Game action
This War of Mine


01 Dec 14
20 Sep 19
179h 19m

This War of Mine Achievements

Full list of all 55 This War of Mine achievements. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.

The base game contains 22 achievements, and there are 5 DLC packs containing 33 achievements.

  • Epilogue: New life

    Livia managed to survive until the end of war and gave birth to her child in time of peace.

    17 November 2019 - Add a guide
  • Epilogue: Exodus

    Safe at last, I looked back at the burning city and wept. I wished that all who wanted to leave it could do so. Escape from Pogoren.

    03 December 2016 - 1 guide
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  • Diary: Back from the brink

    With just kind words and deeds, we helped one of us survive the darkest depression that can kill just as dead as a bullet.

    03 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Diary: Patched up and ready to go

    What good fortune, not only we managed to dress these critical wounds, but they are healing nicely. Someone must be praying for us.

    03 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Diary: Miraculous recovery

    This recovery from a grave illness proves that medicines work miracles. Or perhaps some of us have really robust immune systems.

    03 December 2014 - 1 guide
  • Epilogue: War is over

    The dogs of war have been raging insanely all around for so long. Too long for many. But I survived and I hope I am not the only one.

    02 December 2014 - 1 guide
  • Epilogue: We made it!

    In the beginning, we didn't hope we'll all make it. So many died. And yet we're still here. This surely means something... right?

    02 December 2014 - 1 guide
  • Diary: We Made A Stand

    The bandits came in packs like dogs driven mad with hunger. We beat them back every night. And everyone survived. A miracle.

    02 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Diary: We've been everywhere

    We've combed through all the neighborhood, it's harder and harder to find anything useful. This war can't end soon enough.

    02 December 2014 - 1 guide
  • Diary: We Have Wintered

    The winter's gone. The freeze is over. We made it through... everyone made it! Amazing.

    02 December 2014 - 1 guide
  • Diary: Traces of lives

    Every building we visit has a story to tell. I'm wondering sometimes what kind of story we'll leave behind...

    02 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Diary: Effing Snow

    Fucking snow. It buried half of the city so deep that we can't get there. No point waiting for the snow plows...

    02 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Note: Creature comforts

    Our place is starting to resemble a proper home. Let's furnish it so we can live in a relative comfort, it keeps the spirits up.

    02 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Note: Bless the radio

    The radio is useful beyond expectations. We get the news and it's so good to be reminded of normal life and the wide world.

    02 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Diary: First blood

    One of us survived our first brush with violent death. We hope against all odds there will be no more encounters like that.

    02 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Note: A bit of indulgence

    For the first time we all indulged our addictions. It keeps the spirits up, and damn the health issues, we can die tonight anyway.

    01 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Note: Doubled the watch

    It's crucial to secure our place against night intruders. Two persons watching out for thieves can also watch out for each other.

    01 December 2014 - Add a guide
  • Diary: Day 7

    It's been seven days since we holed up here. Death is all around, but we've been lucky to keep everyone alive - so far...

    01 December 2014 - Add a guide

War Child Charity

395 (21%)
War Child Charity
  • Note: Street Art

    War can’t shut people’s mouths. Sometimes graffiti speaks more than a thousand words.

    10 March 2016 - 1 guide
  • Note: Helping children

    It’s the children who suffer the most during war. They need all the help they can get. Thank you!

    09 March 2016 - 1 guide

The Little Ones

273 (25%)
The Little Ones

Father's Promise

568 (61%)
Father's Promise
  • Diary: Compassion

    The hoodie meant the world to Amelia, but war turns everything upside down. This piece of cloth was crucial to this woman’s health. Maybe life.

    23 February 2018 - Add a guide
  • Diary: The Truth

    Faced my demons and learned the truth of that horrible night.

    23 February 2018 - Add a guide

The Last Broadcast

211 (44%)
The Last Broadcast

Fading Embers

168 (41%)
Fading Embers
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