Game action
Punch Club


06 Feb 16
01 May 17
19h 29m

Punch Club Achievements

Here is the full list of all 47 Punch Club achievements. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

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  • Prevention of a crime

    You prevented a crime for the first time. I am proud of you!

    07 February 2016 - Add a guide
  • Meet Silver

    You've met Silver. He seems arrogant. I hope he'll teach you something.

    06 February 2016 - Add a guide
  • Meet Mick

    You've met Mick. He knows a lot about fighting. You feel a connection between you.

    06 February 2016 - 1 guide
  • Meet Apu

    You've met Apu. He's a shop owner. Does he ever sleep?

    06 February 2016 - 1 guide
  • First fight

    Hm... you've just finished your first fight. Now you feel strange.

    06 February 2016 - 1 guide
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