New Game Hub Tab And URL Restructure

By TrueSteam,
Hi everyone!

We thought it would be really handy to produce a new tab for our game pages that pull all the latest news, screenshots and videos into a single page.

So we have now produced a new Hub tab (this is the hub for Rocket League):

New Game Hub tab - top sectionNew Game Hub tab - top section

The top section contains a large image from the game, the game name and icons depicting which platform the game is available on.

Below that, we have some information on the most common and rarest achievements, along with a link to view the full list.

On the right, you'll see summary information about the game and a panel where you can subscribe to the latest news on the game direct to your inbox.

New Game Hub tab - bottom sectionNew Game Hub tab - bottom section

The bottom section contains the latest news for the game, along with any videos and screenshots we've found.

We've also made sure the page works on the mobile version of the site too!

Please note: We've had to slightly adjust our URL structure to include the hub pages. All your old game links should automatically redirect to the new ones, but if you notice anything funky then please do post in this thread and we'll get it fixed.
We're looking to add prices from the steam store to the hub soon - what else would you like to see on this page?
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