Idle Slayer Reviews

  • SunnyfishSunnyfish86,449
    18 Mar 2024 20 Mar 2024
    0 0 0
    A fun idle game with lots to do and a massive amount of upgrades to get. I have some nitpicks, but nothing major.

    I would like more bonus stages or if you could get a random stage between the 3 available instead of being stuck on one all the time. It isn't that it is bad, just has gotten pretty stale.

    Wind Dash is worthless until you get the upgrade to have it trigger the boost as well, which you get a long time after you get wind dash. Maybe have it trigger boost right away or something.

    I don't like doing the chest weekly because it seems like the chest key is kinda rare. I can play for an hour and never see one.

    I forgot about the new climbing minigame. It isn't bad. I just wish it wasn't so long, especially if you have the thing that enables you to get the armory item and even after the nerf. You still have to go up to like 2300ft. I have ADD. This is hell.

    Like I said, just nitpicks.
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