Frosty Kiss Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,064
    20 Sep 2017 20 Sep 2017
    2 0 0
    From 2Chance Projects comes Frosty Kiss, the seeming short sequel to the game Everlasting Summer. After having only played one route of Everlasting Summer so far, I really didn’t want to have to wait to play Frosty Kiss as it seemed to be a sweet, and adorable little game, so I just dove right in.

    I actually had a lot of fun with this game. I wasn’t expecting much, and I didn’t get much, length wise, but it was sweet. The artwork was sweet to look at, the audio was nice to listen to and the stories were short enough that I could go through all of them in one sitting, and not have to keep coming back to the game. Even with only a basic knowledge of all the characters, it was still easy to know who they were and to even know what choices to choose to get the routes for certain characters.

    This is one of the easiest games I have ever completed, in all honesty. It was very short, very simple fun, and it was a really lovely game to sit and play for a short while. I’d definitely recommend this to visual novels lovers who want a bit of a break from their usual games.
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