Ultimate Chicken Horse Reviews

  • PrettzLPrettzL193,042
    06 Oct 2016 08 Oct 2016
    2 2 1
    This game is the PC answer to Mario Maker but with the added feature of 4 player simultaneous multiplayer both local, online and any mixture of the two.

    UCH is a sandbox and a platformer with a dollop of strategy merged in to a competitive multiplayer experience.

    Gameplay Summary:
    Overall objective: Get the highest score before the match ends to win.

    Gameplay Details:
    Get from the start to the goal on a round by round basis until a score threshold is reached or the round/time limit for the match is up.
    The beginning of every round is a build phase, either creative or a random assortment, there is also a twitch integrated mode where chat can vote for the objects to be used by the players.
    After all participants place their objects the round begins and everyone controls their character in an attempt to reach the finish while avoiding being caught in traps and navigating the placed objects.
    If all players of the match reach the end or fail- no one gets any points.
    Making the object of the game to make the level difficult enough for the other participants to lose while you still succeed.

    Overall Impression:
    The controls are tight and responsive. Directions, Jump and Run is all you need.
    Plays well on both gamepads and mouse/keyboard setups.

    Sound design is above average until you get to the music which is absolutely excellent and clearly has a lot of love put in to it.
    There is voice acting but it's fair gibberish at best though it does add quite a bit of personality to the controllable characters.

    I highly recommend this game for the fun factor.
    Showing only comment.
    Posted by Araya_koko on 25 Feb 17 at 01:16
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