Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Reviews

  • The Horror NetworkThe Horror Network216,881
    18 Jun 2017
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    Review for Wolfenstein 3D: Here.
    Review for Spear of Destiny: Here.
    Review for Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Here.

    Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is the unexpected 2015 prequel to 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order, and it's the second of the series to be published under Bethesda Softworks, and developed by MachineGames. If you're new to the Wolfenstein series, then you're in luck if you're considering starting with The Old Blood, as it's the best place for newcomers to get a firm grasp on the slightly convoluted, and multi-rebooted storyline. Although the game has a set tale of its own, many of the plot elements are retellings of prior events.

    The beginning takes place only slightly before the start of what happened during Return to Castle Wolfenstein; in that 2001 release, protagonist B.J. Blazkowicz found himself and his partner, Agent One, captured by Nazi forces and they were taken to the infamous castle. The Old Blood kicks off by showing the events that led up to Blazkowicz and Agent One, whose real identity becomes revealed, getting captured, and then progresses through their escape. However, that's not to say that Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a complete remapping of past events, as it does branch off into characters, plots, and areas never before explored, giving an entirely new, and much welcomed, depth to the franchise. Taking place in 1946, the plan was for Blazkowicz and his partner to steal a top secret document from the notorious Nazi leader Helga von Schabb, that reveals the location of Deathshead's compound. Of course, things soon go awry and the two American soldiers find themselves thrown into the prison of the vast fortress.

    If you've played Wolfenstein: The New Order, then the gameplay and all of its mechanics will be familiar to you; if not, then you're in for a treat. The game is extremely well crafted, combining optional stealth segments with guns-blazing glory battles, all the while taking the player on a mostly linear adventure filled with dynamic action elements. The gun play is fantastic, with the weapons themselves feeling massive and heavy, and all the more deadly when dual-wielded; seeing Blazkowicz mantle two enormous shotguns is truly a sight to behold. The connectivity of every bullet is felt, and each kill is very satisfying.

    Though the levels are not as diverse as what is featured in other games of the series, you will find yourself crawling through vents and tunnels, exploring underground catacombs, making your way through narrow dirt roads in a village, and of course, escaping the mighty Castle Wolfenstein itself. There are a total of 8 chapters, which in total last anywhere from 5-10 hours depending on if you spend time collecting gold bars and letters, as well as beating the 8 retro Wolfenstein 3D levels. The game also includes 8 challenge maps, where you can earn score-based medals.

    Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a worthy prequel successor to The New Order in every way, and as mentioned before it's a great starting point for newcomers. Long-term fans will enjoy finally having pieces of the story from older titles woven together, as well as the many Easter Eggs that are offered. For everyone in general, it's a remarkable fast-paced FPS that continues the legendary status of the franchise, filled with even more blood, witty humor, Nazi massacres, and some zombies to boot. It should also be noted that the optimization is great, and far better than what was seen in The New Order. Add to cart for more carnage, leave the page to be a weenie.

    Rating: 5.0/5.0] - An astonishing achievement, this game must be played.
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