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My achievements are not showing/unknown games?

  • Dacki1990Dacki199032,894
    Posted on 18 November 22 at 16:38
    Hello, I hope this is the right forum for my request. I've been playing some games over the last few days and got the achievements on Steam. However, they are not shown to me here. Why can that be?

    These are the following games:

    Tiny Bunny: Prologue
    Once on a windswept night
    Kid,napper: Gosh, I'm kidnapped by a pupil
    迟到摄影师 Late photographer

    I hope someone can help me. Thanks very much.
  • FlippolFlippol111,364
  • Dacki1990Dacki199032,894
    Posted on 18 November 22 at 20:06
    Could you try again? I think the problem is the following: after playing through the games, I removed it from my account. These are free-to-play games. Apparently, I have to keep them in the profile until they are synchronized to TSA. Can this be possible?
  • FlippolFlippol111,364
    Posted on 19 November 22 at 06:13
    OK I think everything is showing up now?
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