Game Information Team Recruitment

By Veilor,
Join the Game Information Team!

Hi everyone,

TrueSteamAchievements has been going strong for the past two years now and the Game Information team have been working hard to manage all the new games steam throws here. But it’s been tough. Steam added 7,672 games in 2017 to the platform and analysts predict that number will only rise for each year. Our team has also been small as people move on to other things or don’t have time anymore. But now it’s a new year, new possibilities and a time for the site to grow even more. That’s why it’s time to recruit more members to the Game Information team!

Please note: This is a voluntary role. For volunteering, your perks are a staff badge on your profile and a free Pro account.

The Game Information Team is one of the core teams on the site and responsible for maintaining pretty much all aspects of game information, which is a HUGE task. This includes things like:

- Adding information to games and DLC packs that scan to the site
- Ensuring game names are accurate
- Adding and editing achievement flags
- Setting game genres
- Working with the development team to improve the GI process
- ...and more!
The work that the Game Info Team carries out is very important for the site, but there can be a lot of it and it can be repetitive at times. However, if you're not phased by these factors and you work well with others then please send me a PM with the subject “GI Application” and answers to the questions listed below.

1) What's your name (or Steam name if you'd prefer), how old are you, and where are you from?

2) Is English your first language? Do you read or speak any others?

3) Are you a student, working professional, unemployed, etc?

4) What kind of games do you enjoy? What are your interests outside of gaming and Steam?

5) How much time do you have available a week?

6) With respect to the above, how much would you be willing to give the GI team? One or two hours a day? 10 hours a week?

7) What interests you about the Game Information team?

8) Have you worked in a team before? What does it mean to you to be part of a team?

9) Have you ever "Peer Reviewed" work before? What do you understand by this term?

10) Why should we pick you for the team? Do you have any strengths or weaknesses?

11) Have you used TrueAchievements or TrueTrophies before? If so what are your tags?

12) Have you ever used SAM on your account? If yes what was your reason for doing so?
The deadline for the application for is 12th March 2018. After this, we'll be reviewing the responses to see if we think that you would be a good fit, and we'll let you know if you've been successful or unsuccessful shortly after this.

Good luck if you decide to apply, and thank you for your interest!

Veilor, Game Info Team Manager
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