PRICE Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,889
    23 Mar 2018
    2 0 0
    PRICE is an anime style point and click adventure game in the genres horror and mystery. Released in 2016 bu YETU GAMES, this was sitting in my library for a long time until I finally played it, not really too bothered by it. However, upon opening it, determined to get some games cleared and out of my storage, I came across the most delightful opening sequence. A little dark, but beautifully detailed and drawn, I was immediately drawn in.

    Within PRICE, you play as Ivry, a young man who has awoken to a strange dream in his little sister's room, only to find his sister, Iva, is nowhere to be found and he is locked in. You must guide him amongst finding clues, items, and the like, to find a way out of the room and to find Iva.

    Truth be told, after about ten minutes of wandering around the game aimlessly without much clue what to do, I did use a walk through. For some people - in my opinion, even maybe most people - the puzzles in this are quite hard. It took me a while to get used to the combine mechanic. Maybe I was just being a bit of an idiot with the game, though, because once I went back and reread the information at the start, it was incredibly easy to understand.

    The story of this is almost guessable, except for one of the main plot points right at the end, and the ending itself after the credits totally blew me away. It left me a little confused at times, but it was utterly beautiful. Usually, with games like this, I really want to get a sequel, but I think that PRICE has held its own as a stand alone game. It is beautifully designed in a way that just drew me in and held my eye for a long time. I couldn't look away from it and managed to sit and play the game through in one sitting. The audio does get a little bit annoying after a while, especially in the first chapter with the constant singing of a girl getting repetitive, but it's easy enough to eventually drown out and focus on the game.

    Overall, this is a 4/5 game, the one star being knocked off for the audio repeating and being a little annoying, but overall, if you like mystery/horror point and click adventure games, this very well may be one of the games for you. Free to play, eight Steam achievements, it's definitely fun, and only takes 45-50 minutes to complete (with the walkthrough).
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