Road Madness Reviews

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    Road Madness is an indie "arcade" racing title that was created in Unity... personal edition. *cough* *cough*.

    The above sentence should've been enough to deter you from bothering to purchase this title, but if it wasn't I will elaborate further. The game has no controller support, you must control your car with the A + D keys, and you can use left and right click to fire missiles and bullets respectively. As far as I can tell, there is no way to manage the speed of your vehicle. Essentially, you will be weaving left and right on a very narrow path, while avoiding obstacles that will wreck your car and collecting coins to purchase upgrades and more cars.

    You will be subjected to hearing the same god forsaken 30-45 seconds of music for the duration of the intro, menu screen, and first level. Luckily the other levels will allow you to listen to a different short loop of music, but prepare to be driven mad for the first ten minutes you spend on this game. Road Madness also attempts to have a story, but fails miserably at doing so since it only includes a small intro at the start of the game. Basically, you're racing for your death for the entertainment of others.

    What isn't entertaining at all, is the entirety of this game. The physics are just awful to the point where when you hit a ramp, you will be flung into the air and you will slowly descend back to the ground... usually just in front of an obstacle that you couldn't shoot out of the way because you were 100 miles north of land. This game, as mentioned earlier, does not have any controller support, nor does it have any settings whatsoever. It's pure lazy development. Oh, and I guess I should point out that the missile/bullet gauges have a stolen, slightly modified logo from The Offspring. *golf clap*

    The bottom line? Road Madness isn't worth your time, even for a buck. Just avoid it altogether, you're not missing anything but a cruddy experience with poor graphics that are barely on par for a PSX era game. I also feel that the trailer on the store page is misleading, as far as I could tell there is no way to get your camera angle to go to the side; it's all a straight on, behind the car shot. Upon reading the "positive" reviews for this game, I feel like the developer had a bunch of his friends come in and give one-liners about how "great of a time waster" this game is. I'd rather waste my time on a good title, and so should you. Better luck next time, Faton.

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