your ride out is by looking at the compass at the bottom of your screen. At about 6000m some enemy helicopters will come in to drop soldiers in. There are two optimal ways to go about surviving to the end of the level and the second one is definitely less complicated.

You should at this point run into the wooden ticket booth shack between the Ferris wheel and the bumper cars, lying prone and facing the doorway at an angle so you cover the floor as widely as possible. MacMillan can't die, so he'll be fine on his own and not only will you be shielded from grenades, you don't have to do nearly as much work. Grenades will occasionally enter the booth (which you can just throw out the door since you'll be angled to cover the entire floor) and barely any soldiers will be facing you long enough in this position for you to bother shooting them with your USP/secondary weapon. If you were to lie down against one of the booth's walls as opposed to diagonally, you'd have to move around in the booth to be able to throw a grenade back, but you wouldn't know you could throw that grenade back since the symbol is no different from a grenade outside of the booth. There are rare instances when flashbangs (which you cannot throw back) will enter the booth, so you'll just have to pray that no enemies shoot you in the time you're stunned. That probably won't happen though.

When your chopper shows up, wait for about five seconds so there are just a tad fewer enemies to deal with before running to MacMillan. Go prone next to him so you can heal up if necessary, then pick him up and go straight for the chopper.

Put all your C4 around the bumper cars in the grass (NOT on the stage) and the western sides of the fences, replace your sniper rifle if you can, and then run east past them and into the first little corner on the left that you get to. Stay standing and watch for enemy soldiers that might appear so you can shoot them. You'll be protected from grenades around the corner here, and you can blow the C4 when the chopper is about to land to pick up MacMillan and bring him to the chopper.

The story will return to the present day after this mission ends.

  • The Shot

    Complete 'All Ghillied Up' and 'One Shot, One Kill' on Veteran difficulty.

    The Shot
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.


P90In the barn.
AK-47 GrenadierHeld by barely any enemies.
G36CIn the barn.
M249 SAWStarting weapon.
RPDIn the barn.
DragunovIn the barn.
M21Starting weapon.
FMG-148 JavelinRequired to be used in the mission.
RPG-7In the church and at the fence on the way to the barn. Dropped by some enemies.
ClaymoreStarting equipment.
GP-25 Grenade LauncherConnected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
GrenadeStarting equipment.

With Al-Asad dead, the SAS squad needs to get evacuated as soon as they can. Mines have been set around the hills and the team will set up on the hill to shoot the ultranationalists that come up to attack you. Don't join them, but instead use the stairs inside the church to get to a hidden RPG-7 cache and use all of the ammo for an achievement. Afterwards, continue your attack with your M21 and pick your M249 SAW back up again.

The ultranationalists will pop smoke grenades in the area. When that happens, get a head start of going to the crashed chopper up the hill and climbing to the minigun inside. You'll want to cover both the downhill slope and the graveyard on your left and right, but you also want to look up at the sky for five incoming helicopters. When going for the Flyswatter achievement, you will want to shoot ALL FIVE of them to cause them to crash.

When the choppers get too close, Price will order you to fall back into the building behind you to use four detonators. Use the ones on the western front first before going for the two on the northern front. The team will fall back to the barn once the mines have been detonated.

Right in front of one of the gates in the field leading to the barn are three RPG-7's. Pick one up and make sure you pick up the others as ammo, because you'll need them to shoot three more choppers, which will immediately appear from left to right behind you. Shoot them in that order (because going the other way may not be enough time before the one on the left takes off again) to get an achievement. You'll also get Bird on the Ground if you didn't get it earlier.

  • Bird on the Ground

    Shoot down an enemy helicopter with an RPG in the single player campaign.

    Bird on the Ground
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

When that's out of the way, run into the barn and grab the FMG-148 Javelin, then use it on the four tanks in the distance. Now things are going to get difficult. Replace your Javelin with whichever other weapon in the barn you prefer to use and call in an airstrike when you can. It appears that the field in front of the barn is too hot to land at after all, and the evac chopper will ask you to go all the way back down the hill instead, at the gas station that Safehouse started out by.

Toss smoke grenades as soon as you can when the timer starts and try to make a mad dash for the little shack in the corner of the field on your left, which should give you a checkpoint. Get to the deep interior of it and call an airstrike on yourself first, then one outside through a little crack to the south. Now it'll be a bit safer to launch another airstrike on the pile of logs (or a busted car) on the road outside. Rush into the closest house as soon as you have enough room to do so, then make your way downhill. You should get a checkpoint on your way down to make things easier. SSgt. Griggs will greet you at the landing zone; it seems he wasn't deployed to the Middle East when the nuke went off.

The Sins of the Father

M1911 .45Starting weapon.
MP5Held by some enemies.
SkorpionHeld by one enemy in the diner.
AK-47Held by some enemies.
G36CIn the guard tower. Dropped by a few enemies.
W1200Dropped by enemies in the five-story building.
RPDHeld by a few enemies.
R700Starting weapon, and in the guard tower.
GrenadeStarting equipment.

The Marines and the SAS will now be working together to find and defeat Zakhaev. Price's plan is to capture Zakhaev's son, then use him to find the father. You'll be working with a loyalist named Kamarov for this mission. Work with everyone to take over the guard checkpoint and quickly grab the (1/2) Intel on the table in the diner; you'll lose your chance shortly afterwards when Price stops talking.

When you're dressed in enemy clothes, Price will give the word to attack the convoy that appears. Gaz will confirm that Zakhaev's son is in one of the cars and the firefight will begin. Zakhaev's son will quickly get away, and you and SSgt. Griggs will chase after him into a junkyard. A horde of enemy soldiers pollute a small village Zakhaev runs into. Take out all opposing forces to make him run away once more, then take a left into an alleyway after Griggs tells you to. You'll reach a red metal container shortly into this alleyway. Walk to the right of it and attack enemies from this position, then go up the metal stairs here to find the other (2/2) Intel laptop. Watch out for soldiers up there as well.

Listen to the chopper pilot for locations on enemies as you approach a five-story building. Push your way through the second floor with Gaz and Griggs, then head up to the third, where the chopper will take care of all remaining hostiles. Zakhaev will be on the roof. Try to restrain him when Price tells you to end the mission.

The story wraps up here with four relatively shorter missions. You shouldn't find too much to be difficult on this page as opposed to Act 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | Veteran Campaign

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M9Held by barely any enemies.
AK-74uHeld by a few enemies.
Mini-UziHeld by allies.
MP5SDHeld by barely any enemies.
AK-47Held by many enemies at the start of the level.
G36CHeld by some enemies, mainly in the houses.
M4A1 SOPMODStarting weapon.
M1014On a crate as soon as you enter the base. Held by barely any enemies.
M249 SAWOn a crate as soon as you enter the base.
RPDHeld by barely any enemies.
DragunovOn a crate as soon as you enter the base. Held by barely any enemies.
RPG-7Held by a few enemies.
C4Starting equipment.
ClaymoreStarting equipment.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.

Zakhaev's retaliation move for the actions against his son is to threaten the entire world with nuclear destruction. To stop this, the three central SAS operatives and SSgt. Griggs have been sent in to take over the launch facility. Griggs, however, has landed a bit off course, so you need to go after him. A vehicle will stop a little ways up the road; hide on the sidelines and wait for a good shot to kill the two soldiers that get out. When you reach a bunch of soldiers with flashlights, try to either sneak past them or kill individuals when they're isolated.

Griggs must be held inside one of the nearby houses. Search both floors of the first house you come across, then wait when Price tells you to look outside. For the most optimal results, hide behind the wooden plank on the railing just outside and look north for a lone soldier. Kill him and wait for another to notice, then kill him as well to remain completely silent. Griggs will be in the next house you search; join Price and the gang upstairs and just stand outside the door as your allies clear the room (or join in if you really want to help). Price will ask you to untie Griggs so the team can get on their way towards their objectives, the first of which is the electrical tower.

When enemy choppers pass by, immediately go prone on the ground and wait for them to pass, then run up to the tower and plant two C4 charges. Blow it up and watch the magic as the 2nd Squad manages to bypass a security check thanks to your help. Lie flat when more choppers fly overhead after you pass through a fence, then head into the base through a cracked wall and pass next to another fence towards a garage.

Time to engage the enemy. Feel free to shoot at them from the doorway leading to the garage if you don't want to risk dying. Your allies will respawn, so you don't have to do all too much here. You'll know when everyone's been killed when helicopters bring more soldiers in. They're not the only newcomers though, so get back to that doorway and keep shooting at the new guys. A third wave will arrive with no warning when the second is dying out. When things have died out once again, head into the green building at a right angle to the west (use the northernmost building as an entrance) and look for the one (1/1) Intel pickup for this level in the northwest corner, then watch for enemies on the rooftops to the north and take them out.

When you follow your allies into the next building run upstairs and get near a window, because enemies will come at you from a new set of garages. Do what you've been doing thus far at the base and head down to those garages to continue towards the 2nd Squad. As you could have guessed, there are more soldiers to greet you in this new area, and after they leave more will come in on trucks.

That'll finally be the last of the Ultranationalists for this level. Make your way to the 2nd Squad and watch Zakhaev's retaliation take off, making the launch facility an even bigger priority than it already was.

All In

USP .45Starting weapon.
AK-47Held by many enemies.
AK-47 GrenadierHeld by a few enemies.
G3Held by some enemies.
G36CIn a crate in a warehouse just outside the initial area.
M4A1 SOPMODStarting weapon.
M1014In a shipping container at the start of the mission.
RPDIn a garage to the southwest in the launch facility. At piles of green weapon containers.
DragunovIn a garage to the southwest in the launch facility. Held by a few enemies.
RPG-7In a garage to the southwest in the launch facility. Held by a few enemies.
C4Starting equipment.
ClaymoreStarting equipment.
GP-25 Grenade LauncherConnected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.

Run up to the yard full of containers at the end of the field and wipe out all opposing forces. Don't pass through the fence until you're sure enemy density is at a minimum, because you'll be ordered to blow up an enemy vehicle when you do. Throw a smoke grenade so you can approach it, then plant some C4 and blow it up from a safe distance.

With the tank down, kill everyone else around the launch facility and try to find an RPG-7 if you can. If an enemy hasn't dropped one in a reach-able location, you can find one in the garage to the southwest. Continue wiping the area clean so Price blows the gate at the end of the area to continue onwards. Your new objective will be to destroy two more tanks (made a little easier with your new RPG-7), but you'll first want to look for a building to the south in this first area with two satellite dishes on it. Next to this building is an alley that curves north towards one of the (1/2) Intel pickups for the level.

In this new open space, run up to the brick building for cover and shoot at enemies from the east until they stop coming so you can easily launch two RPG-7 shots at the first vehicle. Now continue east towards an open warehouse building to get the other (2/2) Intel laptop, then take out the soldiers near the other tank so you can get closer to it and plant the C4 on its back.

A third team will drop in from the northwest by helicopter as Griggs and others cut through some air vents to enter the launch facility. Hook up to one of the grapples at the center vent to end the mission.

No Fighting in the War Room

M9Held by barely any enemies.
USP .45Starting weapon.
AK-47Held by many enemies.
G36CHeld by some enemies.
M4A1 SOPMODStarting weapon.
M1014Held by some enemies.
GrenadeStarting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherStarting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.

You, Price, and Griggs will head for the launch control room as Gaz and the Marines make their way to the security booth. Crawl through the air ducts and drop into the showers to get a call from central command. Depending on your difficulty, you'll have between 9-15 minutes to get to the terminal before the nukes land on the US east coast, so you don't have a lot of time to stick around. When you leave the locker room, go left, because one of the final Intel pickups are in that direction.

Shoot at the handful of enemies in this left hall and be careful around the bend to the next one. Get used to hiding behind walls here. In the first room on your left, you'll be able to find the first (1/2) Intel laptops on a table. After this hall is a wider room, and past that is a staircase and the first meaningful checkpoint. Having seven-ish minutes left at this point would be ideal.

Two enemies will greet you at the start of this new hallway. When they die, move up a little to make a whole bunch more run towards you at the other end. Try to kill them all when this happens to save time and avoid an unnecessary firefight. Curve right as soon as you can and make your way around the hall, fighting any enemies on the right side as you approach the end. Be careful and watch your left side often. At the end of the hall is another empty hall, leading to a doorway. You may or may not get a checkpoint, so try to wipe out everyone behind you to try to get it to trigger.

The next hall is wide and has a set of wooden boxes blocking the way. Take care of the shotgun-wielding enemies by the next doorway and then run up to the boxes to try to get your allies to move up. Heal up and look past these boxes to get rid of everyone behind them easily, then carefully clean one of the halls on the left or right to get ahead.

Outside of this set of halls is launch control. Gaz and his team will have taken over the security booth, so they'll open the doors for you. Quickly clear the room and head down the hall, then plant explosives and breach the launch control room with the other team doing so on the other side. Clear the room as soon as possible, then enter the abort codes. Head southeast and enter the room to the southwest with a blue screen to find the final (2/2) Intel pickup.

Now that the nukes have been disarmed, you'll need to make your way out of the facility. Thankfully, there's no more time limit. Make quick work of the stragglers inside the facility and clear out the vehicle depot, then get ready to chase after Zakhaev.

  • The Ultimatum

    Complete 'Ultimatum', 'All In', and 'No Fighting in the War Room' on Veteran difficulty.

    The Ultimatum
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.

Game Over

M1911 .45Starting weapon.
AK-47Held by some enemies.
M4A1Starting weapon.
M60E4Held by one guy as soon as you make it to the stable part of the bridge. Might not spawn; reload checkpoint if necessary.
RPG-7Held by some enemies.

Not only is Zakhaev getting away, but swarms of his men know exactly where you are. Ride along the truck you're on and shoot at others filled with enemies. Don't forget that you can crouch for cover if necessary. Some enemies will have RPGs, and those should always be a high priority. When a helicopter comes after you, replace your pistol with an RPG-7 and try to shoot it away. It'll eventually fire at the bridge in front of you, causing everyone to crash.

Quickly get onto stable ground and fight the enemy, then run up to their corpses and look for the M60E4, a weapon that only drops by one soldier in this mission. Be sure to get a kill with it at some point. After a few minutes, the loyalists will tell you that they're coming in to support you, but the tanker will soon explode.

Zakhaev himself will stroll along the bridge with his men, killing all stragglers they approach. Grab Price's pistol when he slides it over to you and fire on them when their backs are turned to end this struggle.

  • Deep and Hard

    Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.

    Deep and Hard
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.Difficulty Specific - These achievements require that the game be played on a certain difficulty level.Stackable - These achievements can be unlocked at the same time as, or in the course of, earning its more difficult or less difficult counterpart.

If you've been collecting the Intel as you play, you'll have unlocked the two following achievements for doing so and will have unlocked all of the little bonus treats to add some replayability to the game. If not, then you can consult the walkthrough again or use the below video to help you find what you're looking for as you play on a lower difficulty to wrap things up.

After the credits roll, you'll be thrown into Mile High Club, an undisclosed operation that requires the utmost precision on Veteran difficulty. You will have about one minute to get to the hostage being taken by the enemies onboard an airplane, and you'll need to perform very exact movements.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | Veteran Campaign

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Mile High Club

M9Held by barely any enemies.
USP .45Starting weapon.
Mini-UziHeld by some enemies.
MP5SDStarting weapon.
P90Held by some enemies.
SkorpionHeld by a few enemies.
M1014Held by a few enemies.

There are lots of methods to go about this mission, so this will cover one of those. First, ignore the guy in the bathroom on the left and aim down the hall at the soldier standing up. Toss a flashbang into the next room and look away so you're not blinded, then kill whoever's in your way and crouch behind a chair in the next room to reload as the hull is breached. Chuck another flashbang past the breach and face right when you can to find a hidden soldier, who you should kill before he kills you. More enemies will come from the stairs; try to shoot them before they can get to the floor you're on.

Go up one flight of stairs and reload as you do so, then take the eastern staircase and throw a flashbang up there (the goal is to toss it into the next room. Quickly take down everyone in the room and grab the flashbangs on the table here, then chuck a flashbang or two down the hall and shoot past everyone in your way, ignoring the rest. Getting to the hostage is first priority.

You need to shoot the soldier behind the hostage with your pistol while everything is in slow motion, and you only have five seconds (not in real-time) to do so. For a guaranteed opening, wait until there's one second on the clock. After this, just jump out of the plane when your allies break the door open.

This is clearly far fewer directions than most other missions have, which reinforces the fact that this mission is far easier said than done. When you manage to complete the mission on Veteran, you'll officially join the highly-esteemed Mile High Club.

This page lists everything in the game that you need to get for the Weapon Master achievement and where to find them. You'll want to keep track of things yourself if you haven't been going through every mission in order, using every weapon available, before moving to the next. Variants (such as the MP5SD to the MP5) do not count, but their locations have been listed in the event that one variant is easier to find than another or the base weapon.

Desert EagleCrew Expendable: See the Desert Storm achievement on the Prologue page.
M1911 .45Hunted: Starting weapon.
War Pig: Held by barely any enemies.
Shock and Awe: Starting weapon.
The Sins of the Father: Starting weapon.
No Fighting in the War Room: Starting weapon.
M9Blackout: On the slope leading up to the power station.
Charlie Don't Surf: Starting weapon.
The Bog: Starting weapon.
Hunted: Held by barely any enemies.
War Pig: Starting weapon.
Shock and Awe: Held by barely any enemies.
Safehouse: Held by barely any enemies.
Ultimatum: Held by barely any enemies.
No Fighting in the War Room: Held by barely any enemies.
Mile High Club: Held by barely any enemies.
USP .45Crew Expendable: Starting weapon.
Charlie Don't Surf: On the wooden table in the room near the first Intel pickup.
All Ghillied Up: Starting weapon.
One Shot, One Kill: Starting weapon.
Ultimatum: Starting weapon.
All In: Starting equipment.
No Fighting in the War Room: Starting weapon.
Game Over: Starting weapon.
Mile High Club: Starting weapon.
AK-74uCrew Expendable: Dropped by many enemies.
Charlie Don't Surf: Found by the first and second Intel pickups.
War Pig: Held by barely any enemies.
Ultimatum: Held by a few enemies.
Mini-UziCrew Expendable: Found in the room where you have to shoot enemies on a catwalk on the other side.
Hunted: Held by barely any enemies.
Safehouse: Held by a fair number of enemies.
Ultimatum: Held by barely any enemies.
Mile High Club: Held by some enemies.
MP5FNG: Starting weapon.
Blackout: Carried by enemies in the outposts (after the first one).
Hunted: Held by many enemies.
Safehouse: Held by a few enemies.
The Sins of the Father: Held by some enemies.
MP5SDCrew Expendable: Starting weapon.
Ultimatum: Dropped by downed, non-essential allies.
Mile High Club: Starting weapon.
P90Heat: In the barn.
Mile High Club: Held by some enemies.
P90-SDAll Ghillied Up: Held by the guy MacMillan says "Oi, Suzy!" to, as well as other enemies in that area.
SkorpionBlackout: Held by the very first enemies in the mission.
The Sins of the Father: Held by one enemy in the diner.
Mile High Club: Held by a few enemies.
AK-47Crew Expendable: Dropped by many enemies.
Charlie Don't Surf: Dropped by almost all enemies.
The Bog: Held by many enemies.
Hunted: Held by many enemies.
War Pig: Held by some enemies.
Shock and Awe: Held by barely any enemies.
Safehouse: Held by several enemies.
All Ghillied Up: Held by some enemies.
The Sins of the Father: Held by some enemies.
Ultimatum: Held by many enemies, mostly at the beginning of the level.
All In: Held by many enemies.
No Fighting in the War Room: Held by many enemies.
Game Over: Held by some enemies.
AK-47 GrenadierCharlie Don't Surf: On the wooden table in the room near the first Intel pickup.
War Pig: Held by few enemies.
Safehouse: Held by barely any enemies.
Heat: Held by barely any enemies.
All In: Held by a few enemies.
G3Blackout: Dropped on the way to Nikolai after you rappel from the power station.
The Bog: Held by some enemies.
War Pig: Held by some enemies.
Shock and Awe: Held by most enemies.
Safehouse: Held by some enemies.
All Ghillied Up: Held by some enemies.
All In: Held by a few enemies.
G36CFNG: On the counter. Might not count towards the achievement since there are no enemies.
Hunted: In the helicopter wreckage. Held by a few enemies, most notably one of the soldiers harassing the farmer.
Safehouse: Held by a few enemies.
All Ghillied Up: Held by some enemies and near the third Intel pickup.
Heat: In the barn.
The Sins of the Father: In the guard tower. Dropped by a few enemies.
Ultimatum: Held by some enemies, mainly on the way to rescue Griggs.
All In: In a crate in a warehouse just outside the initial area.
No Fighting in the War Room: Held by some enemies.
M16A4War Pig: Occasionally held by allies.
M4A1Charlie Don't Surf: Starting weapon.
The Bog: Held by some allies.
Hunted: Among the ruins of the helicopter crash.
War Pig: Occasionally held by allies.
Game Over: Starting weapon.
M4A1 GrenadierThe Bog: Starting weapon.
War Pig: Starting weapon.
Shock and Awe: Starting weapon.
M4A1 SOPMODBlackout: Starting weapon.
Safehouse: Starting weapon.
Ultimatum: Starting weapon.
All In: Starting weapon.
No Fighting in the War Room: Starting weapon.
M1014Hunted: Dropped by some enemies, most notably one of the soldiers harassing the farmer.
Safehouse: Starting weapon.
Ultimatum: Held by a few enemies. On a crate as soon as you enter the base.
All In: In a shipping container at the start of the mission.
No Fighting in the War Room: Held by some enemies.
Mile High Club: Held by a few enemies.
W1200Charlie Don't Surf: On the long wooden table in the room near the first Intel pickup and in other locations around the level.
The Bog: Held by some allies.
One Shot, One Kill: Held by barely any enemies.
The Sins of the Father: Dropped by enemies in the five-story building.
M249 SAWCharlie Don't Surf: Near the ledge of the roof connected to the building with the third Intel pickup on it.
The Bog: Held by barely any enemies near the tank overpass.
War Pig: Near your starting point.
Heat: Starting weapon.
Ultimatum: On a crate as soon as you enter the base.
M60 E4Game Over: Held by one guy as soon as you make it to the stable part of the bridge. Might not spawn; reload checkpoint if necessary.
RPDThe Bog: Held by barely any enemies near War Pig.
War Pig: Held by few enemies.
Shock and Awe: Held by a handful of enemies.
Safehouse: Barely held by anyone.
All Ghillied Up: Held by some enemies.
One Shot, One Kill: Held by barely any enemies.
Heat: In the barn.
The Sins of the Father: Held by a few enemies.
Ultimatum: Held by barely any enemies.
All In: In a garage to the southwest in the launch facility and other piles of green containers.
Barrett Ca. 50One Shot, One Kill: Used to shoot Zakhaev.
DragunovBlackout: On the slope leading up to the power station.
Charlie Don't Surf: Near the first two Intel pickups and on the second floor of the TV station.
The Bog: Sitting by the machine gun in the first building you enter, and held by enemies near the tank overpass.
War Pig: Right in front of you when the level starts and in good sniping positions.
Shock and Awe: Held only enemies in sniper positions, of which there are few.
Safehouse: Held only by snipers, of which there are few.
All Ghillied Up: Held by the sniper at the end of the level.
Heat: In the barn.
Ultimatum: Held by barely any enemies. On a crate as soon as you enter the base.
All In: In a garage to the southwest in the launch facility. Held by a few enemies.
M21One Shot, One Kill: Starting weapon.
Heat: Starting weapon.
M21 SuppressedBlackout: Starting weapon.
All Ghillied Up: Starting weapon.
R700The Sins of the Father: Starting weapon and in the guard tower.
FIM-92 StingerHunted: Required to be used in the mission.
All Ghillied Up: In the church at the start of the level and by the third Intel pickup for some reason.
FMG-148 JavelinThe Bog: Required to be used in the mission.
Heat: Required to be used in the mission.
RPG-7Blackout: On the slope leading up to the power station.
Charlie Don't Surf: On the wooden table in the room near the first Intel pickup and dropped by a few enemies.
The Bog: Held by many enemies.
War Pig: Behind the bus and storage container in the initial battlefield and held by a few enemies.
Shock and Awe: Held by only a few enemies.
Safehouse: Held by a few enemies.
Heat: In the church and on the way to the barn. Held by some enemies.
Ultimatum: Held by a few enemies.
All In: In a garage to the southwest in the launch facility. Held by some enemies.
Game Over: Held by some enemies.
C4Blackout: Starting equipment.
Safehouse: Starting equipment.
One Shot, One Kill: Starting equipment.
Ultimatum: Starting equipment.
All In: Starting equipment.
ClaymoreBlackout: Starting equipment.
Charlie Don't Surf: Starting equipment.
One Shot, One Kill: Starting equipment.
Heat: Starting equipment.
Ultimatum: Starting equipment.
All In: Starting equipment.
FlashbangMost Missions: Starting equipment. Might not be required since flashbangs are non-lethal by design.
GP-25 Grenade LauncherCharlie Don't Surf: Connected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
War Pig: Connected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
Safehouse: Connected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
Heat: Connected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
All In: Connected to the AK-47 Grenadier.
GrenadeMost Missions: Starting equipment.
M203 Grenade LauncherBlackout: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.
The Bog: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 Grenadier.
War Pig: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 Grenadier.
Shock and Awe: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 Grenadier.
Safehouse: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.
Ultimatum: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.
All In: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.
No Fighting in the War Room: Starting equipment. Connected to the M4A1 SOPMOD.

  • Weapon Master

    Get a kill with each type of handheld gun, explosive and launcher in the single player campaign.

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    Weapon Master
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Collectable - These achievements are obtained by exploring the game environment to find a set of unique objects.

This page covers achievements that require some more work and are objectives that you'd otherwise probably not complete unless you know about them. Videos for all of these as well as some of the mission-specific achievements are in the playlist link below.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered | Misc Achievements

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The first achievement you can get is for killing an enemy while you're blinded by a flashbang. This is easiest done on Crew Expendable with the drunken soldier stumbling out of the crew's quarters. Just toss a flashbang as you approach him, and then stab him for the kill. There are two more soldiers in bed in the room to the right, and you can use your knife on them to get another achievement. If the knife achievement doesn't unlock, you'll have another chance to do so very early on in the level, after you breach the first door on the other side of the ship.

  • Daredevil

    Kill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang in the single player campaign.

    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

  • Three of a Kind

    Kill 3 enemies in a row with your knife in the single player campaign.

    Three of a Kind
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Similar to Three of a Kind, you now have to get four kills in a row with only headshots. This is most easily done on sniper missions, and it's suggested that you don't try this on Crew Expendable since the ship is constantly rocking back and forth. The achievement is a pretty straight-forward one, so there's not much else to say about it.

  • Four of a Kind

    Kill 4 enemies in a row with headshots in the single player campaign.

    Four of a Kind
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

You can earn another easy achievement for shooting an enemy's legs until he's down on the ground and crawling away from you, and then stabbing him to finish his life. This is another achievement you can earn on Crew Expendable, but you can also try your luck on more solo-oriented missions if you're having trouble.

Two other achievements go hand-in-hand and are very easy to get. To get one of them, you need to finish a level without reloading a gun, and for the other you need to only use your knife. Since you can't reload weapons when using your knife, it only makes sense to go for both at the same time. Load up Charlie Don't Surf on Recruit and you'll get these easily.

  • Retro Shooter

    Complete any level without reloading your weapon (excluding 'The Coup' and 'Aftermath').

    Retro Shooter
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

  • Master Ninja

    Complete any level using only the knife to kill enemies.

    Master Ninja
    Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

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