Depth Reviews

  • The Horror NetworkThe Horror Network216,847
    17 Jun 2017
    2 0 0
    Depth is a multiplayer-exclusive game that takes place far within the ocean. Upon joining a game with a total of six people, including yourself, you will either be one of four divers or one of two sharks. Over the last two and a half years, the developers have managed to keep this small indie title alive by hosting both paid-for and free events, similar to the operations in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, where players gain event coins and unlock new skins and prizes by leveling their coin up.

    Personally, I'm not one for most multiplayer games since a lot of them have a fanbase comprised of either pre-teen crap talkers or overly competitive "git gud" players that will kick you if you're not top notch at what you're doing; rarely do you meet people in these high-end, popular multiplayer titles who are as casual as you are. Other than the fresh gameplay, that's what I've enjoyed the most about Depth so far, is that its player base are mostly genuinely helpful and good natured. Sure, you still get the random rage quitters and the odd "I'm trying to insult you but all I can think of are homophobic slurs" kids, but they're few and far between. This title also surprisingly has a big and active player base for an indie title that's heading into its third year, and finding a game fast is always easy.

    As a diver, your goal is to collect treasure and make it back to the ship alive. Grabbing treasure and giving it to S.T.E.V.E., an AI controlled robot who is tasked with opening pre-designated treasure chests, gives your entire team a money boost. You'll use your money to upgrade your guns, buy new ones, and also purchase consumables; sonar, bombs, auto-turrets, etc. As a shark, it's your duty to see to it that the divers never make it out of the ocean. They show up as red outlines on the screen, and once you have a diver close enough, you can rush at them and grab them, then shake them until they're dead. Each team starts out with 30 "life tickets", and the game is won when all of one teams' life tickets are depleted and no player is left alive, or when the divers reach the surface.

    I have found that the ratio of being placed on the shark team is very low, for myself personally out of about 50 games I've been a shark maybe 5 times. This is the biggest gripe that I do have about Depth, since when I finally am able to be a shark, I have no tactics or experience and generally end up losing due to this. There are also multiple sharks that you can choose to be, from the Great White to the Hammerhead and Mako. Each shark has their own special evolution ability that can be leveled up three times with evolution points, which are earned from killing divers.

    Although there are three game types, the one that you'll play almost all of the time is Blood and Gold, where you scour for treasure as I mentioned above. There's also the Megalodon Hunt, but I've yet to experience anyone playing it online recently. All of the gameplay takes place across 12 different maps, which have their own atmosphere and look to them; from bright blue seas to dark, grisly depths. I should also mention that there's a leveling system in place, and the more matches you play, the more experience you earn. You also unlock new equipment and perks through leveling up. However, I do find the aforementioned point to be one of the downsides of Depth, seeing as it gives others an advantage over you if they're a higher level.

    When it comes right down to it, Depth is an extremely solid multiplayer game with an active player base that isn't filled with turd nuggets. The events are a good sign that the creators of the title are thinking about how to keep it alive for years to come. Creating tactics as a shark can take some getting used to, especially if you're unlucky and rarely get to be one, although doing the same as a diver can be tricky as well until you get to know the game. Though the only real downside is its repetitive nature, the bottom line is that if you're down with multiplayer games, Depth is an experience that isn't to be missed despite the few short-comings that it houses.

    Rating: 5.0/5.0 - Excellent, highly worth playing.
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