LEGO DC Super-Villains Reviews

  • Admiral PewPewAdmiral PewPew196,239
    19 Sep 2022
    0 0 0
    LEGO DC Super-Villians (3.5 stars out of 5)

    My personal opinion: It's a Lego game based off an IP, if you have played one you have played them all. I think the open world is only okay. It does what it tries to do well but its not going to blow you away. I do think this is a solid game for people who like collectathons, it will definitely scratch that itch.

    Brief synopsis of story: You start out as playing the bad guys. After some time you learn you need to save the good guys from even eviler people. A basic story that is elevated by Legos typical just above average writing.

    Pros: The writing is above average and the game can be pretty addicting for people who like to collect things. also There is a MASSIVE amount of characters you can play as.

    Cons: The boss fights are annoying and a little to slow paced. If it leaned into more of hack and slash that would have been better. There were moments where the same button could do different actions and it was not always clear what action would have next.

    Achievement total: 75
    Total hours played: 42.9 Hours

    Tips for any achievements: There are plenty of guide online, nothing stood out as uniquely helpful when I beat it. I would recommend unlocking the red bricks ASAP.
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