Half dead Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,067
    08 Sep 2017 08 Sep 2017
    2 0 0
    Half dead was released on the first of August, 2016, by Room710Games. Single player or multiplayer, you are playing on a science-fiction television show in which you must walk through a maze of traps and safe rooms in search of the exit.

    After seeing Markiplier and Jacksepticeye play this with Bob and Wade, I was immediately drawn into this game, and I wanted to play it for myself. It looked like a lot of fun and it has a relatively cheap price tag (it’s only £1.59 on the UK Steam Store). I quickly realised, this game isn’t as much fun if you don’t have a lot of people to play this with. However, single player mode can still be fun, if you enjoy using strategy to find your way safely through the many rooms that you’re trying to escape from. There are many different maps you can play and each one has a slightly different aspect that allows players to try different strategies, and I found it very interesting trying to complete the map on each different mode.

    Unfortunately, this is simply, open a door, throw a shoe in, and then run through to the next room in case of a trap delay, and it does get boring quickly sometimes. However, even when this game gets boring and repetitive, I find that I can close the game and come back to it after a few days, and fully enjoy it all over again.

    I would definitely recommend this one for a multiplayer game, and a single player if you’re a strategist. You’ll definitely find this one fun, and the achievements really make you wanna work hard through the game (or, rather, they do for me).

    I’d definitely recommend giving this one a try. It’s a lot of fun.
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