Fashion Police Squad Reviews

  • AstaritusAstaritus306,640
    04 May 2024
    0 0 0
    Join the ranks of defenders of fashion, style and trends from the ignorant! Join Officer Diez to pass “fashionable verdicts” in Trendopolis, the city that sets the tone for the whole world!


    Availability of achievements

    Localization into several languages, including Russian

    Gamepad support

    Retro graphics

    Hybrid graphics using 3D models and pixel art

    An abundance of secrets


    Easter eggs and references

    Great retrowave soundtrack

    A variety of unique enemies and strategies to destroy them

    Boss Battles

    Variety of costumes, accessories and weapons

    Did not like:

    Localization errors

    Localization bug where “Cool Trench” has the name “Mysterious Stranger”, while everyone refers to him as “Mysterious Stranger”

    Bug with missing textures in a number of “corner” places of locations

    “Grey Suits”, capable of throwing a briefcase through bars and walls if they are close to the object

    A bug with sock stealer gnomes, if you use them while in the ventilation, the gnomes hang in one place and do not self-destruct after destroying all enemies

    “Explosive briefcases” cause damage to the character, even if they throw the briefcase at the wall behind which the player is hiding

    “Igniters” are capable of creating fiery points - which pass through walls and objects

    “Igniters”, during a number of their attacks, completely ignore the level of floors and are capable of causing damage to a player located below/above the enemy

    “Igniters” in the subway are capable of performing the “Firing Line” attack - along an “L-shaped” path

    Presence of environmental objects between subway cars

    Problems with displaying NPC sprites against the background of fountains, baths and fog

    The difficulty of the game is the constant change of weapons during mass battles

    Visual glitch in the animation of using the SteelBream glove - when the glove is put on the character’s left hand. While during its use in the game itself, as well as in promotional images and the image during the selection of the difficulty level, the glove is worn on the right hand

    During the battle with xX_uWu_SenPaI_SWAGMaN_Xx, the hint window completely covers the boss's health bar, making it difficult to accurately determine the “correct” weapon to destroy it

    When using the SteelBream glove, the player can get stuck in objects and objects of the environment

    A character's three hands while using the Belt of Justice

    DJ Kri-Kri's attack covers the ENTIRE playing area

    Final boss - no saves between phases

    Final boss - attacks go through walls and objects

    Final boss - lack of health replenishment elements

    Subtitles for the final videos do not fit on the screen

    Overlaying part of the credits in the final videos on top of each other

    In case of death and restart from the checkpoint in mission 3 - xX_uWu_SenPaI_SWAGMaN_Xx speaks English

    Problematic platforming in Mission 3

    Opportunity to get a softlock if you follow Cool Trench to the toilet on mission 11


    "Fashion Police Squad" is an exciting game that allows you to plunge into the world of fashion and style. With this game you can become one of the members of an elite group of police officers who monitor fashion trends and enforce dress codes in various public places.

    The gameplay of Fashion Police Squad includes a variety of tasks related to fashion and trends. You have to correct the “ridiculous” clothing styles of the townspeople, participate in fashion shows, and also try to unravel who is behind the attempts to destroy Trendopolis. Your task is to protect stylish and fashionable images, as well as maintain order and harmony in Trendopolis, the main city of fashion.

    The game offers a huge selection of clothes, accessories and weapons to help you return the townspeople who have lost their fashion path to the path of style. You will also be able to upgrade your character, gaining access to new weapons and costumes, exploring new locations and completing exciting tasks.

    Fashion Police Squad is a game with an original plot, a creative approach to gameplay and the opportunity to try yourself in the role of a real metrosexual stylist. Exciting adventures await you in the world of fashion and style, where you will reveal the secrets of crimes against style and fight for justice.
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