3. Emily is Away Story walkthrough

Emily is Away features 20 Steam achievements, and some of these are story related, but only a marginal few. This requires a few play throughs – or rather, a lot of closing the game and reopening it.

First, log on to 2002. You can either choose your own screen name and first name OR you can collect the first icon achievement here. Choosing the first icon achievement here knocks off one of the playthroughs.

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To unlock the Write Some Fiction achievement, use “Deadworld” as your screen name and “Elegy” as your first name. The achievement will unlock after a small Easter Egg talk, and then the game will continue as normal.

Continue on to make your choices throughout chapter one until the end of it.

Note: your choices effect which ending you get in the game but do not affect achievement collection.

Continue on through chapters two, three, four, and five.

Start the game again by clicking on “2002.”

For the second icon achievement, use “Halflife” as your screen name and “Gordon” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the
Best Friends with Gabe achievement.

Close the game, and reopen it. Click on “2002”.

Use “Parable” as your screen name and “Stanley” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Stanley didn’t unlock this achievement.

Continue closing and reopening the game, and clicking on “2002”. Use the following for the res of the achievements.

Use “Triforce” as your screen name and “Zelda” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Hyrule Messenger achievement.

Use “Fallout” as your screen name and “Solesurvivor” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Sole Survivor achievement.

Use “Undertale” as your screen name and “Flowey” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Friendliness Petals for All achievement.

Use “Muchusername” as your screen name and “Doge” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Much Unlock, Very Wow achievement.

Use “Twitch” as your screen name and “Kappa” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock Oh wow, What an achievement.

Use “Isaac” as your screen name and “Isaac” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Binding of Instant Messengers achievement.

Use “Dota2” as your screen name and “Icefrog” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Icefrog, Please Nerf achievement.

Use “Sigurross” as your screen name and “Sigur” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Vid Spilum Endalaust achievement.

Use “Nyancat” as your screen name and “Nyan” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the Nyanyanyan achievement.

Use “Portal” as your screen name and “Chell” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the This Achievement is a Lie achievement.

Use “Clippy” as your screen name and “Clippy” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock Looks like you Unlocked an Achievement.

Finally, use “Johncena” as your screen name and “John” for your first name. After a short talk with Emily, you will unlock the ANDHISNAMEISJOHNCENA achievement.

Happy completion, happy gaming!

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