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TSA's take on "Steam is learning about this game" and "Profile features limited"

  • nistormnistorm116,689
    Posted on 04 February 19 at 16:46
    There are two types of games that do not count towards your Steam's total achievements count and game completion percentages.

    - Steam is learning about this game.
    - Profile features limited.

    Both of these have the same tooltip on the store page: "This game is not currently eligible to appear in certain showcases on your Steam Profile, and does not contribute to global Achievement or game collector counts." But I am sure that they are treated differently somewhere.

    Paperbark - Steam is learning about this game
    Paperbark Achievements

    Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 3 - Profile features limited
    Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 3 Achievements

    Ashley Clark: Secret of the Ruby - Profile features limited (this one I actually completed way before it was added on TSA and it doesn't appear in my library on TSA nor my progress is available)
    Ashley Clark: Secret of the Ruby Achievements

    These kind of games do not appear in my library on TSA even though I do own them. This could be because Steam is not reporting on them exactly as it says in the tooltip. However, I think, as soon as I play them and earn a few achievements they will appear in my library on TSA (as long as the game was scanned by TSA previously). This could create some confusion as the scores and total achievement count might differ from Steam to TSA.

    I wonder what is TSA's take on this? Or how do you handle this types of games?
    In the case of the third game I actually finished it before it was on TSA and so my progress was not carried over, probably due to the fact that achievement's unlock time was way before the scanner was run (I guess a full rescan would fix this).
    Is there a way to add games to the library on TSA that are not yet visible from Steam API?
    What about games that do not have achievements?
  • vizthexvizthex72,609
    Posted on 29 May 23 at 04:07
    I have a few games like this, but they appear fine on TSA.

    Grid Miner is a great example. It's got the "profile features limited" tag.

    I 100% the game, but it doesn't show up on Steam's perfect games list - however, it does show up on the site's list.

    I have yet to find a game that doesn't work with the site.

    You can't add games that have no achievements as far as I know (kinda pointless to do that for a site focused on achievements, lol)
    vizthex, Attempter of Achievements
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