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Periodic (perhaps annual) full rescans

  • WraithTDKWraithTDK23,263
    Posted on 19 February 16 at 17:24, Edited on 31 March 16 at 11:22 by Jack
    I'd love to be able to do occasional full rescans of my profile. I know this is more taxing on the server, so maybe restrict this to once a year, or even make it something you have to actually pay for. There are 2 reason I can think of for doing this:

    1. People who at some point may have cheated to get achievements and want a fresh start. Those people can re-lock their achievements, and do a complete re-scan. We did this for a few people in beta (myself included, as I cheated long before there were achievement communities for Steam, at which time they were pretty much meaningless).

    2. To allow people who joined before we changed how completion percentages are calculated, who'd like a more accurate measure. I've got probably 90% of the achievements for the games that SHOULD be on my record, but I still only have a 10% completion ratio because of all the games I've idled or otherwise played for a few minutes.
  • ACiDCA7ACiDCA735,447
    Posted on 14 February 21 at 11:19
    i second this, especially the first point.
    it doesnt have to be accessable to the endusers but it would be nice if you could at least ask a mod/admin to reset games.
  • RederdexRederdex237,905
    Posted on 15 February 21 at 19:21
    Full rescans have been possible for a while now, you can ask a mod to manually do one by using the link below.

    It however doesn't work with the first point, as achievements can't be removed from a TSA account, but it should fix profiles that have missing achievements from them.

    If you meant to make them be automatically done here and there, I see no reason for it, as the normal scanners should just pick everything up by themselves.

    Post here to request a Full ReScan
  • ACiDCA7ACiDCA735,447
    Posted on 16 February 21 at 17:26
    after rereading my post, it looks like i phrased it bad.

    i wish for the first point to be implemented. some other pages have that aswell. WraithTDK provided an example for its use. to discourage cheating, rescanned games could be made to not provide any points, if the timestamps differ between original and rescanned unlock.
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