Pain Train Reviews

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    I'll be honest here, I bought Pain Train when it debuted assuming that it would be another wasted dollar that I could've better spent at McDonald's. I assumed that the game was probably made in Unity, which was correct, and more than likely total unplayable garbage. To my surprise, and probably to the rest of the Steam community that doesn't expect some AAA $60 quality out of a $1 bargain bin title, Pain Train is a well optimized, unbroken, fully playable, and god bless it even a somewhat fun game.

    The game houses 12 levels of zombie shooting madness where the difficulty slowly increases. To sum up the game in a nutshell, you have unlimited ammo and your overall goal is to destroy the zombie spawners that are located throughout each level. Each zombie you kill will also replenish a bit of your health. The further up the chain you go, the more spawners in the level, and the harder they will be to destroy. After all of the zombie spawners are dealt with, a Cyborg will appear and you'll have to destroy the spawners that are protecting him before you kill him; once he's dead, it's on to the next level. There are also three levels of difficulty for your enjoyment; easy, normal, and hard. Just know that once you die, it's all the way back to the beginning of the game.

    Along the way, by completing in-game missions such as kill x amount of zombies and take x amount of damage, you will level up your weapon. You won't be playing with a huge variety of guns, but you'll start off with a pistol, work your way up to a shotgun, then a rifle, and eventually a machine gun. Even though the weapons are different, the same cannot be said for each level; the layouts are exactly the same, and it's easy to tell that the assets that've been used are mostly free. However, for its price point the game actually looks halfway decent. More importantly, it plays at 60 FPS with no weird dips, despite how many zombies there may be on the screen at once; and trust me, it gets pretty hectic and full toward the end.

    A couple of odd things that I did notice was that when you make your way up to the machine gun, if you do a manual reload you will be reset to the rifle until you make it to the next level. I also at one point glitched through a wall and was under the map, where I could see all of the zombies above and beside of me, though I couldn't shoot them and they couldn't hurt me; thankfully I was able to move out of the area and back onto the map. Clearly, there are still some minor bugs and glitches that need to be worked out, but nothing game breaking.

    In conclusion, for a $1 title, Pain Train is actually pretty decent. In fact, it's one of the best $1 games on the Steam store right now; right along side Blood and Bacon, though I personally consider that game better since the developer is constantly implementing new things and hosting events. Pain Train will kill about an hour of your time, give or take a bit, if you don't die and have to restart. Not to mention, there are 590 easy achievements to earn for you fellow hunters out there. Go ahead and give it a purchase, it's only a buck, so why the hell not?

    Rating: 2.5/5.0 - It's not awful, but it's not great.

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