Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Reviews

  • azgoodazazgoodaz22,656
    02 Aug 2017
    1 1 0
    Single player review?

    Let's just say this, the Infinite Warfare campaign was far better than the Black Ops 3 campaign.

    BUT don't let this game fool you. I played 1 hour, I went to mission 2 and I published a quick review. Mostly to inform new buyers not to buy this game. What lazy and dumb developers Activision/Infinity Ward are that they had the balls to release this game on Steam. Game is unoptimized. I get 11 - 21 FPS in cut-scenes/walking around/quick time events (sometimes even 6 FPS during certain levels)... Let's just say everywhere. I'm not even on High settings and I even pass the minimum requirements.

    Even though had to had restart the game multiple times each mission to get better FPS, I beat the campaign. It took me around 10 ~ hours to complete the campaign including all of the side quests (22 main missions and 9 side quests). It probably took longer than needed due to all the low FPS parts.

    Ethan is the best supporting character in the campaign.

    Fixes for FPS:
    - Messing with NVIDIA Control Panel (you can actually turn off V-sync and get over 100 FPS).
    -- Update 1: I think the issue is respawning when you have died. I went from 50 - 60 FPS in 1 area, I died and then I dropped to 16 FPS again when I respawned at a checkpoint. So because of this, whenever you die I suggest you quit the game entirely (aka to your desktop) and relaunch the game to regain that 50 - 60 FPS.

    - Game is unoptimized. I get 11 - 21 FPS in cut-scenes/quick time events.
    - If you quit the game (aka back to the desktop), the game will still appear in the background processes. When you close the game from the background processes and if you reopen the game, it will ask if you want to run the game in 'Safe Mode.'
    - You can't tab out, not even in fullscreen borderless.

    - You can easily miss 4 achievements during the campaign called 'Captain’s Log, Reality TV, You Know Nothing & Peace to the Fallen.' Try and watch a guide about them before so that you know in the future where to look.
    - Pick up every weapon. They're like 'collectibles.'
    - Upon starting the game, be sure to preloading/precache the shadows. If you don't you will receive server timeout messages when entering a match in multiplayer and who knows what it will do in Single Player if you don't have it (probably 5 FPS and longer load times).
    - When in a 11 - 21 FPS zone and you try to low quality, etc to get better FPS in that area. You need to restart your game with almost every video setting change.


    Multiplayer review?

    It's Advance Warfare 2.0 or Black Ops 3.5.

    Jet-packs mostly ruin it. No one asked for this. It lacks skill.

    You WILL be spending most of your time in lobbies. Mostly everyone is playing either TDM or HC TDM.

    - You can only find SnD in the 'Moshpit' game mode. Pretty ridiculous if you tell me. IW is now a instant turn off now.
    - IW is filled with Activision’s greed. Microtransactions up the bum hole.
    - No dedicated servers, all peer to peer host connections like normal CoD.
    - It has 0 Steam integration whats so ever in-game. When I click on a player names, it should have the option to go to that users Steam profile (like how Xbox and PlayStation has one to go to a users 'gamercard/profile).'


    Do NOT buy this game. Even if it's on sale for $10 or $19.99.
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