Call of Duty: WWII Upcoming DLC Puts on a United Front

By Rebecca Smith,
The Call of Duty: WWII - Multiplayer Season Pass will include four DLC packs to be released this year. Following on from the release of "The Resistance" and "The War Machine" will be the third pack, "United Front". Like previous packs, it will include three new multiplayer maps, a new War Mode mission, and a new zombies experience.

United Front

The third DLC pack focuses on the push towards Berlin with the three new multiplayer maps: Stalingrad, Market Garden, and Monte Cassino. On the contrary, the new War Mode mission takes players to North Africa in Operation Supercharge. Finally, there's a new zombies experience where four new heroes are sent to three distinct locations in a bid to transport the final pieces of Emperor Barbarossa’s sword.

Market Garden: Fight off German advances to maintain control of the Allied mansion base. Set in the Netherlands during Operation Market Garden, this map brings intense tight-quarters combat and gunfights around every corner.

Stalingrad: Survive long-range battles between opposing bases in Stalingrad's snow-covered factory district. Use strategic overlooks to control the map's center, or duck into the underground sewers to engage in close-quarters combat.

Monte Cassino: Join the Italian campaign in Monte Cassino. Nestled below a mountaintop monastery, this war-torn village offers rich verticality with rooftop vantage points and sneaky flank paths along the cliffs.
United Front

Operation Supercharge: Named after the Second Battle of El Alamein, Field Marshal Montgomery and the Allied Forces pushed the Germans and Italians to retreat from their last significant defensive position in southern Tunisia. Players will assault a train bridge, build guard towers and push the Axis forces to collapse to achieve victory.

The Tortured Path: The Allied forces are crumbling under the relentless advance of the Final Reich. General Rideau decides to take one last, dangerous gambit: to personally lead a small caravan across the 2,000 miles of infested land that stand between Berlin and the Allied-controlled port of Malaga. His mission? Transport the remaining pieces of Emperor Barbarossa’s legendary sword to the edge of the world. Uncover the lost forges of ancient Thule, and deliver a final death to the Undying.
You can see all of the above in action in the trailer below:

Thanks to a timed exclusivity agreement, PlayStation 4 players will get the DLC first on June 26th. Steam players can expect to receive the DLC four weeks later.
Rebecca Smith
Written by Rebecca Smith
Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueSteamAchievements, TrueAchievements and TrueTrophies. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. When not writing news, she can usually be found sharpening her very, VERY, pointy grammar stick in anticipation of its imminent use. Outside of TSA, TA and TT, she works in an independent game shop so that she can spend all day talking about games too. At home, with a variety of PCs and consoles on hand from which to choose, starting with a ZX Spectrum, games are never far away there either. However, as you're not supposed to have an unhealthy obsession with just a single subject, she also likes to read and dream about owning her own tribe of minions. She'll occasionally go outside.
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