Site Wishlist

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Community powered Game Info updates

  • burtybobburtybob256,673
    Posted on 05 November 18 at 18:54
    My proposal is to add something similar to the "Facebook Editor" which is community powered edits for places.

    The premise is simple enough:
    1) User A with game and click a button on the game page and suggests an edit
    2) There is an editor hub (e.g. /editor) where people can go and it pulls all the suggested edits for games that the user owns where they can vote on the suggested edit.
    (e.g. User A suggests that "My Achievement" should be under the DLC "My DLC" for game A. Users of game A can go to "/editor" and this suggestion comes up and the other users say Yes/No to each one). When a certain % of users agree the edit is accepted (and the system is updated) or it's rejected.

    I think this would be helpful for the Staff of TSA especially by helping to lower the amount of game update/info they need to complete and the users would feel more a part of the site. It could also help speed up updates to some games.
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